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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

izaslo jos u junu ali nikako link da nadjem,pa ako neko moze da udovolji i iskopa sa nekog magicnog sajta link za kvalitet iznad 128. uspeo sam da nadjem sve pesme sa albuma ali po razlicitim sajtovima razbacane.


Fin-The Furrows of Tradition





Edited by Goxy
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)



Okačio malopre na temi za najbolje rifove, pa evo i ovde malo da ih izreklamiram, pošto ne verujem da je neko slušao, a album je toliko dobar da je do sad i moja baba trebala da čuje za njih. Za one koji vole De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, Si Monumentum... i takvu muziku, ovo je obavezno. Jedina zamerka ide na zvuk bubnja, mnogo je nekako tanak. Da je kao na Mayhem albumu, album bi bio još bolji. Ali nema veze, zaboravite da sam ovo reko. : )






Na žalost, odsvirali su svoje za narednih 10-ak godina jer su obojica u zatvoru. Ako nekoga interesuje, evo ispod šta su zgrešili. Mada to možda i nije tako loše jer je i ovaj album iskomponovan u zatvoru, naćiće valjda tamo inspiraciju za još jedno remek delo.



Band is 2 member unit from Lahti. They appear not to take any part in so called "social scene". Band recorded very good demo, which Northern Heritage released 2003. Despite small edition, it gained some recognition. After this demo, main composer of band received few years jail sentence for stabbing two people. Band went on break, but returned in 2011 to re-record new version of demo tracks with addtional material, what is their self titled debut album. LP and CD are both still available, but not so big quantities of vinyl anymore.


Band has returned to same situation as after demo. Except that now both members are in prison! It's unlikely that any new Numinous would emerge anytime soon. Fresh case is not completely over yet. Prosecutor was not happy even if one member got half decade behind bars. Only luck prevented this to be kill. Nearly lethal assault in bright daylight, in public place with severely oversized blade might harden sentence in higher court.



Edited by Miilos

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