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Solidan album, nista pretjerano, ima par catchy stvari i to je to. Mozda malo prenapuhano ali ipak je u pitanju pomirenje brace pa eto valjda radi toga ponajvise. Isto tako uskoro i novi soulfly izlazi ali moram priznati da mi je Max pao u ocima poradi izjave od neki dan na konto prijatelja iz izdavacke kuce, tj. benda Killswitch Engage jer ih je javno napljuvao s izjavama da je to najgay koncert i sl. Mislim ipak da je to malo too much za muzicara i to profesionalnog muzicara da tako javno progovara i na taj nacin, al eto...valjda taj vruci brazilski temperament.



J. Bennett of Decibel magazine (web site) recently conducted an interview with Max Cavalera (SOULFLY, CAVALERA CONSPIRACY, ex-SEPULTURA). A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:


Decibel: Were you upset that [sEPULTURA] kept the band name after you left?


Max: No, but it's not the same, you know? And it's not just me who feels that way — it's a lot of the fans, too. I just felt betrayed, you know? When something is yours and it's taken away from you… it's just betrayal. But it was really hard because my brother [former SEPULTURA and current CAVALERA CONSPIRACY drummer Igor Cavalera] was in the band, too. Musically, I got over it really quickly because I got so busy with SOULFLY that I didn't have time to be bitter.


Decibel: Now SEPULTURA exists without you or Igor. How fuckin' weird is that?


Max: They might be touring under the name, but me and Igor are carrying the whole spirit under the name [CAVALERA] CONSPIRACY. So the name SEPULTURA might be out there, but there's nothing inside. What I'm doing with Igor is the closest thing to a reunion, but it's better because we're playing new songs. I couldn't really ask for more.


Decibel: Have you talked to [sEPULTURA guitarist] Andreas [Kisser] or [bassist] Paulo [Xisto Pinto Junior] since you left SEPULTURA?


Max: No, I haven't talked to either of them. You know, people even though the whole thing with Igor was made up. People in Europe would say, "Oh, you guys hang out at family reunions — you just tell the press that you don't talk." But no, man — I'm not making this shit up. I didn't talk to Igor for a long fucking time, and I still haven't talked to the other guys. It's kinda weird, but because of the way things have worked out with Igor, there's a possibility that we might do some shows together with those guys. I'm very open about saying I'd love to do a reunion — even with the guys from the early incarnation of SEPULTURA, from the 10 years of what I like to call "death metal boot camp" that we did in Brazil before we even came to the States. Those were great years — we played like shit and we knew nothing, but those were fundamental years for me and Igor. That incarnation of SEPULTURA was very important, and I think a lot of people forget that. Without those years, there never would have been a "Chaos A.D." or "Roots". That was the foundation; that was the beginning. So if we ever do a reunion, I'd really like to invite those guys to show people something a little deeper than the classic lineup.


Decibel: Has there been any backlash from that interview with the Swedish magazine, the one where you called KILLSWITCH ENGAGE gay?


Max: Not much, man. People haven't really asked. It's my opinion, man, you know? I don't like NICKELBACK either. But opinions are like assholes and a lot of people don't really like my ass.


For more information, visit www.decibelmagazine.com.

  • 1 month later...

Jel sa zna sta sviraju od STARIH stvari. Ja sam nesto trazio po netu ali nisam uspeo da nadjem, pa ako neko nadje ajde neka bude dobar pa neka okaci, jer me to zanima.


Imash na temi o koncertu.

Evo koliko se ja secam i igri su:

Arise,Roots Bloody Roots,Refuse/Resist,Territory,Attitude,Dead Embryonic Cells...znache neke od tih.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Album je prosecan!

Nista, ali nista novo!

Sve sa albuma je vec svirano na neki od nacina!

Ocekivao sam nesto mnogo bolje!

Sve u svemu po meni je pozitivno na tom albumu konacno pomirenje brace CAVALERA!

Mozda ce neki od narednih albuma biti malo inovativniji!


