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Za mene je zadnji album od pravog PF - Final Cut -sramota,ali opet bih na njemu mogao da nadjem par dobrih pesama kao i na riot act-u.

Ako je po necem PJ poznat onda je to da je svaki sledeci album razlicit od svih prethodnih,tako da kreirarati misljenje o sledecem na osnovu poslednjeg je..........

Svrbi me prst da ispisem odgovor od 5 strana na izjavu da je The Final Cut sramota, ali necu, suzdrzacu se. E da, jedna vest, procitah skoro u Politici da se najavljauje koncert Pearl Jama u BG-u sledece godine, jel zna neko o ovome nesto vise?

Posted (edited)

Svrbi me prst da ispisem odgovor od 5 strana na izjavu da je The Final Cut sramota, ali necu, suzdrzacu se.

I mene da na tvojih 5,napisem 10.

Ali ne bih mogao da blatim PF(koji slusam,sviram od 94',jedan od prvih sam ovde imao na vhs-u,live in pompei,the wall-film...i jos malo da se proseravam...).Meni licno je taj album los i takodje me svrbi prst da opravdam riot act.

Edited by Habit
Za mene je zadnji album od pravog PF - Final Cut -sramota,ali opet bih na njemu mogao da nadjem par dobrih pesama kao i na riot act-u.

Ako je po necem PJ poznat onda je to da je svaki sledeci album razlicit od svih prethodnih,tako da kreirarati misljenje o sledecem na osnovu poslednjeg je..........

TFC mi je treci po omiljenosti svih PF albuma. Ljudi koji kazu da je sranje nemaju ushi.

Riot Act ima dve dobre pesme. To onda, logicno, NIJE dobar album. Pearl Jam uopste nije toliko varirao, ozbiljno se razlikuje jedino Ten, koji je uokviren na cudan genijalan nacin, posle toga je to manje-vise ista prica, s tim da su prva tri albuma neporecivo jako dobra. Riot Act je isprana verzija predhodnih albuma, uz dodatak meni nejasne odluke da solaze nisu potrebne (???) i da valja prekrsiti desetogodisnje obecanje o nepravljenju komercijalnih spotova (Do the Evolution je opravdan izuzetak od pravila i koncertne i TV varijante se ne racunaju).


Ah, da, sto se poslednje opaske tice, Bad Religion mi je potvrdio pravilo, Oasis takodje, HIM itd itd, mrzi me da prizivam ruzne uspomene.

To jedino PF-u uspeva, da posle solidno-do-ne-bas-tako-sjajnog albuma (TMLoR) izdaju prilicno dobar (TDB). Cak i bez Watersa.


Riot act ima sjajnih pesama...i meni je na prvo slusanje bio ispod proseka medjutim slusajuci ga promenio sam misljenje....

pesme poput:


i am mine

green disease

thumbling my way

save you

love boat captain

all or none


....su sjajne.Pearl jam je po meni napravio jedinu promenu donekle svog zvuka sa No code albumom....od tada pa sve do Riot act-a se u njihovom zvuku mogu prepoznati neki country pa cak i '70 rock elementi....od novog albuma ocekujem da bude u nekom punk/hardrock fazonu sudeci po izjavama Eddie-a i Mike-a....mix VS-a i Vitalogy-a recimo....

A nadam se da cemo ugostiti Pearl Jam sledece godine u junu ovde kada ce se desiti euro tour....Novi album valjda u martu/aprilu

Posted (edited)

Zombie,izdvojio bih sledece pesme sa riot-a:

can't keep,save you,ghost,i'm mine,thumbing my way,you are,get right,all or none.

Edited by Habit

heh eto ja i ti popunismo ceo album....ne stvarno generalno album je dobar.....ali po meni najbolji do sada mozda i muzicki i textualno je Binaural....na njemu se vidi ogromna zrelost benda i kvalitet....

Ako si ti nasla 2 dobre pesme na riot act-u,ti si onda moj idol.

I live to serve icon_biggrin.gif.

