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Prvi post je editovan a prvobitna informacija obrisana zbog linka koji ne radi i zato što post nije sadržao bilo kakve relevantne informacije vezane za dotični bend.


Radi lakšeg snalaženja na ovoj temi, u prvom postu ćete imati ažuriran spisak bendova koji su postavljeni na temi sa linkovima do svakog od njih.




Wicked Wisdom -----> LINK

Fordirelifesake -----> LINK i LINK

Zao -----> LINK

Misericordiam -----> LINK

Winter Solstice -----> LINK

Held So Dear -----> LINK

Blind Myself -----> LINK

A Perfect Murder -----> LINK

Destroy The Runner -----> LINK

Nueva Etica -----> LINK

Gardens of Hiroshima -----> LINK

Cyanide Christ -----> LINK

Will Haven -----> LINK

Into the Moat -----> LINK

Child O' Flames -----> LINK

Without Remorse -----> LINK

Embers -----> LINK

Asunto -----> LINK

Evans Blue -----> LINK

A Love Ends Suicide, The March Of Seasons, Bleed In Vain, Burn In Silence, Born Of Osiris -----> LINK

Edited by Natasha!
  • 7 months later...
Posted (edited)



technical metalcore bend iz Detroita, osnovan 1999.



Eric Kempa - gitara, vokal

Justin Malek - bubanj, vokal

Brian Southall - gitara, vokal

Matthew Wedge - vokal

David Wisbiski - bass, vokal



Breathing In Is Only Half the Function (2001) - LP

Breathing In Is Only Half the Function [Remastered] (2002) - LP

Dance.Pretend.Forget.Defend (2004) - LP


fordirelifesake (2000) - EP

A Daydream Disaster (2005) - EP


Split (/w Wafflehouse*) (2002)

Split (/w Deluge) (2003)

Split (/w Hewhocorrupts) (2002)


Live in the D - Live DVD (2006)




jel' slusao neko ovaj bend?

meni su oni odlicni, izdvojio bih pesme Just a Memory; Four Letter Lie; The Perfect Way to Cut Myself; Sweet, We Forgot to Name Our Cover Song...

Edited by Natasha!
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)


metalcore bend iz Greensburga, Pensilvanija, osnovan 1993.


Author 1994 demo

Conflict 1994 demo

Sustained 1995 demo

Treadwater EP 1995 split with Through and Through

All Else Failed 1995

The Ties That Bind EP 1996 A split with Outcast

The Splinter Shards the Birth of Separation 1997

Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest 1998

Split EP 1998 A split with Training for Utopia

Liberate Te Ex Inferis 1999

(Self Titled) 2001

Parade of Chaos 2002

All Else Failed 2003 (reizdanje sa novim vokalom)

The Funeral of God 2004

Legendary 2004 (kompilacija pesama sa prethodnih albuma)

The Fear Is What Keeps Us Here 2006


ovo sto sam cuo do sada je vrlo obecavajuce, imam ovih osam albuma i kompilaciju i fino zvuci




Edited by Natasha!
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)



znaci ovi likovi ubijaju, zajebali su sve sa vokalima, BREEEEEEEEEBREEEEEEEEEBREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! :rockdevil:


bend nastao 2004, za sad imaju jedan EP A Thin Line Between Man And Machine sa sedam pesama:

01 - Social Jihad And Genocide. The Only Certainty In An Uncertain World With No Promise Of Tomorrow

02 - Cum Sucking Whore. Cold Stone Wins

03 - Indie Girl. Admiration For The Girl Without A Face

04 - Obsessive Compulsive. The Act Of Fornication Compulsive

05 - Hefty Bag Disposal. The Promise Ring

06 - Sha Sha In Her Boomboxx. Mhmm Tastes Like Pussy

07 - The Kay Razzle Extravaganza Presents...The Fingerbang Legshake


evo i linka za download: http://rapidshare.com/files/2062151/M_ATLB...tal.ru.rar.html





kome se svidja JFAC obavezno nek poslusa ove likove...





