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Psychotic Waltz


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Setih se da dolaze u Evropu u maju, pa rekao da probam da ih uhvatim, i onda vidim da sam potpuno preskočio ovu lošu vest


Progressive metal veterans Psychotic Waltz have announced, effective immediately, the end to any future touring for the band. This includes the cancellation of dates planned for May of 2023 in Germany, Greece, the Netherlands and a performance at this year’s Rock Hard Festival in Gelsenkirchen.

The band explains: “It is with a heavy heart that we have to withdraw from any and all future touring. The reason is simple but justified: the toll it puts on our guitarist Brian McAlpin, who has been confined to a wheelchair most of his life and for whom travel at our level is not just uncomfortable, it’s physically detrimental. The last few tours caused painful complications that took him quite some recovery time, and we are not willing to put him through that again.

“At our level of touring, it is not possible for us to provide Brian the things he would ideally need – we can’t afford to tour in a nightliner, we have to fly Coach, we often have numerous connections on little sleep, and the personal toll it takes, and the health complications is impossible to justify any longer. Therefore, we have no choice but to cancel our forthcoming dates and any future activities. When the band reunited in 2010 with the original five members who first started playing together as Aslan in 1985, we did so because it was fun, and the spark from the early days was there. It still is.

“It would have been possible to fulfill our upcoming dates with a replacement guitarist, something we had done at shows in the 1990s before our first breakup, but it didn’t feel right doing so this time. It’s all for one, one for all with the band as far as we’re concerned. It’s not about money, it’s personal, and no man gets left behind. We apologize to those of you who bought tickets or were looking forward to seeing us later this year, or beyond, but this decision is for the greater good.

“That said, this does not mean the end of Psychotic Waltz. We are already in discussions about doing another album, a follow-up to 2020’s The God-Shaped Void. We are working at this very moment with our label InsideOutMusic on putting together re-releases of our first four albums before the end of the year, including deluxe editions of each with previously unreleased material. And most importantly, we all get along. We value your dedication and support over these many years, and hope you can understand and respect our decision.”


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Respect skroz. Drago mi je da smo uspeli da ih vidimo na prethodnoj turneji makar, pamticu tu svirku do kraja zivota.

Videh da Devon na svom licnom FB profilu komentarisao da se sprema novi Deadsoul Tribe, kapiram da cemo ga cuti u toj prici uzivo uskoro. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Devon Graves tour kicks off in Athens this Monday! More specifically it will appear:
👉 Monday, October 9: Athens
👉 Wednesday, October 11: Nicosia
👉 Thursday, October 12: Heraklion, Crete
👉 Friday, October 13th: Heraklion
👉 Sunday, October 15: Kavala
👉 Tuesday, October 17: Larissa
👉 Wednesday, October 18: Thessaloniki
👉 Thursday, October 19: Kozani

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Sećam se tako kako sam se blago razoćarao Skyclad kad sam gledao u Solunu. Isto su imali neku samo-grčku turneju, 5-6 datuma. U Solunu bilo ne više od 300-400 ljudi samo, posle toga sam se zapitao koliko onda ide po tim random grčkim Kruševcima. Baš me zanima kako Graves solo prolazi.

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  • 10 months later...

narocito na kraju u Out of Mind, bas je lud ko kurac. koliko sam skapirao, Out of Mind i Hanging on a String su napisani kad i ASG, realno ima smisla. Out of Mind je bas dobar bridge izmedju prvog i drugog albuma, a Hanging on a String je manje vise I Remember Part 2. 

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Dok je pevao Halo of Thorns nisam znao sta slusam, u fazonu, kako je realno ovo jebote ... Evo bas sad pustio Out of mind, pa cemo da zaokruzimo sa Hanging (na youtube, posto Spotify nista osim poslednjeg albuma PW nema (makar meni u nemackoj)).


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meni je Halo of Thorns mozda najbolji vokal ikad snimljen u metalu. Strange isto bolesno zvuci ovde sa efektima na glasu. nema dalje od ovog realno. 

izgleda da su skinuli sve stare albume sa straminga. mozda je Inside Out otkupio prava, posto su sad radili reizdanja, pa ce valjda da vrate uskoro. 

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