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  • 4 weeks later...

ko i' jebe

posle LD50 gotovo sve sto su uradili nije uopste vredno pomena

najgrdji gay komerc


tuga da te uvati

od onako orginalnog benda u svakom mogucem smislu, a pre svega muzickom

nastade govno sa AmFCG komerc refrenima :puke:


Onaj bes koji na LD 50 kao glavnu temu ima analizu raspadnute američke porodice ubačenu kao osvrt na globalno stanje društva ne možeš da eksploatišeš više od jednog albuma. Realno.


Kapiram da su što se energije proistekle iz besa prema ocu tiče ispucali sve tada i to je to. :)


pa dobro, pusti tematiku tekstova

sta je sa muzikom?


od onih bolesnih deonica sa ld50 nisam cuo nista slicno nakon toga

dovoljno je uporediti napr pesmu tipa pharmaecopia sa pesmom happy i sve ti je jasno :)


  • 1 month later...

After the return of vocalist Chad Gray and guitarist Greg Tribbett from their touring commitments with side project Hellyeah, Mudvayne has begun the recording process for The New Game As of July 16th their myspace now shows a video with a possible preview of a new song. The video plays guitar riffs, stops, displays a few words, and then continues the riffs/stops, etc. These words spell out, "It's happening," " It's coming," "Are you...," and finally, "Ready?" this video can also be viewed on their fan based website found here. An updated version of the video ends with the date August 26, 2008, a possible release for the first single from the new album. As of August 19th there is also a preview of the new song on their myspace, which includes Chad singing. Now as of September 1st Mudvaynes homepage has the preview of the video.


After putting their fourth record on hold last summer so singer Chad Gray could tour with his other band Hellyeah, Mudvayne are finally wrapping up the disc with producer Dave Fortman (Slipknot, Evanescence). The band has completed tracking drums and guitars and is about to start recording bass. Vocals will follow and mastering should be completed by October 1 for a late November release, Fortman tells HeadbangersBlog.com. The album is tentatively called The New Game and will be followed six months later by a second full record.


Regarding the first disc, Fortman says Mudvayne fans should be pleased, but at the same time, the band has dug into its arsenal and pulled out some new weapons. “It’s heavy and has great hooks, but it also has some moments that are a little more rock n’ roll that are really cool,” Fortman says. “It’s not anything drastic, but every now and then you’ll catch a little hint of old-school rock. Also, the tones are a little more earthy sounding and a little warmer than [2005's] Lost and Found.”


Mudvayne have most of the music for the second album written, but still need vocal melodies on four songs. “We may go for even more of a metal approach on some of the songs to break it up a little bit,” Fortman says. “But who knows what they’ll come up with.”

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Nisam siguran, ali mislim da novi album izlazi 18 novembra... Imali neko neku novost u vezi toga... Jel izasla neka pesma na net ili sl...?

Na My space stani Mudvayne izasli su delovi od 30 sekundi sledecih pesama : "Fish out of water", "The new game" i "Do what you do" .. Iskreno ne zvuci lose , skroz u Mudvayne fazonu ... Jedva cekam album! :)

Edited by deki_slipknot

Prosto ne znam shta oni novo mogu da izvuku... mada, razlikovali su se od svih NU bendova, pa bi ovo trebalo da tresne. Ali, teshko da ce neko da skine Heada sa trona, bar za ovu godinu :)


Ma nek budu 2,3 pesme koje ce me oduseviti, i ja cu biti zadovoljan :D Na ranijim albumima su skoro uvek uspevali to da urade...

...cekamo album...cekamo.....

nakon Metallice i Slipknot-a, mogli bi i oni da urade jedan solidan album...

Posted (edited)
kapiram da ce se album svesti na neke polubalade sa poslednja 2 albuma. pa ce se pricati kako su napredovali i kako su zreli. :puke:


I ja ovo kontam :D




Jbt kako je ogavan cover za single :puke:

Edited by Fake City

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