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2008.07.01-05. Fest: * Smederevska Tvrdjava * Castle Fest


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Moguce je, ali tek od 20. Juna, a ja bih zaista vise volio da unaprijed znam za ljude koji su direktno od nas kupili kartu. Za Bilet Servis, Eventim i Card servis funkcionise tako kao sto si naveo, ali, ja ovdje moram da se dogovaram sa ljudima iz drugih gradova kako to sve izvesti, a i sa Beogradjanima gdje da dodju, posto smo od ponedeljka u novim prostorijama.

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Jedan festival je postojao kao pocetna ideja, ali, nije to bas tako lako uraditi, dovoljno je pogledati lineup Legacy-ja, i lineup Castle-a, da se uoci razlika.

Da, u potpunosti se slazem. Skroz su drugaciji line up-ovi festivala.


Nego, dobro je sto se ova tema konacno zatvara.

Iovako nema vise sta da se pise ovde.


Sad mora da cekam da se neki drugi fest otkaze, pa da opet bude neceg zanimljivog ovde. :)

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exit je vise nego jak dokaz da line up nije kljucni mamac za privlacenje publike, jer po line up-u je svake godine skoro najgori u evropi.


Ovo si ispravno rekao, bukvalno ono sto pricam stalno u raznim raspravama...

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Ne postoji bolji marketinski potez od dobro organizovanog festivala. Ako se neki festival odrzi, a fanovi budu zadovoljni, sledece godine ce ih biti jos vise. Zato je efikasnije i jeftinije prvo napraviti mali festival koji ce da raste, nego odmah krenuti sa velikim i skupom kampanjaom.


(al smo svi pametni ex post :) )

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According to the website of the Gothic Metal Palace which should take place in Zuidlaren, The Netherlands the 20 of June 2008, the festival is cancelled.


The following update was posted on the official website of the festival:


"Dear all,


Inspite of all our efforts to make this festival happen we simply cannot go through with it.


We tried everything we could with many commercials and live broadcasting on several national radiostations, ads in several newspapers and magasins and on websites, promotion over the internet and so on.


Nevertheless no more then 700 tickets are sold and that is far to little to make this happen.


We are very sorry that we have to cancel. This is so awful for you, for the bands and for all the people involved. For us it means one year of hard work with this result.


We really hope you understand that untill today we did everything we could. Of course your tickets will be refunded. We will inform you this week about that.


The organisation of Gothic Metal Palace."


znači dešava se i u holandiji

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