Ima jedna jako korisna stvarcica u domovima zdravlja. Stedi vreme, u obliku je levka i s dodatkom vodenog pistolja. Cini cuda.

Zanimljivo koji si deo odlucio da citiras.


U svakom slucaju, ja cu svoj zivot rizikovati u prvim redovima ako PJ uopste pridje zemlji. Uz malo srece odsvirace te dve stvari sa Riot Acta icon_smile.gif.

Posted (edited)

Ima jedna jako korisna stvarcica u domovima zdravlja. Stedi vreme, u obliku je levka i s dodatkom vodenog pistolja. Cini cuda.



Jel to ono kad ti nabijaju u bulju zbog zatvora?

Nisam znao da imas i druge aspekte intresovanja.

Tvoj post o albumima pj nije vredan komentara,tako da sam ustedeo vreme citirajuci te 2 famozne pesme sa riota.


Zombie,meni yield pa binaural.

Edited by Habit

hmmm...gore neko rece da peral jam nije varirao na albumima??

pa,ako njihovi albumi nisu razliciti,svaki ima svoju pricu,onda ne znam sta je variranje...


drugo,council,govoris kao da su pearl jam najveci promashaj posle riot acta...riot act jeste njihovo najlosihi album,ali to ne moze nikako da ubije ono sto osecam prema njima i njihovoj muzici...a to vezivanje za spotove je stvarno idiotski...pa sta,snimili ljudi spot,ionako nisu nista revolicionarni,tako da prakticno,kao i da ne postoje...


ne prethodnim stranicama,sam rekla,ali reci cu ponovo,da je mom profesoru omiljeni album riot act?dok mu je ten previse usviran i tehnicki previse isplaniran...tako da,ko moze reci da to nije dobar album...


a bad religion mi ne diraj...mrzim te fore,bend koji je uzor mnogim novo nastalim bendovima posle njih,koji je stvorio svoj brend sviranja i nacina komponovanja muzike,napravi malo losiji album i odma padaju na lestvici popularnosti...eh..

ja bih se zapitala da li sam stvarno volela taj bend...


I want eddie to fuck me : ))))))))))


a bad religion mi ne diraj...mrzim te fore,bend koji je uzor mnogim novo nastalim bendovima posle njih,koji je stvorio svoj brend sviranja i nacina komponovanja muzike,napravi malo losiji album i odma padaju na lestvici popularnosti...eh..

ja bih se zapitala da li sam stvarno volela taj bend...


Ja znam napamet vise nego nekoliko BR albuma. Prestala sam da ih aktivno slusam i pre nego sto se The New America pojavio, a tu su me samo dodatno uverili da ne moram bas ubuduce da ih pratim. Tako da me nije odvratio njihov navodno los album..samo njega ne slusam, dok cu No Control i Generator slusati dok sam ziva, nezavisno od toga sta mislim o poslednjih izdanjima. I, opet, oni su mi u prvih 7 ( icon_smile.gif ) koncerata koje bih volela da posetim. Dosta o tome, pobogu.


drugo,council,govoris kao da su pearl jam najveci promashaj posle riot acta...


Lost Dogs, hronoloski objavljen posle Riot Acta, je odlican. Tako da nisam to rekla, zar ne. Mada, videcemo na sta ce NOVE stvari da lice icon_smile.gif..


pa,ako njihovi albumi nisu razliciti,svaki ima svoju pricu


A kakve TO veze ima sa muzickim stilom i atmosferom albuma?? Sve su to tipicni PJ albumi.. Sto, ne skacite, nije lose i nije ponavljanje, samo nema preteranih varijacija, kao sto vec rekoh. Uostalom, to ja mislim, dakle, to je moja stvar.


ali reci cu ponovo,da je mom profesoru omiljeni album riot act?dok mu je ten previse usviran i tehnicki previse isplaniran...


Problem s Ten-om je sto je previse savrsen.

Samo, ja tu ne vidim problem.


prvo,ne svadjamo se ,samo diskutujemo : )


Ja znam napamet vise nego nekoliko BR albuma

ovaj..ok.lepo je to...


