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dobri su komentari, vrlo pozitivni:


from met­al­core stuff to sec­ond-​class pop... what a down­fal­l


Thats a pop song! all in all it suck­s!



w­hats wrong wi­th the­m?

and ka­rin looks li­ke a bit­ch.


This re­al­ly suck­s, video + mu­sic ... but I would like to see the girl naked any­ways :D ... I nev­er lis­tened son­ic syn­di­cate be­fore but I ex­pect­ed it to be more met­al­ish, but THIS is re­al­ly gay...the whole thing is a pop-​song! SHIT!!!!


just bad.

bye bye syn­di­cate, for­ev­er -​ you had your chance and you blew it


First­ly, Karin is hot! ;D

Sec­ond­ly, this fkn song suck­s!


It's .. just bor­ing?!

That's it.

E­den Fire, On­ly In­hu­man and Love And Oth­er Dis­as­ters were great, but this just SUCK­S!


­Go back to Melod­ic!

  • 4 weeks later...

Bassist Karin Axelsson of the Swedish/British modern metallers SONIC SYNDICATE was reportedly "seriously injured" during the filming of the band's new video, "Turn It Up". According to a press release, the incident occurred while the group was shooting a scene where the members of SONIC SYNDICATE were being murdered with a guitar by a "sexy girl." Although the scene was intended to be staged, Karin actually got hit in the head with the instrument, causing a laceration as well as a brain concussion.



  • 4 weeks later...

Skinuo ja juče iz čistog hira, sasvim sigurno u top 5 najgorih albuma koje sam ikad slušao. Ovo je za decu do 14 godina, mada treba i njima zabraniti jer je po meni štetno izlagati ih u takvim formativnim godinama uticajima koji se mogu poigrati sa njihovom seksualnošću.


Meni album dobro zvuči ali samo to i ništa više. Sonic Syndicate kao da je bend baš napravljen za djecu do 14 godina, a ne samo ovaj album kao što reče Grobodan. Previše pičkasto zvuči većina stvari koje su do sada izdali. Realno basistkinja im izvlači prosjek... :D

  • 2 months later...

ode i richard. pametno. :)


On October 26. 2010, the band released an official statement on their homepage, stating that Richard would take a break from touring for personal reasons and to spend time with his family. The band did not comment for how long Richard would be leaving, and not if he was taking a permenant break from the band. His replacement will be Christoffer Andersson.


On October 28th, Richard stated on his blog that he was leaving permanently because of Nuclear Blast changing the musical direction of the band. He also stated that he is working on a new musical project featuring his brother Roger, and someone else, which he has not revealed yet. This person is rumored to be fellow ex-Sonic Syndicate member Roland Johansson. New project name is The Unguided.


sa njegovog bloga:


There are only so many arguments of the “scary” screaming vocals to be or not to be in various songs I’m willing to take. Seeing how there was even demands to the band (behind my back) of songs without screaming vocals and how they were later obvious downplayed in the mix might very well have been the deathblow to my emotional attachment of the band.

  • 1 year later...

pazi sad kad ova trojica naprave nov bend na foru starog sonic syndicate-a i potpisu za roadrunner... ovi iz nuclear blasta ima muda sebi da pojedu :haha:


jest da odgovaram na post od prosle godine, ali bio si u pravu. i jesu napravili novi bend koji vise podseca na stari SS, pre izvesnog vremena je izasao EP a evo sada i albuma:






Richard Sjunnesson - harsh vocals (ex-Sonic Syndicate)

Roland Johansson - lead guitar/clean vocals (ex-Sonic Syndicate)

Roger Sjunnesson - rhythm guitar/keyboards (Sonic Syndicate)

Henric Carlsson - bass (live) (Cipher System)

John Bengtsson - drums (Sonic Syndicate)

Jonas Kjellgren - bass (studio) (Scar Symmetry)



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