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Šveđani, prvi im je ovo album, Darkthrone škola i to onaj srednji period DT diskografije koji je meni lično veoma drag ali mi se nekako čini potcenjenim. Uglavnom, mnogo dobar bend, sirovo i jako, na momente imate utisak kao da ste u vežbaonici sa njima i slušate kako mlate. Ima dobrih rifova, oldschool atmosfere, ima ženske, ima sve... Navalite.




STYGGELSE - Heir Today - God Tomorrow (2010)

Edited by Talvi
Posted (edited)

Takođe preporuka za Kekal-ov prvi album "Beyond the Glimpse of Dreams" iz 98.Radi se o bendu iz Indonezije.Njihov ovaj prvi album se može svrstati u neki experimentalni black metal.Mislim totalni kult.




Info o albumu : http://www.kekal.org/album-beyond.php - pored toga,imate mogućnost download-a njihova 3 albuma besplatno ali koja imaju malo drugačije usmjerenje.

Edited by SixStepsOnTheMoon

Prošao sam sada recenzije iz brojeva nakon objavljivanja kasete, nisam spazio Kekal. Bacam se na potragu za tekstovima. :D


E, našao sam:


Metal/Rock Express, koliko god u jednom delu pomogli/podržali domaću scenu i osvežili dešavanja u inostranoj, u periodu 1997-1999, od 2000.godine Branko Rogošić počinje da jede govna na veliko. Uvode se neki bljutavi uvodnici gde se pljuje domaća publika, gde se piše o nekim totalno nevažnim stvarima za metal koje pre priliče grandu i Zam-u nego nečemu što ima veze sa kulturom i muzikom, časopis gubi i na vrednosti i težini novinarskog pisanja i na štampanom kvalitetu. Undergound koji je on podržavao, u 90% slučajeva nije bio ni za kurac. Nosferatu, Kekal i slični njima koje je on podržavao, podržavao ih je jer je distribuirao njihova izdanja a ne zato što su bendovi koji imaju neku vrednost, a zna se recimo da su sami sebi članovi Kekala pisali recenzije i davali neke abnormalne ocene. U trenutku kad je sve otišlo u kurac, i kad je rock/metal express naboksovao cene za izdanja (koje istu po ničemu nisu zavređivala), a tempo izlaženja se sveo na neku totalnu nebulozu i neizvesnost, Branko Rogošić je osuo najgoru paljbu po čitaocima i fanovima 2004. godine, kako su govna, ne platiše itd. itd. i kako je sramota što neće da se prijave na pretplatu. a dve godine pre toga, srao je kako je domaća publika nikad jača, kako na sve strane krcaju nove snage metala itd. itd.Ako je to karakter onda...

Isti Branko Rogošić je godinama posle gašenja rock/metal expressa po mejlovima slao raznorazne gluposti, koje zaista ne trebaju čoveku od 40 i kusur godina nego doliče nekom napaljenom pubertetliji koji još nije okusio čari seksa, pa se izdrkava po forumima i sličnim sranjima.

Koliko Branka Rogošića cene domaći muzičari i drugi novinari, pitanje je da li treba i dalje da se bavi nečim što se zove muzičko novinarstvo a kamoli da nastavi da izdaje nešto poput rock/metal expressa.




Ma jednostavno je nemoguće da je ono gore Kekal pisao u svoje ime. :haha: Mislim,da jeste bilo bi u jednu ruku smiješno a u drugu toliko tužno da ne želim da naslućujem taj scenario.Stvarno su dobar bend na tom eksperimentalnom nivou,dosta dobre muzike,fini aranžmani...a i taj 1000 Thoughts of Violence je stvarno dobar,pa da su i sami sebi pisali recenzije. :lol:


Realno, može se naslutiti u nekim delovima. :haha:


Jarane, ti kao neko ko piše za metal časopis bi mogao malo više da se napregneš, ako me već u nečemu citiraš.

Jedna je recenzija koju piše dileja Rogošić koji po svaku cenu hoće nekom da uvali disk ili kasetu. O njegovoj recenziji nisam govorio, a i sumnjam da je toliki štakor da prepisuje press info i od toga pravi recenziju. Malo čeprkaj po netu kad ga već imaš.


Što se tiče samo-hvalospevnih recenzija, govorio sam o ovoj:


Written by Panji_Millennium on June 11th, 2004


First off, let me tell you one thing: Kekal is one of the most original and most innovative metal bands ever exist on the current underground metal scene! I'm not trying to hype this band out of their place, this is my humble and honest opinion. And this album only strengthen my views about Kekal. A GREAT band that is.


Before I write my review about their new album, I will tell you that this album is just for open-minded metal fans and musicians who can admire musical explorations.


It took about 10 spins for me to start writing this review, and man, yet I still hear new things coming out from their songs. They are very progressive, musically complex and have lots of amazing, original riffs and twisted chords. Generally, "1000 Thoughts of Violence" is an extreme presentation of progressive - avant metal, mixed by nasty blastbeats and technically brutal riffing. This album brings us a balance of brutality, intensity, great groove (yes, THAT Kekal groove we all know and love!), dark atmosphere, strong melody and harmony.


