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misish kad dodjesh sa svog fenserskog proputovanja minhen - pariz? :D toliko o socijalnoj pravdi, bwahahahha!!! :D


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deadrsie - ako ime nekom i zvuchi novo, to su sve muzikanti sa ogromnom klometrazom u beogradskom hardkoru i metalu, a o cemu pricham najbolje se vidi live - ja bogami svaki put posle svirke cedim gacje, charape i majicu... :mhihi:


vidimo se prvog!


jeste jeste 8mi maj...


+ opet ista ekipa : Lament from eden i mi...

znamo da se ponavaljamo,ali ce to i njima 99% biti promocija diska...tako da budite spremni na duplo zadovoljstvo...i buduci da ne kupujete karte, deder da kupite diskove...a mi cemo gledati da izadjemo u susret sto je vise moguce sa cenom...



Posted (edited)




The Ethics Of Extermination

Izlazi: Maj 08, 2008

Kuca: Years of pain&Shcp records

Cena: 200 dinara


Spisak i tekstovi pesama:


2.Ebola's Romance

3.Throne Of Blood

4.The Dirt Of Mankind

5.The Ethics Of Extermination

6.Our Destiny


1.Ebola's romance


There is a horrid virus that lives beneath my skin, and i can't banish it out!

It made my flash so putrid, and these razors so delicious, it makes me numb!

I curse it's name i curse this life!

all i feel is perpetual abhorrence,

these carving stabs in my lung,

no, i can't take this anymore!

I've put the drugs in myself, i had to kill my sense,

so impured with obsession, i couldn't outstay

all your wistful knives, they're weeping for my blood!

this rotting feeling never dies,

this living hell tears my insides out,

and all those poisons seem so charming,

if i kill myself i'll destroy you too!

inside that darkest place i found a perfect slayer,

to pronounce the end of terror, to stop this agony, to quit this awfull laceration!

I am indebted for your presence!

In one moment i've felt alive!



2.Throne of blood


My hordes of lifeless are waiting to see that perfect scene,

the end of reign of terror and the servality.

For the centuries of serving your submission, watching our dreams turn into dust,

Those lifes we lost to build up your throne of blood, now its time for you to pay the price.

You may killed us once but you have to do it one more time, cause dead will rise.

Upon this slavery, through all our misery, "down with the kings" we shall sing!

The sound of slaughtering will rip our ears,the insurrection will be so relentless.

The freedom has the biggest price, we will pay it no matter what,

and that will be the end of your throne of blood!

Your gorgeus neck will mitigate our gillotine's blade fall.

We will pay the price with our precious blood.



3.The dirt of mankind


"Beware the beast man, for he is the Devil's pawn.

Alone among God's primates he kills for sport or lust or greed.

Yeah, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land.

Let him not breed in great numbers for he will make a desert of his home and yours.

Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair for he is the harbinger of death"

Detract his all possessions, erase the properties,

take him away all resources that feeds his lust.

And then this archaic creature is convicted to it's own bane!

One day all the dirty of mankind will be washed away!


(The quotes has been taken from Franklin Schaffner's movie: Planet of the apes 1968.)


4.The Ethics of Extermination


Blood-thirst in our eyes, the proof that sacredes have been rised.

With these generations nurtured in the darkness,

precisely raised with the purpose to fill these caskets.

The thousands of dead-mute soldiers are waiting for command.

With a holy book in a packet and finger on a trigger,

representing "God's will" and those who lead us.

City's burning, dead silhouettes dance around,

screeching consonance is obeying our hearts.

Eternal happiness and these ear to ear smiles ,

that we made by cutting their mouths.

We wont wait for another dawn!

Exterminating masses, trampeling their dead bodies,

there is no mercy for a profane races.

The sound of a triumph trumpets will be heard.

The impurity will perish in this perfect world.

The earth is not enough to bury all those corpses,

so we will burn them up in the victorious flame!



5.Our destiny


The blackness above our heads, this smut and awfull stench,

all those sleepless nights, evidenced that one more time,

society has turned it's back, and we are struggling for own breath.

They have approached us to contamination.

The annihilation never seemed so close!

Blindfolded with the desire we made a defective world.

The self-destruction is all we made, our prosperity is our end.

Deep inside our chembers we are vanishing, but machinery just cant stop.

Producing more anguish and filthy sufferings, this pollution became a part of us.

Your worst nightmare is our destiny!

With no place to go, with no lee to hide,

this is all we had, and this is all we lost!


(Dedicated to the most polluted town in Europe - Pancevo)

Edited by marebizare

hvala puno ljudima koji ste bili na promociji!

jako nam je drago i nadamo se da ste uzivali koliko i mi...


Ja(marko) vam se iskreno izvinjavam zbog loshijeg pevanja ,jer sam stvarno bio mnogo bolestan pre koncerta (temperatura 39 itd) i da nije bila promocija u pitanju, definitivno bi otkazali ovaj koncert...

sta je tu je...iduci put ce biti mnogo bolje u svakom slucaju...


hvala vam jos jednom na dolasku i na razumevanju...





  • 2 weeks later...

Preslusao sam doticno izdanje... Kako bi Englezi rekli: My cup of tea!!!


Masna produkcija, dobre pesme... Sta reci?! Sta je jos potrebno??!!!!


A sad kritike... Samo 2!


1. Milosh iz Tibie hmmmm.... Ne kazem, interesantno, ali ne bas po mom ukusu...(mada ovo i nije prava zamerka) U svakom slucaju, samo moje misljenje...


2. VELIKA ZAMERKA: Hocu jooos!!! Malo bre pesama rodjaci!!! :D Bar josh 2 da su nasle svoje mesto na inace UBER izdanju!!!


Ako je moje misljenje relevantno po bilo kom osnovu, dajem vam 9/10!!!


Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!

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