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nisam uocio temu a ovaj bend je HIT 111

imaju par izdanja i splitova a jdean od gitarista je svirao kasnije i u abortedu:D




Rehearsal 21/11/1987 Demo, 1987

Cabbalic Gnosticism Demo, 1988

If This Is Gore,What's Meat Then/Split With Riek Boois Split album, 1988

Live In Gierle, 1989 Demo, 1989

Agathocles/Disgorge Split Split album, 1989

Who Profits? Who Dies? Split album, 1989

Morally Wrong / Split with Violent Noise Attack Split album, 1990

Supposed it was you/ Split with Drudge Split album, 1990

Fascination of Mutilation EP, 1990

If This Is Cruel What's Vivisection Then ? EP, 1990

Split 12" LP w/ Lunatic Invasion Split album, 1991

Putrid Offal/Agathocles Split, 1991

Agathocles/Smegma Split Split album, 1991

Traditional Rites: Agathocles/Blood Split, 1991

Hail To Japan/Split With Psycho Split album, 1991

Agarchy EP, 1991

Use Your Anger Best of/Compilation, 1992

Theatric Symbolisation Of Life Full-length, 1992

Cliché ? EP, 1992

Agathocles/Social Genocide Split album, 1993

Blind World Split, 1993

Contra las Multinacionales Asesinas Acción Directa / Starvation Split, 1993

War Scars/Split With Kompost Single, 1993

Distrust And Abuse EP, 1993

Live in Mannheim Split, 1993

Agathocles/Bad Acid Trip Split Split album, 1993

No Use ... (Hatred) EP, 1993

Agathocles/Patareni Split Split album, 1993

Provoked Behavior/Split With Man Is The Bastard Split album, 1993

Agathocles/Audiorrea Split, 1994

Agathocles/Averno Split, 1994

Pigs in Blue / In The Grave of Noise Split, 1994

Black Clouds Determinate Full-length, 1994

Is It Really Mine/Split With Punisher Split album, 1994

Mince-Mongers in Barna EP, 1994

Screenfreak/Split With Carcass Grinder Split album, 1994

Wiped From The Surface/Split With Rot Split album, 1994

Back To 1987 Best of/Compilation, 1994

Razor Sharp Daggers Full-length, 1995 [1 review, 93%]

Bastard Breed We Don't Need/Split EP with Vomit Fall Split album, 1996

Split with 'Autoritär Split album, 1996

Split with Krush Split album, 1996

Duplication of Hatred Volume I Split, 1996

Bomb Brussels EP, 1996

Minced Alive EP, 1996

Cheers Mankind Cheers / Asian Cinematic Superiority Split album, 1996

Agonies / No Gain - Just Pain Split, 1996

Self Destroying Prophecy/Split With Black Army Jacket Split album, 1996

The LPs: 1989-1991 Best of/Compilation, 1996

Thanks For Your Hostility Full-length, 1996

Agarchy/Use Your Anger Best of/Compilation, 1997

Until It Bleeds Best of/Compilation, 1997

Robotized / Boses Blut Split, 1997

Live and Noisy Live album, 1997

Humarrogance Full-length, 1997

Cold As Ice/Split With PP7 Gaftzeb Split album, 1997

Democracide/Split With Monolith Split album, 1997

Just Injust/Split With Shikabane Split album, 1997

Belgiums Little Cesspool / ... And Man Made the End Split, 1997

Excruciating Terror / Agathocles Split, 1997

Society Of Steel/Split With Abstain Split album, 1997

He Cared... They Don't/Split With Mitten Spider Split album, 1997

Agathocles/D.I.E. Split Split album, 1997

Agathocles/BWF Split Split album, 1997

Gotcha! / Split with Comrades Split album, 1998

Pressure / Split with Deadmocracy Split album, 1998

Mincecore Best of/Compilation, 1998

Spud Split, 1998

Smash The Brain/Agathocles Split Split, 1998

Report/Split With Bloodsucker Split album, 1998

Trash-Split With Depressor Split album, 1998

Irritate / Agathocles / New York Against The Belzebu Split, 1999

Looking for an Answer/Agathocles Split, 1999

Raised By Hatred / Hunt Hunters Split, 1999

We Never Forget !!!/Glass Eyes Split, 1999

To Serve... To Protect Full-length, 1999

Agathocles/Disreantiyouthhellchristbastardassmanx Split album, 1999

Poisonous Profit / The Malevolent Split, 1999

Live in Leipzig, Germany 1991 Live album, 1999

Mutilation / Split with Din-Addict Split album, 2000

To serve.../Split with Disculpa Split album, 2000

Even Shakespeare Fed the Worms/Piles Left to Rot Split, 2000

Kicked and Whipped/Keep On Selling Cocaine to Angels Split, 2000

“.....To Protect/Rotten World But No Bore Shit!! Split, 2000

Mincecore History 1985-1990 Best of/Compilation, 2000 [1 review, 86%]

