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On i ona vode ljubav u krevetu. On:

- Hajde da probamo poziciju 68!

- 68??? 69 poznajem, ali nikada nisam čula za 68.

- Ti mi ga popušiš, a ja sam ti dužan jedno lizanje.



Ozenio se Mujo sa Fatom. Pre prve bracne noci Mujo napuni punu kadu vode i zagnjuri Fatu unutra.

Ovde se postavlja pitanje sta je Mujo po zanimanju?



*Ozenio se Mujo, i prva bracna noc. Kad ima sta da vidi, Fata vec bila u prometu. Konta sta ce sad, treba ujutro okaciti carsav, puce bruka u selu. Smiri se malo Mujo, odradi svoje, i ujutro rano ustade da trazi malo crvene boje. Medjutim nadje samo zute. Zamaze on carsav i okaci ga.

Sutradan ga pitaju, sta je ono? On im s ponosom odgovara :

" Kad Mujo probija onda i zuc puca".



*Fata varala Muju. Saznao on to i jednom se napravi da fol ide u Italiju... a sakrije se pod krevet.

Dovede Fata Sulju i tako, rade oni neke stvari, kad ce ti Fata u neka doba:

-"Sta bi rekao moj Mujo da nas sad vidi!?"

-"Ma, *ebo bi ti mater, samo da nije u Italiji", javi se Mujo ispod kreveta.



*Koji je najefikasniji način da pamtis rodjendan svoje zene???

-Da ga samo jednom zaboravis!!!


Dosla je bosanska fudbalska reprezantacija u goste kod Albanije, da odigra jednu utakmicu. Sat vremena prije utakmice igrači Bosne i Hercegovine vele treneru Ćiri da ne žele igrati. Jedino Haso hoće. Na to Ćiro veli:

- "Dobro, nema problema. Neka Haso odigra utakmicu sam, a mi ćemo otići u neki kafić i malo se zabaviti."

I tako bilo.

Otišli igrači i trener u neki kafić u Tiranu, jedino Haso ostao, da odigra utakmicu.

Kada je bilo poluvreme, igrači gledaju na teletext:

- "1:0 za Bosnu, gol od Hase u 8.minut."

Igrači sasvim sretni nastave slaviti i opet uključe Teletext na kraju utakmice i ugledeaju:

- "1:1, gol Skele u 90.minuti".

Igrači sav razočarani odlete u Stadion, u svlačionicu i ugledaju Hasu kako leži na podu i plače.

Upita ga Ćiro:

- "Ćiro te tvoj pita, kako si sine, mogo primiti gol u zadnjoj minuti?"

Na to će Haso sav rasplakan:

- "Pa šta ja mogu, kad sam primio crveni karton već u 10.minuti?"


:) :) :)


Who’s the best Jewish cook? Hitler.


What do you get when you squeeze a Synagogue?



First Man: I'm going to be just like Hitler and kill all the jews. But I'm going to kill all the clowns, too.

Second Man: Why the clowns? First Man: See, no one cares about the Jews!


At his birthday, Hitler tells three jews: Ive got a dice here. Two sides are blue, two are green and the other two sides are red. Everyone of you has to roll the dice. If it shows blue, one of you will be hung. If it shows green, one of you will be shot. If it shows red, I´ve got a surprise for you! The first one rolls the dice, it shows blue and he is hung. The second one rolls the the dice, it shows green, and he is shot. The third one rolls the dice. It shows red, therefore Hitler says: Congratulations, you can roll the dice again!!!


Two nazis meet in prison. The first one asks the second one. What is misfortune? A bus full of jews falliing of a cliff right into the sea. What is a disaster? If they can swim.


What's Hitlers least favorite planet?



How do you get 100 jews into a car?

Throw a quarter in it.

How do you get them out again?

Tell them Hilter is driving.


Why do Jews have such big noses?

Cuz all the airs free.


What did the little German boy get for his birthday?

Easy bake oven and a G.I Jew


What happens when a Jew with an errection walks into a wall?

He breaks his nose.


