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Imagine Mastodon-inspired riffs played with the chilling precision of Meshuggah and arranged using Tool’s hard-hitting progressive approach. A debut that has that extra kick you would only expect from a collection of seasoned pros. Watch out...it’s going to hurt.






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pass - www.mediaportal.ru


"One of the most exiting newcomers this year" 8/10 Terrorizer U.K.


"Monument Bineothan" offers great promise for the future of Metalcore and Progressive Death Metal." 8/10 www.metal-observer.com


"These dudes from Norway are onto something, and it will be interesting keeping an eye on them over their next few releases and see where they go from here." www.seaoftranquility.org


"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have to write that thank-you letter to Norway for their #1 export... awesome music. 8/10 "www.suburbanhorror.com


"Monument Bineothan' is an incredible album and one hell of a debut that left me very impressed. Recommended to everybody that enjoys sludge and a high level of technicality and professionalism in their metal." 8.7/10 www.gothtronic.com


"An album that plays on alternating explosions of pure violence with melancholic overtures - a formula that still reveals itself as charming, especially since it's orchestrated by experianced musicians." 7/10 Metal Hammer, Italy


"Being compared to Mastodon or Mehuggah seems unfair as they've managed to make a totally new sound of their own." 8.4/10 Hardrock Haven, U.S.A.


"As a whole Monument Bineothan has integrity. Anyone into metalcore will be more than satisfied with this debut." 78/100 Aardschock, Netherlands


"Monolithic, Mastodon-post-hardcore-sounds, very dark and heavy." 5/7 Metal Hammer, Germany


"Sentimental, melodic elements meet disturbing eruptions." 8/10 Metal Heart, Germany


"This is not only a fantastic progressive release, this is a future classic of perhaps soon to be one of the most widely-known bands in the metal genre. Keep a look out for Benea Reach." www.heathenharvest.com


"The production is top-notch - vocals, bass, drums and the three guitars are all mixed perfectly and at varying points burst, snarl and whisper from your speakers. Ilkka's vocals are spine-chilling, sounding similar to John from Darkest Hour, Marco's drums boom and punch like a Japanese movie monster, the bass rumbles with all the menace you'd like, and the three guitars form a wall of ultra-heavy noise that's by turns soothing and suffocating." Must Have 9,5/10 www.sinister.com.au


"Bands like this are leading us into new ground, though an open mind is required." 6,5/10 live-metal.net


"Benea Reach are here to change the rules fashionably." www.transformonline.com


"Monument Bineothan is an album that is necessary to have." 90/100 www.hardandheavy.net


"All in all, this is a pretty impressive debut and certainly is innovative." 79% www.roarezine.com


" If you are a fan of metalcore but have grown tired of the endless clichés and similar bands then this is an album you will want to check out." 4 Skulls www.unboundzine.com


"The metal book has been updated, good and bad, and Benea Reach is writing its own chapter..." 8,5/10 www.midwestmetalmagazine.com

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  • 4 years later...

Čuo sam im debut kad su ga izdali, bio mi je vrlo interesantan, ali u suštini ne mogu da podnesem hrišćanske metal bendove, tako da su završili priču icon_smile.gif


nervira me kad op na temi za bend ne stavi da je bend hriscanski, dzaba sam citao do tvog posta; to treba uvesti u pravila foruma, ako je bend hriscanski, velikim slovima da pise


nervira me kad op na temi za bend ne stavi da je bend hriscanski, dzaba sam citao do tvog posta; to treba uvesti u pravila foruma, ako je bend hriscanski, velikim slovima da pise


Zasto je to uopste bitno? Ako je hriscanski ne mora da znaci da je los. Koga boli kurac za tekstove.


meni i ako ne pratim tekst odredjene pesme volim da znam bar koja je tematika ili u kom je fazonu bend sto se tice tekstova generalno; ako saznam da je hriscanska zdravo dovidjenja, mnogo mi to retardirano da svarim; no, ne treba da sirimo na ovu temu, ko voli nek izvoli


to je druga prica, to je kao da ni smeta sto je bah pisao muziku za crkvu ili sto je gospel duhovna muzika, 16hp je previse autentican da bi mi smetalo sto je hriscanski; metal nikad ne moze biti toliko iskren, a kad je najiskreniji onda moze biti samo antihriscanski nikad hriscanski, ne priznajem to sranje

Posted (edited)

meni i ako ne pratim tekst odredjene pesme volim da znam bar koja je tematika ili u kom je fazonu bend sto se tice tekstova generalno; ako saznam da je hriscanska zdravo dovidjenja, mnogo mi to retardirano da svarim; no, ne treba da sirimo na ovu temu, ko voli nek izvoli

Pa dobro,po tebi ložački anti-hrišćanski tekstovi buntovnih klinaca od po 19,20 godina su ti ok a hrišćasnsku tematiku ne možeš da svariš.Možda bi i sve to bilo ok,samo što većina metal bendova koja za inspiraciju uzima hrišćanstvo, ima tekstove koje prevazilaze "Jesus love you" forme.Ali druga je to priča što si ti očigledno toliko ignorantan pa to ne želiš da znaš.

Edited by SixStepsOnTheMoon

Meni je to loženje na satanizam glupo maksimalno, samo žvaka za pubertetlije koje ne kapiraju da je to teatralna poza za stejdž i ništa više.

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