There are no King-Diamond-goes-to-hell falsetto vocals here (for those who hate "The Painful Experience" vocals don't be afraid, they are GONE for good!) The vocals are back to the days of "Embrace The Dead" era, with typical Kekal screams, screeches, growls, shouts, and operatic clean male and clean female singing. Musically, Kekal still manages to keep their own trademark for good but the band has progressed very very far after the split CD (Chaos & Warfare). What we can hear today (along with their TRADEMARK symphonic black/death metal style) are mature traditional progressive rock/metal elements, avantgarde elements (hip-hop beats, drum n bass, jazz, analog synths, world ambient groove), and technically advanced theories of fusion. If you need comparation with their older albums, I can describe "1000 Thoughts..." as a heavy progression of "Embrace The Dead" album with the addition of modern avantgarde elements. The music, while brutal, is not as agressive and angry as "The Painful Experience". This album no longer has many bright and thrashy power-metal riffs as used on "The Painful..." CD. In other words, the atmosphere is darker and colder with tremolo riffing as a dominant factor. Also gone is the raw and muddy guitar production of "The Painful Experience". "1000 Thoughts of Violence" has some good tone of crunchy walls of guitars backed up with realistic drum sound. The best production Kekal ever achieves.


What makes this album very interesting?????? You must listen to it at least 4 or 5 times before you can find out this metallic aural jewel!!!!


Let me describe it, Theoretically:


CHORDS: Kekal uses so many unusual, 'crazy' chords here (check out those VOIVOD chords if you wants to know what 'crazy' chords mean), and it's very difficult if someone wants to cover their songs because of these unusual chords alone. These original insane chords won't make you bored, even you play it so many times (I have played it more than 10 times now and I'm not bored with it yet). Not to mention the awesome key-changes (I repeat KEY-CHANGES, do you know that damn good musicians use many key-changes on one song without being out-of-context? KEKAL freakin' CAN!!) that are rarely used by average metal bands.


RHYTHMS: The drum patterns are completely INSANE!!! Imagine Flo Mounier (CRYPTOPSY) meets Bill Bruford (KING CRIMSON, YES) and Neil Peart (RUSH). For ordinary drummers, this might be a complete blasphemy, but for the development of music, it's phenomenal!!!! You have it all: Cymbal-circus, odd-time signature carnival, unexpected meter and tempo-changes, difficult syncopations, double-kick madness and catastrophic hyperblastbeats!! The performance is very possible for a human drummer to play, but only for the drum masters. You can hear the kick drums doing triplets while the hihat and cymbals in standard 16 or 32 beats. Also you can hear the dual-kick groove technique. I can't believe a drum can be programmed that natural and difficult!!!!


MELODY LAYERS: Kekal is widely known (and respected) for using their own unique IRON-MAIDENsque melody layers (without being IRON MAIDEN copy like CRADLE of FILTH and Gothenburg metal like IN FLAMES), and the harmonizations of these layers. They are also used in this album, if the chords (the main riffs) are doing some jazzy-weird thing, the melodies doesn't get stuck with it. The layers are both distorted and clean. There are some melody layers done in harmonics!! Something new to extreme metal!


AVANTGARDE ELEMENTS: This might be a 'most hated' part for close-minded metal fans. Kekal do use non-metal elements to make interesting and original music. These elements are rarely used in heavy metal nowadays but have been known quite well within the mainstream music scene because of the electronica revolution in the mid 90s. I'm not saying that Kekal has gone 'trendy' because they use drum-loops, samples, ambient noises and analog synthesizers (and messing them to create hip-hop, drum n bass, ambient, or even acid jazz bits in the middle of their songs). Don't get me wrong, these elements are used only for the 'spices' and not really 'big' enough. Extreme metal is still very dominant in Kekal's music. They also used some sorts of guitar effects to create some moody, almost psychedelic ambience.


SOLO GUITARS: There are solo guitars on most of the songs, of course. Once again, Kekal is known for creating interesting solo guitars and this time they even make more interesting and original solos. Main lead guitarist Leo didn't perform with the band for this album, but Jeff did very good solos too. Not guitar-hero lightning fast solos of course, but they are precised, classy, fast, controlled solos with his own original scales. Listen to the good solos on songs like "Artifacts of Modern Insanity", "Vox Diaboli", the middle clean solo on "Beyond Numerical Reasons" and the intro solo to "In Continuum".


BASS GUITARS: The bass are more and more involved in this album, and I hear many good basslines that are independently picked without following the same patterns and notes of the guitar riffs. Listen to the melody basslines on the middle prog./fusion interlude of "Vox Diaboli". The bass tone is also very good, tight but not intersect with the guitar sound.


RIFFS: The riffs are never boring. You get typical tremolo black metal riffing, power metal riffs, brutal thrashy death riffs, and some progressive, acrobatic technical metal riffs.


What makes them very interesting is in fact that Kekal can mix all above elements into one solid, cohesive music. They KNOW exactly about theories of fusion. Perfect. For me, 1000 Thoughts of Violence is one of the best extreme metal albums in 2003. I rate it a full-score.


(Review by Willy D)



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