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utisak dana Kuruz koji kaže da je SOTS produkcija loša


pa do dana današnjeg ne postoji bolje isproduciran metal album


Ajde ne lupetaj.Kuruzova filozofija da nista pre 2000. nije dobro producirano je budalastina,ali ni ovo tvoje ne zaostaje za tim.


Kakav crni sots,pa ima albuma koji su 5-10 godina ranije objavljeni pa su 10 puta bolje producirani od njega.


Pa kako ne,pa nije produkcija samo da bude cisto kristalno,nego da je mocna,da ima dusu i sirovu snagu. I jebeni Wolwerine Blues koji kurac,vi se smejte al to je to. Po meni Svedjani pogadjaju jake i dobre produkcije kao posred picke!

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najbolje isproduciran sveCki album je left hand path,tad je tomu bilo stalo da radi pa je peglan album do perfekcije,posle je to bilo mnogo labavije,zasrao je on i vise od jednog albuma (bas AtG-ov with fear... koji on fakticki i nije radio je usran do bola,ali da se razumijemo,i dalje je to >>>>>>>>>od svega)


najbolji primjer je panterin VDOP tj teri dejt,fakticki je sniman na stapu i kanapu,master je ispodprosjecan ali ih je ovaj manijak uhvatio svi znamo kako,100 posto prenesena energija,stil,ta ploca gazi redom i dan danas i na spikerfonu od telefona i na razglasnim sistemima


mid era ND (konkretno words) je takodje bukvar metal produkcije,i dan dans posle zilion slusanja samo od zvuka me prodju trnci


The Language Of The Dead mi zvuči kao jedna od ponajboljih sveukupno


inače, intro mi je mnogo do jaja pa malo istražih - odavde je dignuto: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_Heroes_and_Tombs


a evo i prevoda:


Arriving at the epoch of the gang of assailants had already elaborated the following possibilities:


First - God does not exist.

Second - God exists and he is a scoundrel.

Third - God exists but sometimes he sleeps: his nightmares are our existence.

Fourth - God exists but he has accesses of madness, those accesses are our existence.

Fifth - God is not omnipresent, he can not be everywhere. Sometimes he is absent, in other worlds, in other things.

Sixth - God is a poor devil with a problem too complicated for his strengths. He fights against matter like an artist against his work. Sometimes, in some moments, he becomes Goya but generally he is a disaster.

Seventh - God was defeated, prior to history, by the prince of darkness and he was defeated, converted in an alleged devil, he is doubly discredited since he is credited with the creation of this dire universe.

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