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Posted (edited)

Има ли неко серију ,,Мој брат Алекса'', или адресу са које је могуће преузети исту? Ради се о серији емитованој 1992 године, и снимљено је 10 епизода (ако ме сећање служи, или беше 8), и приказује живот песника Алексе Шантића.


За нарезивање плаћам новцима, а за линкове пивом :pivopije:


Уједно и препоручујем да одгледате ово ако будете имали прилику.

Edited by Tano Cariddi
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest GoranTo

Znaci, preporuke dobrih serija....Rekao bih "Battlestar Galactica" ali primecujem da trebaju serije koje 'nisu toliko poznate' a BSG je sada opste poznato i obavezno stivo da svako mora imati u svom domu. :D


Padaju mi napamet dosta njih, ali evo par izvukao da napomenem.... Firefly, Life on Mars (UK), Jericho, Shield... trenutno repriziram sebi Sons of Anarchy (od lika koji je radio Shield). Kul serija o motorciklistima. Toplo preporucujem. Trenutno ima jedna sezona od 13 epizoda, uskoro bi trebalo da krene i druga sezona sa emitovanjem (ne znam samo tacno kad). Glumi Ron Pearlman (hellboy), cisto da napomenem.

Posted (edited)

Hobotnica je kvlt,isla je '94/'95. kad sam isao u srednju.Razredni je nas zvao mafijasi a mi njega Korado...

Najbolja serija koju sam ja u zivotu gledao je definitivno Serlok Holms sa Jerremy Brettom i mogu da je gledam iznova kad hoces.Inace i Zona Sumraka je jako dobra.Od domacih Majstorska radionica,Kamiondzije,Secerna vodica,Vruc vetar i svi ti stari kultovi sa najboljim glumcima svih vremena.Smogovci nije vise nasa serija ali nema deteta koje nije volelo bracu Vragec i crnog Dzeka.

Iz novijeg doba Selo gori mi se svidja i Moj rodjak sa sela.

Edited by Mr.Hate
  • 2 weeks later...

Slažem se za Fawlty Towers , sjajan je ! Šteta što ima samo 12 epizoda , ali je zato svaka fenomenomenalna (što bi rek'o naš veeeeliki umjetnik Ćira : )) ) !


Ne znam da li je neko preporučio već , ali ja ću sada : CALIFORNICATION !!!


Ako niste dosada gledali - pogledajte jer je fenomenalna i nećete se pokajati !!!

  • 3 weeks later...

Zavrsila se i 5. sezona Weedsa, slabija je u odnosu na prethodne mada su ostavili dobar cliffhanger



jebem ti sve, kako sam se strecnuo kada je Shejn udario onu drolju cekicem :)


  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

"Hercules: The Legendary Journeys"










Ovo je kultna serija dvojice kultnih glumaca. Ko ne pogleda ovo totalni je idiot i kreten i kurva mu bila keva.




Straight to the point,no t.v.series from anywhere in the world ever has come close to the magnificence of "HERCULES" and "XENA" From the very first telemovie to the most recently aired episodes a standard in televisual action/adventure has been set which is unlikely ever to be surpassed.Action adventure will suffer a mortal blow when this show ends. The fabulous special effects and second to none fight sequences would alone be enough for this series to soar but the real icing on this cake of cakes are the wonderful performances of Kevin Sorbo as Herc and Michael Hurst as his friend Iolaus.Watching them perform together and singly is a pleasure and who cares if there have been sub-standard episodes along the way.Even these dwarf the best episodes of any genre show since t.v. began.It seems that U.S.fans damn a series forever if one episode is deemed to be below par.This is fandom mentality and it is rife in the U.K.also as anyone who has read the ramblings of the mad harridans who contribute to the British fan mag "DISPATCHES FROM OLYMPUS" will testify.Some of these so-called fans threatened to boycott the stations that show "HERCULES" because they were disappointed by one as then unseen plot point.Ignoring these idiots,however,any viewing of the best episodes of "HERC" is a t.v.pleasure unrivalled and with its companion piece "XENA" providing a 90 episode(at the time of writing)saga of action,love and passion that sometimes even surpasses its parent show,the legacy of Hercules will not pass away quickly.Sorbo,Hurst and all the others should be seen by future generations as the very best that the home screen had presented as the twentieth century drew to a close.



  • Downvote 5
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)



Ove dve serije su mi odlične a pored njih bi izdvojio i FLASHFORWARD.

Edited by mik@n
  • Downvote 1

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