Edited by Natasha!
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Winter Solstice

metalcore bend, razisli se prosle godine

imaju dva izdanja

The Pulse Is Overrated EP [2004]

The Fall Of Rome [2005]


imam ovaj The Fall Of Rome, odlican je


evo linka za album: <a href="http://rapidshare.com/files/25126679/Winte...Rome__2005_.rar" target="_blank">http://rapidshare.com/files/25126679/Winte...Rome__2005_.rar</a>


na devetoj pesmi na albumu gostujuci vokal je Tim Lambesis [As I Lay Dying]


<a href="http://www.myspace.com/wintersolstice" target="_blank">http://www.myspace.com/wintersolstice</a>



pass je www.mediaportal.ru

Edited by Natasha!
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest deviant_x
Posted (edited)

Held So Dear


Decki sviraju metalcore i imaju vlijanija od bendovi kao:Killswitchengage,As i lay Dying,ShadowsFall,Bfmv i slicnih bendova

Imaju jedan EP album-A POem for You.

Hocete da doznate povishe za bend iditre na www.myspace.com/heldsodear

Edited by Natasha!
Posted (edited)

Blind Myself


(Zvanicno najbolji madjarski metal album ove godine)


sve pise u naslovu


odavno se vode kao najbolji madjarski hc-metal bend


ovaj bend bi mozda trebao na avangardu ali ovaj novi album je mozda vise u metalcore fazonu


ova pesma ubija


<a href="http://www.myspace.com/blindmyself" target="_blank">http://www.myspace.com/blindmyself</a>


<a href="http://www.blindmyself.com/" target="_blank">http://www.blindmyself.com/</a>

Edited by Natasha!
Posted (edited)

mislio sam da temu postavim na avangardu jer im je dosadasnja muzika potsecala na

BOTCH i CONVERGE sa jos mnogo zanimljivih uticaja....ali ova nova pesma mi se cini da je

malo vise u metalcore fazonu.


inache svirali su dva puta u Srbiji kod nas u Kragujevcu naravno


obavezno nabavite WORST CASE SCENARIO, prethodni album.


sve pesme su vrhunske, narocito se isticu March of Clowns, Worst Case Scenario,

Wise Men of the West... i sa ranijih albuma Lava, Sundown...



Edited by gadget2
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

A Perfect Murder


Ok, znam da ce tema da ode u zaborav u roku od par dana, ali jbg. Vano je da bar jos neko bude obavesten o ovom bendu...


Likovi su iz Kvebeka i sviraju mjetala :razz: Dakle, poceli su kao neki hc, ali nikad nisu uspeli da iskorene metal elemente, verovatno zbog mnostva metal bendova koji su uticali na formiranje njihovog stila (Metallica, Pantera, Testament, Crowbar...itd)

Imaju 5 studijskih albuma (Cease To Suffer, Unbroken, A Blood Covered Words, Strength Through Vengeance, War Of Agression (2007)) i jedan veoma zanimljiv ep (Rehersal), sacinjen od 6 obrada, ali u svakoj obradi ima elemenata od bar 3 pesme. Veoma simpa!


Inace, za koji dan zvanicno izlazi njihov album "War Of Agression", no vi ga ipak mozete imati vec sada, a evo i linka: A Perfect Murder - WOA


Vec nekoliko dana mi ne izlazi iz Winamp - a! Album je toliko skladno izmixovan da stvarno ne mogu da nadjem manu. Oseca se da su se momci zaista potrudili.

Cak mislim da je ovo njihovo najbolje dostignuce i vec oformljen stil (koji je poceo sa izgradnjom od prethodnog), te vam savetujem da ga svakako poslusate... pogotovu ako volite thrash prizvuk u core-u, stil pevanja Phill Anselmo - a, Zakk Wylde - a i Sully Erna - e (Godsmack).


Za vise informacija, idite na: www.myspace.com/aperfectmurder


Pozz i ostavite comment kad preslusate. :rockdevil:

Edited by Natasha!
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Destroy The Runner


Christian Metalcore band from Encinitas, CA. They are currently signed to Solid State Records on which their debut album Saints was released on September 12, 2006 to mixed reviews.[1][2][3] The band followed the release of the album with a tour supporting Haste the Day and Scary Kids Scaring Kids.[4] The band is managed by Tim Lambesis from As I Lay Dying.


