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Posted (edited)



Tom Clancy's EndWar is a real-time strategy game for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC platforms. It is set during World War III.

Release date: September 2008






sajt: http://www.rev64.com/


edit: Penis, glupa wikipedija kaze da ce biti za PC, ali izgleda nece

Edited by niking
Posted (edited)


Beyond Good & Evil 2



Jedini problem je sto ce izaci samo za Xbox i PS3. :(

Da popizidis....



Ne verujem! Ovo mi je bila jedna od omiljenih akcionih avantura na kompjuteru, drago mi je sto uopste izlazi!

Taman da vidim sta se dalje desavalo jer onaj cliffhanger im nije (tada) trebao...


E sranje...

According to the Ubisoft CEO, Yves Guillemot, Beyond Good & Evil 2 will be more appealing to casual gamers than the original game, which had more core gamers, trying to make sure the sequel doesn't suffer the same commercial failure the original did
Edited by ScudTheDisposableAssasin

Не разумем због чега је тема ограничена једино на ПиСи игре, када је јасно да су конзоле намењене игрицама по одређеној хардверској спецификацији (а и коме је још потребан дуал-кор систем од 400-500 еура за програмирање...? Да не почињем о потрошњи Е.енергије и осталих глупости које су намењене за писи...)


Елем, листа







Australia Zoo Quest/Puzzle

Obscure: The Aftermath/Action

Sword of the Stars Collector's Edition/RTS

Warriors Orochi/Action

Belief & Betrayal/Adventure

Last Of The Patriots 2/FPS

Panzer Command: Kharkov/RTS

Great War Nations: The Spartans/RTS

Overclocked: A History of Violence/Adventure

Sudden Strike 3: Arms for Victory/RTS





Women's Murder Club/Adventure

Galactic Civilizations II: Twilight of the Arnor/RTS

Magic Online III/Card game

Requiem: Bloodymare/MMORPG

Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition/Action

Half-Life 2: Episode Pack/FPS

Sam & Max -- Season 2 Episode #5/Adventure

Jack Keane/Adventure

Sims 2: Double Deluxe/Sim

Sims 2: Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff/Sim

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2/FPS


Europa Universalis: Rome/RTS

Neverwinter Nights 2 Adventure Pack: Mysteries of Westgate/RPG

Neverwinter Nights 2 Gold/RPG






Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures (Collector's Edition)/MMORPG

Iron Man/Action

Mass Effect/RPG

Deadliest Catch: Alaskan Storm/Sim


Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian/Action

Bionic Commando Rearmed/Platformer

UEFA Euro 2008/Sport

Backyard Baseball '09/Sport

Battlelord: King's Bounty/RPG-TBS


Immortals of Terra: A Perry Rhodan Adventure/Adventure

Supreme Ruler 2020/RTS

Ford Racing Off Road/Racing

Kung Fu Panda/Action

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition/Action

SimCity Societies Destinations/Sim

Stronghold Crusader Extreme/RTS

SimCity Box/Compilation

City Life 2008/RTS

Shattered Suns/RTS






Devil May Cry 4/Action

Alone in the Dark/Adventure

Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway/FPS

Incredible Hulk/Action

LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures/Adventure

Trainz: The Complete Collection/Compilation

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning/MMORPG

Beijing 2008/Sport

FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage/Racing



Druga cetvrtina godine(ne zna se tacan mesec):





Cid the Dummy/Platformer

Disney/Pixar Action Pack: 3 Games In 1/Compilation

Dracula 3/Adventure


Dream of Mirror Online/MMORPG

Drop! Anniversary Edition/Pizzle

Family Game Time/Puzzle-Trivia

Flip or Flop/Action

Free Realms/RPG

Galaxy of MahJongg/Puzzle

Gray Matter/Adventure

Greedy Words/Puzzle

Happy Tree Friends: False Alarm/Action-Puzzle

Histwar: Les Grognards/RTS

Horse & Musket 3/RTS


Kidz Sports: International Soccer/Sport

Left Behind: Eternal Forces Expansion Pack/RTS

Line Rider/Puzzle

Mahjong Tales/Puzzle


Nostradamus: The Last Prophecy/Adventure

Odessa Twins/Adventure

Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode One/Adventure

Pi Story/RPG


Puzzle Master 1,000,000/Puzzle

Race Driver: Grid/Racing

Secret Files: Tunguska II/Adventure

Secret of the Solstice/RPG

Secret Online/MMORPG

Shadow of Aten/Adventure

Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis/Adventure

Teddy Factory/Action


Tomorrow War/Sim

Two Worlds: The Temptation/RPG



Warriors of Elysia/Fighting

White Gold: War in Paradise/FPS

Witcher: Enhanced Edition/RPG

Wobbly Bobbly/Action

Wonderful Wizard of Oz/Action






Drakensang: The Dark Eye/RPG

Nancy Drew: The Phantom of Venice/Adventure






Highlander: The Game/Action

Madden NFL 09/Sport

Mercenaries 2: World in Flames/FPS

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09/Sport








Far Cry 2/FPS

Sacred 2: Fallen Angel/RPG

ShellShock 2: Blood Trails/FPS

Space Siege/RPG




Treca cetvrtina godine(ne zna se tacan mesec):




