Dead Man Walking Posted December 26, 2009 Report Posted December 26, 2009 -Šta radi Bosanac kad završi Pravni fakultet? -Premesti skelu na Ekonomski. 1
kurackurackurac Posted December 26, 2009 Report Posted December 26, 2009 On 12/26/2009 at 12:08 AM, feyd said: Ovu i ovu predhodnu oplako..
Маузер Posted December 26, 2009 Report Posted December 26, 2009 On 12/26/2009 at 3:11 AM, Dead Man Walking said: -Šta radi Bosanac kad završi Pravni fakultet? -Premesti skelu na Ekonomski. Dobar!
Sisus Posted December 26, 2009 Report Posted December 26, 2009 On 12/25/2009 at 9:56 PM, Srlandand said: Vitorias, jedan si zaboravio- Svrsavanje redova Rajana Vitorias je žeMsko.
Srlandand Posted December 26, 2009 Report Posted December 26, 2009 (edited) Ups... hehe, hvala na ispravci Da ne bude off 60 things you shouldn’t say to a Serb! 1.What a Serbia? 2.Albania, Serbia, same shit. 3.Nice Mercedes, my car is better. 4.Nikola Tesla was Croatian. 5.Hi, I’m Croatian. 6.We did it to Iraq, we can do it to you. 7.You just a bunch of Russians acting like Greeks. 8.Kosovo should be an independent state. 9.Hi, I’m from Albania. 10.I thought you guys were white people. 11.Where’s Serbia? 12.Is that in Middle East? 13.Stop sleeping in the middle of the day like stoners. 14.I like your grandma’s bandada, what clique she roll wit’ homie. 15.The music sounds Arab to me. 16.This Turkish coffee tastes like shit. 17.Hell yea I was staring at your daughter… 18.Your wife too. 19.What do you mean I have to buy you guys drinks for my birthday. 20.Stop drinking all my liquor, you got kids to drive back home. 21.It’s 12:30 am and you wanna throw a party? 22.You guys dance a lot like Jewish people at weddings? 23.I’m more wasted than you. 24.You wanna whoop my ass because all the girls are coming on to me? 25.Your son said he was Italian? 26.Why do I have to pay for gas, it’s your car. 27.Stop talking in that funny language. 28.The place you dance and get drunk in is connected whit your church?!?! 29.You got some bushy eyebrows. 30.It’s almost a unibrow. 31.Your guys are lovely singers when you’re all drunk. 32.Chose your shirt up dude, no one needs to look at your hairy chest. 33.You wear too much cologne. 34.The UN keeps world peace. 35.Your son is gay. 36.Damn look at that girl she is fine, oh that’s your sister? 37.You did not build that hous by yourself, ok. 38.Wait, why is there a picture of you when you were little smoking a cigarette? 39.The US takes care of your ass over there. 40.I saw your daughter with an Albanian. 41.Wow, so do you like, speak Siberian??? 42.It’s 4:00 am and you’re getting drunk at the church hall? 43.That singer looks like a porn star, is she famous? 44.What kind of name is Ceca?! 45.“Thomas Edison…blah, blah, blah” 46.That dudes party was way better than yours. 47.Can you teach me how to swear, oh please, pretty please?... (5min. later walking down in public: “kurva, *****, **** se…”) 48.Wow, heavy accent. 49.You look Mexican from a distance. 50.…and from up close. 51.That so weird why do you celebrate Christmas later than us. 52.Those poor Bosnians… 53.Can you please play some music in English? 54.In health I learned that if you have more than one drink a night you’re an alcoholic. 55.You’re from Siberia? 56.What does ‘’sawmo slohgah srebinah spasawvaw’’ mean? 57.Say something in Yugoslavian. 58. Oh yeah, you speak Serbo-Croatian! 59.The Italian Mafia is better than the Serb Mafia. 60.Wow your alcohol is way too strong for me. Edited December 26, 2009 by Srlandand 1
Azaralena Posted December 26, 2009 Report Posted December 26, 2009 Moram i ovaj, apsolutno je neizostavan: Laugh Plačem već pola sata! Naš'o mi mali žicu, izgleda da smo na istom nivou, kapiramo se. 1 1