Leads To.../Split With Kontatto Split album, 2000

Keep Mincing Best of/Compilation, 2001

Abortion / Agathocles / Din-Addict / Malignant Tumour Split, 2001

Superiority Overdose Full-length, 2001

Agathocles / Axed Up Conformist Split album, 2001

Mincecore History 1989-1993 Best of/Compilation, 2001

agathocles - urban strugle - split 7'' Split album, 2002

Benefits to Food Not Bombs (split with Ravage & Comrades) Split album, 2002

Chop Off Their Trust Split album, 2002

Until It Bleeds Again (1994-1999) Best of/Compilation, 2002

Live Aalst Belgium 1989 Split album, 2002

No Ear For You / Rollercoaster Split album, 2002

Your Standards Split album, 2003

To Serve... To Protect / Leads To... Best of/Compilation, 2003

Agatho Grave Split, 2003

Front Beast/Agathocles Split, 2003

Alive & Mincing Live album, 2003

Cruelty For Popularity / Sodan Sankareita Split album, 2003

Emoc T'now Modcnik Yht! / Split with Sterbe Hilfe Split album, 2003

Live In Stavenhagen 1998 / Kaosa Turnigo (Stomachal Corrosion) Split album, 2003

Agathocles / Mucus Split album, 2004

Kuolema / Agathocles Split album, 2004

Agathocles / The Mad Thrashers Split, 2004

Agathocles/Kadaverficker Split, 2004

Live In Leipzig 2003 / ... Our Last Beer(s) Split, 2004

Mincemania In Bulgaria Best of/Compilation, 2004

Frost Bitten Death / Nolme Split, 2005

Cd-Release Party Superiority Overdose 2002 DVD, 2005

Split w/ World Downfall Split album, 2006

Split w/Permanent Death Split album, 2006

Mincer Full-length, 2006

Mince Core History 1993-1996 Best of/Compilation, 2006

For what? For who? Split album, 2006

Agathocles/Archagathus Split album, 2007

Senseless Trip Full-length, 2007

Agathocles / SMG Split album, 2007




eve vam par izdanja ovog kultnog benda....



Agathocles & Carcass Grinder





Agathocles & Krush





Agathocles & Man Is The Bastard





Agathocles & Morbid Organs Mutilation





Agathocles & Riek Boois





Agathocles & Unholy Grave





Agathocles & Embalming Theatre





pass: caerbannog




  • 9 months later...
  • 4 months later...

сјајан бенд. кроз све ове године, остали су верни својој етици. уколико некога интересује имам дупликат 7'' сплит ЕП-ја AGATHOCLES / THE MAD THRASHERS. што се тиче T.M.T. они су из Француске и свирају треш/грајндкор. AGATHOCLES са 4 песме и THE MAD THRASHERS са 6 песама, студијски снимци оба бенда.

  doombringer said:
Sa ovim albumom sam dogurao do tacno 100 AG izdanja :rockdevil: , BTW super album, bas kako se meni svidja, old school or no school..hahah...

ту сам и ја негде, имам их нешто мало преко 100. Grind Is Prоtest албум ми је добар, доста бољи од Mincer, ваљда због продукције. плус, уз сву жестину типични uk peace punk ритмови... у неким песмама су се одлично уклопили. чак бих рекао што се тиче вокалних делова да има овај пут и FEAR OF GOD утицаја... посебно на оној краћој песми која је негде на почетку албума. ваља. што ретко кад кажем за новије грајндкор албуме.

  bg.revenge said:
ту сам и ја негде, имам их нешто мало преко 100. Grind Is Prоtest албум ми је добар, доста бољи од Mincer, ваљда због продукције. плус, уз сву жестину типични uk peace punk ритмови... у неким песмама су се одлично уклопили. чак бих рекао што се тиче вокалних делова да има овај пут и FEAR OF GOD утицаја... посебно на оној краћој песми која је негде на почетку албума. ваља. што ретко кад кажем за новије грајндкор албуме.


Meni Mincer i Humarogance nisu bili nesto, Superiority overdose takodje nije bio nesto narocito, ovaj novi mi se bas svidja!!!!


Chekiraj bend Archagathus iz Kanade, ako nisi do sada, rasturaju, mince core u AG fazonu, jedan od retkih koji stare zastave drze visoko, tu su i Realized i I.R.F. iz Japana, S.M.G. iz Malezije kao i Proletar iz Indonezije, pa ameri Pretty Little Flower, Sakatat iz Turske, The Kill iz Australije, Mrtva Buducnost iz Cheske.... mislim da se pojavilo nekoliko novih grind bendova poslednjih godina koji biche oldschool fazon.


Agathocles / Archagathus - Split EP




http://www.mediafire.com/?x86dqkyxqrj (ovaj je bolji)


Agathocles / S.M.G. - Split EP




Agathocles / Gorgonized Dorks - Split EP




Agathocles / Repulsione - AntiReclusion [split] - 2008




Agathocles - Agarchy / Use_your_anger








Agathocles / Sakatat - Split -Vinyl - EP









  doombringer said:
Chekiraj bend Archagathus iz Kanade, ako nisi do sada, rasturaju, mince core u AG fazonu, jedan od retkih koji stare zastave drze visoko, tu su i Realized i I.R.F. iz Japana, S.M.G. iz Malezije kao i Proletar iz Indonezije, pa ameri Pretty Little Flower, Sakatat iz Turske, The Kill iz Australije, Mrtva Buducnost iz Cheske.... mislim da se pojavilo nekoliko novih grind bendova poslednjih godina koji biche oldschool fazon.

слушао све то, но хвала на препорукама Немања. најбољи ми SMG, лудаци. MRTVÁ BUDOUCNOST су мало више били на сировији крастерски хардкор, а и већ неко време нису активни. Јанез са ове стране иначе, поздрав.

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