Prestala sam da ih aktivno slusam i pre nego sto se The New America pojavio


koliko ja shvatam,ovo podrazumeva da je new america,losh albumcic ili ne?

u svakom slucaju,album jeste slabiji,ali nikako zanemraljiv..pogotovo je jako zanimljiv kad se sviraju neke pesme...

a posle toga,dolazi fenomenalan process of belief...emire mi jos nije legao kako treba,ali isto dobar album..

znam,da volis bend,zato su mi i cudne reakcije...

al ok.


A kakve TO veze ima sa muzickim stilom i atmosferom albuma?? Sve su to tipicni PJ albumi.. Sto, ne skacite, nije lose i nije ponavljanje, samo nema preteranih varijacija, kao sto vec rekoh. Uostalom, to ja mislim, dakle, to je moja stvar.


a kako nema?? kad kazem svoja prica,ne mislim samo na tekstove,tu podrazumevam sve,pocev od prve sirove faze pesme,do muzike,nacina sviranja,pevanja i tako dalje..znaci,kompletna prica pesama,odnosno,albuma..

a drugo,albumi se razlikuju taman toliko da ne bude okretanje istoga na dvadeset pet nacina...a to tipicno pearl jamovski..a kakvo treba da bude?tipicno nekog drugog benda..ja i ne volim bendove koji se maksimalno menjaju sa albuma na album..zar nije poetna da bend ima odredjenu karakteristicnu crtu kojom godinama razradjuje i pravi imidz benda....

uostalom,da,pravo kazes,to je tvoje misljenje...



Problem s Ten-om je sto je previse savrsen.

Samo, ja tu ne vidim problem.

ne vidim ni ja : ) ma pusti,ludi slikari icon_wink.gif


@estranged,fina ti ova "slicica" : ))))


bah pa normalno je da se bend menja donekle od albuma do albuma...jbg drugaciji muzicki uticaju su u pitanju....ukusi se menjaju....ljudi sazrevaju....Ja licno mislim da je Ten jedan od najslozenijoh albuma pearl jam-a i da je na neki nacin nastao pod dejstvom Mother love bone faze sviranja....vecina pesama je nastala nesposredno posle raspada MLB kada je A.Wood umro...ne verujem da ce PJ ikada moci da ponove tako nesto...muzika na ten-u hmmm jednostavno plovi i ima nesto specijalno u sebi

Riot Act je dobar album ali najlosiji od svih.....

prvo,ne svadjamo se ,samo diskutujemo : )





Ma kad smo se nas dve svadjale icon_biggrin.gificon_wink.gif ..


ovaj..ok.lepo je to...


Svakako. Drugacije ne bih prihvatila.


koliko ja shvatam,ovo podrazumeva da je new america,losh albumcic ili ne?


Mislim, volim i ja svoj kompjuter.. icon_smile.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

ok evo jednog posta preuzetog sa oficijelnog Pearl jam foruma.Tice se stvari vezanih za novi album koji treba da se pojavi po svemu sudeci u aprilu.Mislim da ima interesantnih stvari.Pozdrav




Members confirmed:

Ed Vedder - vocals, guitar

Mike McCready - guitar

Stone Gossard - guitar

Jeff Ament - bass

Matt Cameron - drums


I would say its fairly safe to assume that by looking at previous releases, some tracks will feature backing vocals from Jeff and Stone, and probably Matt too. You never know, maybe Stone or Jeff will sing lead vocals on a song (yeah, i know it's unlikely, but it's happened before, so never say never!).


Possible additional musicians:

Keneth 'Boom' Gaspar - keyboards, organ



Adam Kaspar


Tentative Release Date:

11th April '06


Possible title:



Possible songs:

Of The Earth (Vedder)("a song Ed wrote that is kind of a cross between early Peter Gabriel/ Genesis and Sleater-Kinney with, like, the Who's Live at Leeds")

Parachutes (Vedder/Gossard)("It's got a beautiful melody")

Severed Hand (Gossard)("a heavy rocker")

Worldwide Suicide (Vedder)("very punky and who-ish")


Cold Concession (Vedder/Gossard/Ament/McCready/Cameron)


Crapshoot Rapture (Vedder/Gossard/McCready)(performed live at Northwest Benefit and Easy Street)

Gone (Vedder)(Ed solo, performed live at Atlantic City, day 2)

Unemployable (McCready/Cameron)

Big Job


(These are all known to exist, but it is unclear as to which will end up on the record)


Additional Information:


The album will be released through J Records.


