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Ambiguity, Metur Mortis i Soul Temptation. Nista vishe mi ne treba od BSa.


'Ajmo momci raspad, nije losh ovaj novi album, al' izgubiste se vi...prosek..i josh nazivaju pesmu "Fire Walk With Me", a ja ludim kol'ko gotivim Lynchove radove, i ovako polu-dosadna pesma... dobra prva i "Frozen".


А ти заговараш распад бендова чим почну да издају осредње радове? Могао бих да се сложим, али не верујем да ће и они то урадити.


Ma znam da nece, nego sam neshto ispizdeo uz kurac...previshe osrednjeg metala slusham ovih dana, pretezno ova nova izdanja..ali me povremene infuzije u vidu RWild/Skyclad spashavaju..


Прати онда мој рецепт. Не преслушавај НИШТА ново, а кад од неког чујеш да нешто ваља, онда набаваљај. Тако ћеш сигурно избећи трауме.


Eh, lako je to, ti se ne bakces sa MP3icama k'o ja..ma ja kad bi preslushavao sve novo shto izadje polud'o bi. Pustim nove albume bendova koje volim..a BS obozavam gorepomenuta tri izdanja, zadnji me je bash bash razocharao, ovaj novi, nije losh, ali nije vishe to to.


Баш зато се и не бакћем са мп3-кама, не губим нерве на ђубре.

  RNA said:
Прати онда мој рецепт. Не преслушавај НИШТА ново, а кад од неког чујеш да нешто ваља, онда набаваљај. Тако ћеш сигурно избећи трауме.


Da, to je moj recept za cuvanje vere u Metal danas ;)

Ziveli klasici!!!

  ErliK said:
Meni je bre ovaj album jedan od highlight-ova ova prva dva tri meseca... i nešto mi ne dosađuje


Potpuno se slazem i ne razumijem ovolike kritike, uz novi Leverage za sada mi spada u ovogodisnje favorite. Barem 5 pjesama su mi u vrhu svega sto su snimili do sad.

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German melodic metallers BRAINSTORM have set "Memorial Roots" as the title of their new album, due in October via the band's new label, AFM Records. 15 songs were recorded for the CD, which is currently being mixed at the Gate Studio in Wolfsburg, Germany under the watchful eye of Sascha Paeth and Miro as producers. So far only one new songtitle has been revealed — "Forsake What I Believed", which frontman Andy B. Franck callas "a headcrusher."


Jeb'o ga Megadeth :)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Metal Blade Recordshas set a November 9 European release date (except Germany, Austria andSwitzerland, where it will arrive three days earlier) for "Just Highs No Lows (12 Years Of Persistence)", a two-disc "best-of" collection from German melodic metallers BRAINSTORM.According to a press release, the set will contain all of the band's"memorable hits as well as rarities, covers, Japanese-edition songs andlive tracks."


"Just Highs No Lows (12 Years Of Persistence)" track listing:


Disc 1:


"Downburst" (2008):


01. Falling Spiral Down

02. Fire Walk With Me

03. End In Sorrow

04. How Do You Feel


"Liquid Monster" (2005):


05. Worlds Are Coming Through

06. All Those Words

07. Inside The Monster

08. Painside

09. Heavenly


"Soul Temptation" (2003):


10. Highs Without Lows

11. The Leading

12. Doorway To Survive


"Trinity of Lust" trilogy :


13. Shiva's Tears

14. Fornever

15. Soul Temptation


Disc 2:


"Metus Mortis" (2001):


01. Blind Suffering

02. Hollow Hideaway

03. Shadowland

04. Under Lights


"Ambiguity" (2000):


05. Tear Down The Walls

06. Maharaja Palace

07. Beyond My Destiny

08. Demonsion


Bonus Stuff:


09. Face Down (from "Metus" digipack)

10. Breathe ("Liquid Monster" Japanese bonus)

11. Drowning ("Downburst" Japanese bonus)

12. Crawling In Chains ("Downburst" Japanese limited edition)

13. Before The Dawn (JUDAS PRIESTmag-glass_10x10.gif cover / from "All Those Words" single)


Live Stuff:


From "Unholy" (1998):


14. Voices (Budapest DVD)


From "Hungry" (1997):


15. Liar's Edge (Summer Breeze DVD)





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