What's faster than a speeding bullet?

A jew with a coupon.


Q - How do you spot a nigger in the dark?

A - Wait until his instinctual urge to "pop a cap in someone's ass" overcomes his limited sense of reason.


There is a nigger and a mexican in a car. Who is drivin?

the cop


Why do niggers end every sentence with "Gnome sayin?"

They don't understand Ebonics either.


Q)Why are niggers getting stronger? A)Tvs are getting heavier


Why was white chocolate invented?

So nigger kids could get messy too!


What do Nikes and the KKK have in common?

They both make niggers run fast!


What do you get when you cross a nigger and a gorilla?

A dumb gorilla!


White folks aren't racist . .

. . we've all got colored TV's!


Why do niggers hate asperin?

Because it's white and it works!


What do you call 60,000 niggers on a plane heading back to Africa?

A good start!


How do you get a nigger to wear a condom?

Put a Nike logo on it!


Why do they put cotton in pill bottles?

To remind the niggers they used to pick cotton before they were drug dealers! - ISTINA!


Why was the nigger with diarrea freaking out?

He thought he was melting!


What's the difference between bigfoot and a working nigger?

Bigfoot's been spotted!


What does a nigger give his kid for his birthday?

YOUR bike!


How do we know Adam wasn't black?

Ever try taking a rib from a black guy?


Why do niggers and spics always have nice clothes, jewelry and cars but still live in shitty houses?

They haven't figured out how to steal houses yet!


A woman meets a black guy and invites him back to her place. She handcuffs herself to the bed and screams...

"Do what you black men do best!". The nigger grabs the TV and runs!



How does a niggress take a pregnancy test?

She sticks a banana up her pussy, if it comes out half-eaten you know there's another monkey on the way! - AJAAAAAOOO


What's the difference between a nigger and a letter?

You can send the letter back where it came from!


A nigger with a parrot walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Hey, where did you get that?"

The parrot says, "Africa! There are millions of them over there just sitting around"


A nigger, a jew and a mexican jump off a building at the same time .. who hits the ground first?

Who cares!


How do you starve a nigger?

Hide his foodstamps under his work boots.


What are three things you can't give a nigger?

A fat lip, a black eye and a job!


What do you call a nigger with a Harvard education?

A nigger!



Why are all the niggers fast runners?

All the slow ones are in jail.


Why do white folks go to nigger garage sales?

To get their stuff back.


How do you get a nigger to leave you alone?

Throw him a basketball!


What's the difference between a naked white woman and a naked black woman?

One's on the cover of Playboy and the other's on the cover of National Geographic.


Why don't niggers dream?

The last one to have a dream got shot.


A Nigger runs into a doctor's office and says, "Doctor, Doctor I can't stop running around!"

The doctor says, "Okay, take this tablet." The Nigger slows down and stops. He said, "WOW! It really worked!

I've tried everything! What was it?" The doctor says, "It's Persil - Stops colours running."



Ide tip grobljem i vidi veeeliki kamen na jednom grobu. Pridje i vidi da na spomeniku pise:"Prijatelju, ako si pravi prijatelj skini ovaj tezak kamen sto mi i dalje dusu pritiska." Tip krene da skloni kamen, cima, vuce, cima... i posle jedno dvaest minuta znojenja uspe da skloni kamen. Ima sta da vidi, ispod kamena pise:"Prijatelju, ako si pravi prijatelj vrati kamen nazad pa da zajebemo jos nekog.".


mator al SJAJAN:



Skočio Spajdermen na Beograđanku.

Stoji onako raširenih ruku i nogu na staklenoj fasadi, zvera okolo i pomisli U JEBOTE, GDE ĆU SAD

"Koja je razlika između Red Bulla i Rakije?

-Red Bull - daje ti krila!

-Rakija - Pogon na sve četiri!"





:lol: dobra fora.

:lol: dobra fora.


Nema jaceg goriva od rakije. Znaci, mi Srbi imamo najbolje gorivo, trebalo bi da smo najveca sila, samo da to ostatak sveta ukapira :D


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