Ja nisam ocekivo da ce biti mnogo bolji jer su Cavalere omatorili i nemaju vise onog zara u pravljenju pesama i to. . .Al i dalje dobro sviraju to stoji al nikako nemozemo ocekivati nesto slicno Sepulturinim starim albumima ,to se nedogadja dva puta

Posted (edited)

Auuuu...kako ste napljuvali album na prethodnim stranama...ne kontam vas !! Realno, nisam ni ocekivao da bude blizu Sepulturinih albuma kada su zajedno radili...ali ovo je upravo ono sto sam ocekivao od Max-a...bez mnogo pametovanja i udri !!



Cavalera Conspiracy - Live at Hovefestivalen, Norway 26-06-2008


1. Inflikted

2. Sanctuary

3. Territory

4. Terrorize

5. Refuse/Resist

6. Wasted Away

7. Inner Self

8. Nevertrust

9. The Doom Of All Fires

10. Orgasmatron

11. Hex

12. Black Ark (with Richie Cavalera)

13. Arise

14. Dead Embryonic Cells

15. Troops Of Doom (Igor's Nephew on Drums)

16. Attitude

17. Must Kill

18. Roots Bloody Roots






Snimak (video) s' nekog festivala u Norveskoj .... valjda je bio streamovan, pa je neko pokupio...dosta dobar zvuk i slika !!



E ono sto cenim kod grupe...Live nastup...a na ovom Cavalera Conspiracy dosta dobro zvuci....i sada mi je jos vise zao sto ih nismo culi proslog utorka !!

Edited by RaVeN
Guest Kriki

Ovaj linkovi nece da mi rade!!!!Ajde ako mozes daj neke sto rade!Voleo bih ovo da vidim, bas je dobra lista!

  SkullKrusheR said:
Zao mi je sto moram ovo da kazem, ali meni ovo nije thrash.


Nije baš thrashy ali je moćan, ipak su u pitanju coveri ... svidža mi se, espešli Dead Kennedy's Drug Me.

Posted (edited)

video sam danas plakat za cavalera conspiracy u gradu ima li vajde od te grupe?

vredi li otici?


zajebao sam se, svirali su 07.07.08... propustih...

Edited by The Trooper

Upravo sam odgledao video snimak sa festivala cija lista je okacena nekoliko postova ranije. Nisam ni sumljao da ce se dobro spremiti za turneju. Igor je bolji nego u studiju, gde je totalno podbacio, ipak nije skroz izgubio interes za bubnjevima. ton mu je kao na albumu. Basista je ovaj novi - Johny Chow, ne izgleda lose sa onom bradurinom, puno bolje od Marc Rizza, koji je kao neki fensi klinac. Dobar je on muzicar, ali nema ama bas nista svoje i autenticno u svirci. Moze samo da sanja o Andreasu Kisseru. Max je Max, meni je poceo da nervira sa imidzom i onim "mothafacka/jumpdafuckup" frazama jos u Chaos A.D. fazi, tako da nije bilo realno ocekivati da ce sada biti nesto zanimljiviji. Standardno dobro peva. Nakon gledanja koncerta se jasno vidi da u njihovoj svirci nema puno thrasha, to su vise catchy hard core rifovi i nesto death metal figura, aranzamni su uprosceni, nigde dobrog srednjeg dela ili nekog neocekivanog resenja, malo razvlace svirku, pa se vrate u glavnu temu. Pojedini textovi kao nevertrust su detinjasti. Od Sepulturinih stvari sviraju samo najpoznatije.

Solidna svirka prosecnog benda.

Ali mi je ipak krivo sto ih nismo videli na Tasu.

  Вуду Соло Соул said:
Nije baš thrashy ali je moćan, ipak su u pitanju coveri ... svidža mi se, espešli Dead Kennedy's Drug Me.


Drug Me je otprashila i Sepultura na Blood Rooted. Svidja mi se obrada (zato shto sam fan Kennedys-a , jelte).

  The Trooper said:
video sam danas plakat za cavalera conspiracy u gradu ima li vajde od te grupe?

vredi li otici?


zajebao sam se, svirali su 07.07.08... propustih...


01.07. su trebali da sviraju.

Imas nadugacko i nasiroko o toj nesreci na temi o koncertu.

A od Kavalere uvek ima vajde.

  • 2 weeks later...

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