There are murmers from those claiming to have met the members recently that the guys will head out on tour in may, which would support the idea of an april release.


Ed has said in an interview that the album will "hopefully" come out by april


Ed took recording equipment with him to South America on the recent tour to continue work on his vocals.


The band will return to the studio to finish off the new album in January.


Jeff has stated that the band plans to tour Europe, Australia, and the US following the release of the album.


There are 25 songs written for the new record, roughly half are expected to make the final cut


McCready Interview - "We all came up with different songs for ourselves. We came in, edited and kicked out ideas. Ed's been a hardcore workhorse, experimenting with intense, layered vocals. It's hard-edge with some pop feel. It's a classic Pearl Jam record -- it's got the excitement of Vs to it. There's some powerful singing, and the music is pretty hard-rocking"


Gossard Interview - "There's a sense that we've done something special, everyone's been writing and participating in it . . . Asking a guy in the band how good the record is problematic, but to me it's freaking brilliant"


Cameron Interview - "There's a lot more up-tempo stuff, It's a lot more rockin' than our last one. We reworked everything together in the studio, It's a really healthy environment -- everyone really just wants to dig in and make the songs as good as they can be."


MTV Ament Interview - "We've been working on the material in three separate three-week chunks since February with producer Adam Kasper. Playing with the band is kind of like riding a bike at this point. We came together kind of with the idea of not bringing any complete songs initially, and just coming in with riffs and trying to write a bunch of stuff together. We probably ended up writing 10 things as a band, like full-on collaborations with everybody in the room. It feels great. The collaborated songs somehow, to me, feel better — I think just because everybody had a little say, and everybody kind of got a little piece of their personality in it. It makes us feel like a band.

In the last few years, we've learned how to communicate with each other better. And in the process, we've learned to trust one another and become friends. It's a great thing to be able to just go into a room with four other guys and be able to make music easily. It's typically easier to make music with one or two other people, or if you're playing in a situation where there's a real bandleader or single songwriter who's coming in with all the ideas and you just play. But I think in making a real band work, it feels like we kind of got through that rough patch, and it's that tired analogy of getting married and having the honeymoon and then going through the rough patch, and then going to therapy and coming out of it feeling you know each other better than ever. And the sex is better than ever! It feels a little like that.

It's the classic thing: learning how to speak so that the other person or people listen, and on the other end of that, learning how to listen. It's pretty powerful stuff when you break through, it's like you can't believe you've been missing that part of that person for that long when you finally understand the language that they're speaking. And then it makes it easier. You can be there when the person needs you, and you start to understand the way people react to things, and it makes it a lot easier to be in a band and run a business. Consequently, it makes it easier to be friends."

So far, the band's written a total of 25 songs, but the final track listing will have around a dozen songs — and the decision about which tracks make the final cut largely rests with "Ed, because he's writing 95 percent of the lyrics".

As for the focus of Vedder's lyrical direction, or whether the album would convey any specific themes, Ament wasn't so sure.

"There's some imagery that makes me think that he's talking about the state of the union, but he's so good with words that sometimes I think it could actually end up being about a friend of his or a relationship that he's witnessed," he said. "He's so sensitive to so many different things that he can pull things out of some pretty interesting places and combine them with politics or religion or whatever. I think there's a lot of nature involved in the stuff — that's the thing that I relate to the most, the imagery around nature and wanting to keep it intact."


Ed Brazilian Radio Interview - "It's been a difficult record and it's like sometimes the harder something is, then the more valuable it becomes. It's easily the best stuff we've done but also some of the hardest stuff. It's very aggressive, because again, it's kind of a product of what it's like to be an American these days. It's pretty aggressive, especially when you turn it loud."

