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Guest Loviatar

Hagalaz je fantastičan... opuštajući nekako. najviše mi prija Frigga's Web

Nebelhexe ima zaraznijih pesama, drugačija je atmosfera...

da nije neko slušao Aghast možda? savršena muzika za 3 ujutru, bar što se mene tiče

Posted (edited)

Yeah! A danas sam opet preslušao The Winds That Sang Of Midgard's Fate, umalo mi suze nisu krenule. I ne bi bilo prvi put :redface:

Edited by Varg
Posted (edited)

nasao frigga's web i slusa se :)

ako neko moze da postavi linkove za ostale albume, ja ne nadjoh

Edited by Angrist.
Posted (edited)

sta mislite da li hagalaz spada pod neofolk ili folk pravac? ja sam nailazio i na jedno i na drugo.. ali pre bih rekao da je ovo folk, posto neofolk predstavlja folk + industrial i eksperimentisanje..

Edited by Angrist.

Moje mišljenje je da pripada folku jer se dosta razlikuje od bendova kao što su Fire+Ice, Sol Invictus itd.

Ovo je bre čisti paganski nordijski folk, sa pomalo magije u muzici kao što su prizivanja Bogova i Seid. :pivopije:


Proveri ovde pod H da li ima nešto od njih, meni ne se ne otvara sajt, tebi verovatno hoće.






Posted (edited)
  Varg said:
Yeah! A danas sam opet preslušao The Winds That Sang Of Midgard's Fate, umalo mi suze nisu krenule. I ne bi bilo prvi put :redface:


Potpuno te razumem!!! I meni se isto to cesto dogadjalo...



  Angrist. said:
sta mislite da li hagalaz spada pod neofolk ili folk pravac? ja sam nailazio i na jedno i na drugo.. ali pre bih rekao da je ovo folk, posto neofolk predstavlja folk + industrial i eksperimentisanje..


Meni ovakve stvari nikad nisu bile bitne. Moze da se zove bilo kako, sve dok proizvodi ovaj efekat koji je Varg spomenuo...



Inace, nabavila sam onaj njen projekat Laguz/ Within The Lake, i bas mi se dopalo ("Bird Song" posebno) ali Hagalaz' Runedance mi je i dalje mnogo bolji...

Edited by Милица
  • 1 month later...

Nacula sam da Nebelhexe treba da izda novi album...

Jel neko slusao prva dva albuma? Meni su ok,ali mi se vise dopadaju albumi koje je odradila sa Hagalaz Runedance.

Tekstovi na novim albumima su mi u pojedinim trenucima zvucali....hm,pa besmisleni. Kao da nema sta da napise,pa samo lupa reci da napise pesmu.

  Masha said:
Nacula sam da Nebelhexe treba da izda novi album...

Jel neko slusao prva dva albuma? Meni su ok,ali mi se vise dopadaju albumi koje je odradila sa Hagalaz Runedance.

Tekstovi na novim albumima su mi u pojedinim trenucima zvucali....hm,pa besmisleni. Kao da nema sta da napise,pa samo lupa reci da napise pesmu.


Slušao ja. Andrea menja imidž, evo sad je i neki fotomodel. Sa Nebelhexe projektom se zapravo vratila staroj ljubavi- elektronici..

Što se tiče tekstova, moraću da te ispravim. Deluju besmisleno, međutim i dalje govore o njenim vizijama, a tu je i Runa Laguz, što može samo dodatno da zamistifikuje stvari :)

Meni Hagalaz Runedance isto tako bolje leži, prirodniji je ali i ovaj projekat ima svoju draž.

  • 8 months later...

Andrea Haugen, who previously was married to Samoth (EMPEROR, ZYKLON), will release her third album under the NEBELHEXË moniker, "Dead Waters", on May 5. The effort will be made available through Amber Autumn, which is a subdivision of Candlelight Records.


Despite her popularity in the metal scene, Haugen's music is often refered to as "ambient/folk/rock/gothic." She describes "Dead Waters" as "very own, very dark, very organic, very strange. 'Dead Waters' certainly turned out to be more organic, kind of like a mix of dreamy ambient, tribal, and a darker form of country... or something like that... maybe it was the influence of that Texas snake beer we were drinking in the studio (cool stuff!) and the hot weather. The songs, as usual, embrace many of my deep and dark thoughts, dreams... and recent experiences... I have a talent for ending up in unusual, interesting and weird situations... always kinda stressy when it happens... but they always makes the best and entertaining stories afterwards."


Through Nebelhexë, Haugen has released three albums so far: "Laguz - Within the Lake", "Essensual" and now "Dead Waters". Her lyrics talk about her real experiences, dreams, magical visions, vampires and animalistic impulses, dream gods, animal abuse, yearn for freedom, fears and her thoughts about society...


She is a writer of thought-provoking publications and articles about the darker aspects of human nature, animalistic instincts and other esoteric/taboo subjects which became quite popular in the alternative and metal music scenes. She also wrote a book about the understanding of northern myths, traditions and goddess worship, which became very popular. She has a column in a Norwegian gothic magazine, called "Seriously - The Things That Irritate Nebelhexë", yet she prefers to write her dark surrealistic stories, such as her comic "One Autumn Day".


"Dead Waters" track listing:


01. Against The Wall

02. Skindeep

03. Digital Sleep

04. Dead Waters

05. Charmed (Again)

06. In My Dreams I Am Free

07. 19th Century Ghost

08. Beyond The Ninth Wave

09. Fallen

10. The Nightguard


For more information, visit www.myspace.com/nebelhexe.





Zato sto ukupno 5 ljudi slusa i jedno i drugo, pa da se ne otvara bezveze podforum za sve.


Uglavnom ja nebelhexe nisam slusao uopste, ali hagalaz je odlican.

  • 1 month later...
  Varg said:
Yeah! A danas sam opet preslušao The Winds That Sang Of Midgard's Fate, umalo mi suze nisu krenule. I ne bi bilo prvi put :redface:

:da: :da: :wub: Sjajan bend...

Jesu li oni i dalje aktivni??


Pa nisu i dalje aktivni (nažalost), ali pevačica Hagalaza-Andrea Haugen je sad samostalna umetnica pod nazivom Nebelhexe. :bigblue:

  • 1 year later...

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