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pain - pesma sa "origin of the feces"

frozen - too late: frozen (bloody kisses)

fucking - unsuccessfully coping with the natural beauty of infidelity (i know youre fucking someone else)


e sad - taj trux je misterija, ali mislim da se odnosi na intro (betovenova meseceva sonata) :D


Procitajte ovaj interview , genijalan je ! Prilicno je svez.




Citat iz intervjua :


I hate the entire human fucking race. I hate myself most because I’m part of it. I’m the worst part of it. I know I’m a fucking piece of shit I know I’m just a pile of protoplasm. My function in life is to turn food into shit.






I cancelled this show one time because I threw back my back out because I slipped on fucking cat vomit at my house. When we were on tour with Cradle of Filth and their singer [Dani Filth] says to the audience, “Type O cancelled tonight because Peter is the only guy who could suck his dick and throw his fucking back out.” I’m like, “Okay, you want to start this?” So when I came back, I put a big piece of fucking gum on stage and I stepped in it and was like, “Oh shit, I stepped on Dani.”



  • 2 weeks later...

Ako su ikada imali najgori spot,onda je to ovaj....

Sav taj 3d okolis me podseca na spot Scar Symmetry,Hammerfall-a i ostale kompanije koja je ovde radila spotove,kod tih bendova moze i da prodje,ali kod TON-a....



Spot je simpatican ali bas i nije prikladan za ToN. Podsecja me iz nekog razloga na spot za "Everything Dies" samo daleko manje morbidniji.


Da li su malo platili za spotove ili je Code ekipa bila bez inspiracija kada je radila spotove ali meni se ni ovaj spot ni spot za "Prophet of Doom" ne dopadaju. Bas bzvz...

  feyd said:
everything dies, ne? :D

Taj je odlican,jes da i tu koriste 3d,ali barem je to odradjeno kroz mracno zeleni trip Type O,dok ovaj novi kao da su ga radili za MTV :lol:

@Sinstrel Za Profits of Doom je ok,tresh je i zabavno je sto su tu ubacili Raspucina lepo se spaja sa coverom albuma,a i celim tim religijskim stimom :da:




Josh vecito kuka kako ne zaradjuju dovoljno para od muzike, pa je vrlo moguce da su ga i napravili za MTV. kao, postace milioneri od njega :P

Posted (edited)

а не знам што кењате за спот. мени је спот скроз ок. ко да је рађен за неки филм.

Edited by Kinez



intervju sa Johnny-jem.

spominje i ovaj spot, kao i otadzbinu :D njemu se kanda spot dopao... sta god :D


DM- The video for “September Sun”- why that song and can you tell us “something” about the video? Is any of the footage that you filmed on tour in there?




JK-We filmed it last Summer in Serbia and I like the way it looks. There’s quite a bit of computer generated graphics in it and the production company we worked with did a great job. For the most part, the story is based on the lyrics. We didn’t use any of the footage that was shot on tour in the video.




  Sinstrel said:
Kineski i evropski standardi se razlikuju. Ni pornice vise ne snimaju ovako.





Dobar je ovaj intervju ali ipak,kada upoznas likove i vidis kakvi su u drugacijem ih svetlu gledas.Pogotovo Kelly posle teranja u onog lika sto je hteo drugi put da se slika sa njim,a bio je tako fin :icon_ne:

Josh je za sada najbolji od cele bagra opusten,down to earth guy,a ovi digli nos zato sto sviraju u dva zajebana benda(Kenny i Kelly),a Petra necu ni da komentarisem :mhihi: ono se samo jedamput radja ;)


Berlin Sucks bootleg


CD 1

01 Intro

02 Magical Mystery Tour

03 We Hate Everyone

04 Profits of Doom

05 Anesthesia

06 These Three Things


CD 2

01 Wie Gehts Berlin

02 Xero Tolerance

03 Hey Peter

04 Kill You Tonight

05 Kill All The White People

06 Love You To Death

07 Christian Woman

08 Black No 1





Svabe su imale srece dve pesme vise....

Solidan je cert,Piter ima bolju interakciju sa publikom ali pevanje na nekim pesmama mu je zaista uzasno,kako i dolikuje jednom raspadacu :lol:

Cak parla i na nemackom nekoliko recenica!

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