"It's not quite done. I'm hoping to finish the last of the songs while I'm down (in South America). If I can come back and finish the last few songs in January, then it will be out in April or something."

"We want the songs to be heard for the first time when the record comes out. I was thinking of the word 'un-owned' -- not owned by anybody - The sky is un-owned. The moon is un-owned. We're un-owned. We want to remain un-owned. The title was 'Superun-owned.' "


Mike Chicago The Loop Interview - The record is in later stages, has a shape. Too early to say what it is yet, "It's bad voodoo" to talk about it yet.

I am really Excited about the new record so far...The early mixes sound incredible. Ed is singing like I have never heard him before. With every ounce of his being and soul he is propelling the songs to a classic status. The band is firing on all cylinders making this record, we are right in the middle of recording and feel that this is the best record we have ever done."


Although Ed said that the song 'Gone' would not be released on the new album when he performed it in Atlantic City, Jeff stated in a radio interview that the rest of the band were trying to get him to reconsider, because they thought it was so good.


The fact that 25 songs were written for the new album, now 26 including 'Gone' has led many to beleive that a double album will be released. However as Stone has stated in an interview that roughlyhalf of them will make the final cut this theory seems to hold little weight. However, on a purely speculative side, that would leave a very large amount of b-sides...


Spin Magazine Article from September '05 - Pearl Jam have been recording their eighth studio album (and first for J Records) in Seattle since February. "It's a bit more rock heavy," says bassist Jeff Ament. "It feels more up-tempo and experimental. 'Cold Confession' was a 15-minute jam that we lopped down, and Ed [Vedder] wrote some amazing lyrics on the spot." Other potentials include "Parachutes,""Big Job", and "Worldwide Suicide," which came from ten days of collaborative writing, "which we haven't done since the second record."


Song lyrics:

1) Crapshoot Rapture -

Consider me an object

Free of all infliction

Free of all conditions

Free of ambitions


I've been sittin' upside down

And then i will swing

For all eternity


Never forward

Yes i know it

Oh feeling like

Its something i never thought you'd be a part of??


Bring me to a doctor?

Maybe an asylum?

Calling on decisions

Breathing amunition


Feeling righteous?

Yeah that's not forward

Feeling like there's something i never thought you'd be part of


Coming forward

Yeah forwards, backwards

Coming close yeah


Hang on

Sail on

I'm feeling forward

But backing off

Falling down


Yeah ive been sitting upside down

And then i will slip

For all eternity


2) Gone -

No more upset mornings

No more trying evenings

It's the American Dream I am disbelieving.

When the gas in my tank feels like money in the bank

I’m gonna blow it all this time, take me one last ride.

The lights of the city, they only look good when I’m speeding

I wanna leave em all behind me because this time I’m gone

Gone, going for it all this time, gone.

In the far off distance

As my taillights fade

No one to witness but they will someday

Feel like a question is forming

And the answers

I will be what I could be

Once I get out of this town.

The lights of this city

They’ve lost all of their feeling

I wanna leave em all behind me because this time I’m gone

Gone, going for it all, this time I’m gone

Nothing is everything

I’ll have it all

If nothing is everything then I will have it all.

I’m gone.


Song link: Crapshoot Rapture can be downloaded from the unofficial Easy Street bootleg, available from www.supergossard.it

Song link: Gone can be downloaded from the official Atlantic City (Day 2) bootleg, available from www.pearljam.com



skinula sam crapshoot i sta znam,nije mi bash legla...jeste da je uzivo snimak i da je veoma losh,ali nisam bash oduseljena...naravno,ne uzimam sve zdravo za gotovo,to je prvi utisak...cekam ja lepo album,ostalo je sve magla...


uhh meni crapshot bas odkida...Ramones u mix-u sa 80's americkim punk-om....no sve stvar ukusa...kapiram da ce album vecinom da zvuci tako jer rekoshe da ce biti bas dosta cvrst....


@negative creep


a pa koliko to godina imas?....nedaj se izneveriti icon_wink.gif

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