Chad Ackerman (vocals)

Duane Reed (Guitar)

Nick "Maldy" Maldonado (Guitar)

Tanner Sparks (Bass)

Marc Kohlbry (Drums)



Evo linka za skidanje jedinog albuma:


Destroy The Runner - Saints (2006)



Password: www.mediaportal.ru

Edited by Natasha!
Posted (edited)

Nueva Etica


(argentinian vegan straight edge moshcore)


fenomenalan bend, jebu mame argentinci



vokali: Betoxxx, Pungaedge, xOGTx

gitare: Javiersxe, xPitbullx

bass: Javi Trujillo

bubanj: Bruno Melon



La Venganza de los Justos



<a href="http://www.myspace.com/xnuevaeticax" target="_blank">http://www.myspace.com/xnuevaeticax</a>


poslusati obavezno ;)

Edited by Natasha!
Guest mihael
Posted (edited)

Gardens of Hiroshima




"Ima već više od godinu dana kako su se hrvatskoj publici prvi put predstavili Gardens Of Hiroshima. Svojim spojem gotenburškog melodičnog death metala i hardcore punk estetike, ovaj zagrebački sastav svojim je dosadašnjim koncertnim djelovanjem zaokupio pažnju mnogih fanova žešćeg zvuka kojima je dotad nedostajao neki bend metalcore izričaja u hrvatskoj sceni. Sastavljen od sadašnjih i bivših članova više/manje poznatih bendova poput IGUT, Breaking The Fourth Wall, Hidden Layer, Theysuck! te digAhol, dakle redom iskusnih glazbenika, Gardens Of Hiroshima stvaraju energičnu glazbu koja zaziva utjecaje što Darkest Houra, što At The Gatesa, što From Ashes Rise, što nečega sasvim četvrtoga, da bi sve te sastojke umješala u svoj posebni stil. Taj se zvuk konačno odnedavno može čuti i na prvom izdanju Gardens Of Hiroshima, samoizdatom EPu pod imenom Choose Your Side, koji sadrži šest pjesama."


EP se može i skinut posve besplatno sa Subvultures sajta.



Ako nekog zanima CD izdanje u Srbiji ga može nabavit preko Hakobastards distribucije -



Uskoro slijedi svirka u BG I NS pa se vidimo!

Edited by mihael
Posted (edited)

Will Haven


Evo ovih dana se pojavio 4. album jednog od najuticajnijih i najboljih post-hardcore bendova na planeti, danas vise metalcore, po prvi put bez cuvenog pevaca Grady Avenella i posle pauze od 7 godina zbog raspada, ali promena se ne oseca, i dalje ubijaju kao i uvek, cak su i jaci nego ikada!! Meni je The Hierophant jedan od najboljih albuma godine!!




El Diablo (1997)

WHVN (1999)

Carpe Diem (2001)

Hierophant (2007)


Plus EP izdanja:


Will Haven Demo (1995)

Will Haven EP (1996)

The Best Song On Here (Demo) (2000)

Will Haven EP (Remastered) (2003)


Nemaju sajt, samo MySpace


Nadam se da ovde ima postovalaca ovog vrhunskog benda iako sam video da se retko otvaraju slicne teme, samo se ceni neki gay-tra-la-la zvuk :spava:

Edited by Natasha!
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Into the Moat




Earl Ruwell IV - vokal

Kit Wray - gitara

Matthew Gossman - bubnjevi

Nick "The Greek" - bass



Means By Which The End Is Justified EP (2003) Lovelost Records

The Design (2005) Metal Blade Records

The Campaign (Release date pending) Metal Blade Records


Into the Moat is representative of the Mathcore genre, although band members prefer the term tech metal. As a sub-category of the tech hardcore or "chaos-core" classifications, at first impression their music is merely chaotic noise. Upon further listening, their technical musicianship comes to the fore. Some of their compositions recall Stravinsky in that they appear almost primitive with atonal notation and rapid rhythmic changes. Moreover, their music often paints a "tone picture" as Mussorgsky's thematic music does. Their songs are not, however, tone poems in the true sense of the word, but can be likened to Disney's use of Stravinsky's "The Rite of Spring" and Mussorgsky's "St. Johns' Night on Bare Mountain" (more commonly known as "Night on Bald Mountain") in the film Fantasia.