Zen Posted December 26, 2009 Report Posted December 26, 2009 Quote Varijacije na jednu (te)istu temu prezimena: Slovenija........Pizdovsek Hrvatska..........Pizdraic Srbija.............Pizdarevic Makedonija.....Pizdovski Bugarska........Pizdarev Grcka............Pizdakos Albanija.........Pizdariqi Rumunjska.......Pizdarescu Madjarska.....Pisdaroszh Rusija...........Pizdarjonov Litva.............Pizdauskas Latvija..........Pizdaskis Ukrajina........Pizdanjuk Belorusija......Pizdačenko Armenija.......Pizdarian Gruzija.........Pizdariadze Gruzija (zapadna)...Pizdašvili Poljska.........Pizdarecki Ceska..........Pizdrich Njemacka........Pizdenbacher Austrija........Pizdmann Italija...........Pizdarini, Pizderotti Francuska........Pizdaraud Norveska.....Pizdensen Svedska......Pizdansson Finska..........Pizdeniemi, Pizdolainen Island.......Pizdansdottir Nizozemska..Van De Pizdoe Spanjolska........De Los Pizdas Baskija........Pizdurain Portugal.....Dos Pizdos Irska...........O`Pizda Engleska........Pizdoonley Egipat...........Al Pizdr Iran...........Pizdajati Nigerija......M`Pizda JAR...........Pizdashala Kenija.......Pizdanui Etiopija......Pizdebe Zambija.....Pizdenge Madagaskar......Rapizdamaterinalahy Japan....Pizdamoto Indija........Pizdamutra Tibet.........Pizdang Brazil....Pizdanao Cecenija....Pizdačoharev Skotska.....Mc Pizdrow Izrael........Pizdenthal Burma.......U Pizda Kina.....Piz-da
Шарки Posted December 26, 2009 Report Posted December 26, 2009 Исланд је мени фор-д-вин, Пиздансдотир заправо значи "ћерка пизде".
dimmu1 Posted December 27, 2009 Report Posted December 27, 2009 kad smo kod albanije pogledajte artistov sajt i kako su albanci naucili da hakuju Hacked By United States Albanian CrewS From KosovA Fuck You Serbia
Rehabilitovani Bagrem Posted December 27, 2009 Report Posted December 27, 2009 (edited) How to pick up and carry your iMac G5 uputstvo za appleovog sajta!!! Don't know how to pick up and carry your iMac G5? It's easy. Before moving your computer, make sure all cables and cords are disconnected. Pick up the iMac G5 by grasping both sides of the computer. Carry it to wherever you wish. :rofl: IPHONE WILL IT BLEND? Edited December 27, 2009 by Zrakomlat
kuruz Posted December 27, 2009 Report Posted December 27, 2009 Studenjak, 3G blok. 1
morbid god Posted December 27, 2009 Report Posted December 27, 2009 On 12/27/2009 at 2:02 AM, dimmu1 said: kad smo kod albanije pogledajte artistov sajt i kako su albanci naucili da hakuju Hacked By United States Albanian CrewS From KosovA Fuck You Serbia
delay Posted December 27, 2009 Report Posted December 27, 2009 On 12/27/2009 at 2:02 AM, dimmu1 said: kad smo kod albanije pogledajte artistov sajt i kako su albanci naucili da hakuju Hacked By United States Albanian CrewS From KosovA Fuck You Serbia Fuck U Dolphin! Fuck U Whale! Ne verujem...
sale 3sm Larry Flynt Posted December 27, 2009 Report Posted December 27, 2009 "Meni kad se desi Desamp, ja izvadim Djorkaef i odem iza Zidan da me ne bude Loran Blam. A svako jutro kad se probudim ja ga o Trezemge. Pa kad krenem u grad, ja pozovem moje Drugari i ponesemo puno Evra da se vozimo Pjer Luidji Kolima i natocimo karim...Benzema kako bi jurili neki Riberi,a onda mozda bude neki Djibril Sise, mozda padne cak i Karembe, mozda ga i Turam, a mozda cak i bude Lizarazu!" 6
Morphy Posted December 27, 2009 Report Posted December 27, 2009 2012. godina. Kometa udara u zemlju... Prezive samo 3 coveka. 1. Barak Obama - koga su zakopali u nekoj planini u Koloradu u skloniste. 2. Vladimir Putin - koji se nalazio 5 km pod zemljom u Sibiru. 3. Filipo Inzagi - jer ga je ukenjalo. Kako sam se cepao sinoc ovom vicu 11
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