Battlefield Heroes/FPS

Bionic Commando/Action

Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall/RPG

Dark Void/Action

Diabolik: The Original Sin/Adventure

Disciples III: Renaissance/TBS

Fallout 3/RPG

Igor: The Movie/Action


Littlest Pet Shop/RTS

Men of War/RTS

Nancy Drew / Hardy Boys: Super Mystery Series/Adventure


Project Origin/FPS


Rise of the Argonauts/RPG

Rohan: Blood Feud/RPG


Simon the Sorcerer 4: Chaos Happens/Action

Strategic Command 2: Blitzkrieg: Patton Drives East/RTS

Summer Athletics/Sport



Velvet Assassin/Action






Dead Space/FPS

Left 4 Dead/FPS-Action








Still Life 2/Adventure


Cetvrta cetvrtina godine(ne zna se tacan mesec):



Aliens: Colonial Marines/FPS

Stargate Worlds/RPG

This is Vegas/Action

Tomb Raider Underworld/Action



Neznani datumi izdavanja:



2025: Battle for Fatherland/Action

Agatha Christie: Death on the Nile/Adventure

Age of Pirates: Captain Blood/Action


Aion: Tower of Eternity/MMORPG

American McGee's Grimm/Action

Chrome 2/FPS

Collapse: Devastated World/Action

Crash Time/Racing


Darkest of Days/FPS


Dawn of Fantasy/RTS

Dead Island/FPS

Dungeon Lords 2/RPG


Empire: Total War/TBS-RTS

Eye for Design/Sim

Fallen Empire: Legions/FPS

Field Ops/RTS

Freaky Creatures/RTS

Ghostbusters: The Video Game/Action

Guitar Rising/Music

Half-Life 2: Episode Three/FPS

Hero's Journey/RPG

How to Train Your Dragon/Action

Incredible Machine/Puzzle

James Bond 007/Action

Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights/Racing

LEGO Batman: The Videogame/Action

Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust/Adventure

Madagascar 2/Action

Magic Ages/RPG

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2/RPG

Mirror's Edge/Action


Need for Speed "ne zna se naslov"/Racing

Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising/FPS

Postal III/FPS

Power Rangers: Super Legends/Action

Prince of Persia "ne zna se naslov"/Action

Pristontale 2: The Second Enigma/RPG

Project Delta/FPS

Rogue Warrior/FPS

Savage 2: A Tortured Soul/MMOFPS-RPG

Sensible World of Soccer/Sport

Settlers II: The Next Generation/RTS

Shadows of War/RTS


Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction/Action

Total Overdose 2/Action

Ultima Online: Kingdom Reborn/MMORPG

Underwater Wars/FPS

Warhammer: Mark of Chaos - Battle March/RTS




Zeno Clash/Action



E a sada malo 2009.


Prva cetvrtina godine(ne zna se tacan datum):




Alpha Protocol/RPG

Dungeon Hero/RPG

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky/FPS

Shadow Harvest/FPS

Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins/Action

Section 8/FPS

Bioshock 2/FPS


Neznani datumi izdavanja:





Serious Sam 3/FPS

Dragon Age/RPG

Edge of Twilight/Action

Kingdom Under Fire II/RTS

Mafia II/Action

Planet 51/Action


Sims 3/Sim


Auuuu jbt, a ja mislio Clear Sky kuca na vrata svaki cas.. bedak. Na moje veliko odusevljenje juce sam imao priliku da citam preview Dawn of War-a II i ako nista ne zajebu, trebalo bi da igrica realno bude bolja od SC-a II. A to reci nije mala stvar.. :pivopije:


Ја бојкотујем презахтевне игрице, поготово оне које захтевају два гигабајта рама, графичку картицу од 512 мегабајта и још много тога. Не привлачи ме одлична графика. Не.


Гледајући рецензије које фирме плаћају Гејмспоту и осталим ПиСи магазинима за хвалиспеве ми се заиста не допадају, а и људи који их испробавају су неадекватно информисани и варирају између субјективног и објективног мишљења...


Када изање нови Халф Лајф и нови Стил Лајф, играћу. Остатак може слободно да ме мимоиђе...




Знам за случај Jeff Gerstmann-а, едитора Гејмспот-а, који је добио отказ зато што није дао одличну оцену ЕИДОС игрици. Смешно и жалосно.

Када прелистам СкринФан, имам шта и да видим. Срање до срањета, најискреније.


Код нас не ваља то ђто и дете од пет година може најнормалније да игра Manhunt без обзира на старосно доба...


Елем, нећу више офтопик.

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