ITM have released two albums, the latest on Metal Blade, and have two music videos featured on MTV2's Headbangers Ball as well as FUSE's Metal Asylum. The latest video (for Empty Shell) premiered in late 2005. These musicians, all either 20 or 21 as of this writing, have a profound grasp of their instruments and are already mentioned in some circles as world class song crafters, arrangers, and musicians in their chosen genre.




Edited by Natasha!
Posted (edited)

Child O' Flames



nista konkretno ne pise o bendu,cak ni na njihovom sajtu,a ni na enciklopediji metalum.

Mogu vam reci da bend ne zvuci nimalo lose(sa obzirom odakle dolaze ni ne cudi me ;) ).

Vode se kao eksperimentalni metal,mada ponajvise zvuce na melodicni death kao soilwork i in flames(ne mogu se porediti muzicki sa ta dva benda ali to je taj stil).

Za sada imaju jedan demo koji su izbacili 2005,a ovo sto im se nalazi na myspace su nove stvari koje se mogu skinuti za dz!Produkcija je solidna i vokali su na mestu,a na vama ostaje da cujete pa da reknete neko svoje misljenje.

Edited by Natasha!
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

rece nas neca iz nish, i dade mi ideju :D

sad ovde turajte sve linkove na koje u medjuvremenu naidjete.

a mogu da padaju i razmene na ovoj temi da se ne bi jurcali okolo na Berzi...

Edited by prophet.o'doom
Posted (edited)

Without Remorse


deathcore iz Njujorka, jedan album za sada, Execution Style

THIS IS THE DEAL...Since forming in early 2004, our sole mission as a band has been to make violent, aggressive, memorable NY-style deathcore for all of those who truly appreciate the heart and integrity of heavy music. Not for you morons who have made the Hardcore/Metal scene one big, embarrassing fashion show. WITHOUT REMORSE-NEW YORK -- 'RIDE WITH US OR GET RAN-THE-FUCK-OVER'






pass www.mediaportal.ru

Edited by Natasha!
Posted (edited)



Embers' existed since 1998. In the beginning Embers was only a project of a local (Szombathely/Hungary) old-school band called United Side. We played new-school style like Kickback, All Out War or Integrity. After one year there was a vocalist-change in the band and we started to write metallic songs more and more. We played that time tons of shows with bands like All Out War, Shai Hulud, etc. Afterwards three members left us, so we were looking for new guys. From 2000 wed had a certain line-up with a new drummer and bassguitarist. The first MCD was recorded with this line-up. At first it was self-released it with the title The birds fly again.... In 2002 the austrian Burning Season Records released it once again with a new layout. But at the same time the line-upd changed from time to time. Its hard to remember how many guitarists and drummers had played in our band. Then in the december of 2003. we joined the Beniihana-team and they released our first full-lenght The first squall of an evil storm. Weve had shows in many european countries but we want more. After some line-up changes with a new drummer and a new bassguitarist it seems that Embers is more solid and harder than ever. We try to play so many shows as possible and try to acquaint so many people as possbile with the name, the music and the message of the Embers. Embers music is characterized by the positive emotionalism of hardcore and raw power of metal. The name sums up the message and the aim. Embers, like a light in the grey and indifferent world and in the money-oriented, apathetic and misanthropic society. Lost in a life what's ruled by selfish political authorities. The light always gives you hope to find the way out. Personal experiences, disappointment, suffering show the right way to get through a positive inner change what helps stepping forward. This is what Embers is about. Embers




poslednji album:


pass naravno, www.mediaportal.ru

Edited by Natasha!

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