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Konačno sam pribavio bend Kashmyr za kojim sam tragao dugo. Poput Edwin Dare, reklo bi se da je i ovaj bend više heavy no prog, i možda u ovom slučaju ima istine (dakle na momente se zaista oseti neki Dokken uticaj itsl). No, pristup i takvoj muzici je ovde tretiran na jedan progresivniji i manje šablonski način, te će bend završiti verovatno u prog vodama. Kažem verovatno, jer još nisam stigao da ga u potpunosti preslušam. More details later.



A bend koji sam još pre neki dan odlučio da nanovo preslušam jest već ovde spominjana NARITA i albumčina "CHanges". Ovom prilikom mu dižem ocenu sa 4+ na 5- i na taj način odlikujem titulom visokog prog reda. Reference, koje bi tek približno opisale zvuk: House of Spirits (light varijanta), Queensryche, Jackal (dakle prisutna je i heavy varijanta), sve to skuvano u jedan tehnički jako interesantan melanž, sa prominentnom i razdraganom bas gitarom, prelepim ala KrimsonGLori gitarskim soloima-jurnjavama i odličnim vokalom. Bend pamtim zbog uvek aktuelne krilatice koja zvuči naivno i izlizano, ali ko presluša, biće mu simpatično: Stop the World, I wanna get off! (backing voc: Something's wrong with society..)

Inače, kroz ovaj danski bend prošla je gomila muzičara, izvrsni Jackal pevac, pa onda ljudi iz Royal Hunt, Prime Time, etc.



Dajte mi danas bend koji OVAKO zvuči, iskreno, neiskarikirano, pa sve častim pivom, rakijom iliti sličnim agensima.


Kamo još kvltova?

  Tanya said:
Hoces li vise uploadovati to posto nema nigde da se skine??? :twisted:


Ja hoću, ali me sprečavaju tehničke nemogućnosti, tj. na dialup-u sam. Videću možda nekako sredim to posle prvomajskih čarolija, kad se vratim sa planina.

Nemoguće da to nema kod onih rusa...


Narita (Dnk)


Style: Melodic Prog/Power Metal

Country: Denmark

Last known line-up

Kenny Lьbcke - Vocals (Andrй Andersen, Zoser Mez, Torben Enevoldsen, Cornerstone, Hero, Andersen - Laine - Readman)

Henrik Poulsen - Guitars (Prime Time)

Mac Gaunaa - Guitars (GuitarStew, Andrй Andersen, Royal Hunt, Scarlet)

Karsten Lagermann - Bass (Savage Affair, Torben Enevoldsen)

Allan White Sшrensen - Drums (ex-Scarlet, Prime Time, Royal Hunt, ex-Andrй Andersen, Cornerstone)

Andrй Andersen - Keyboards (Royal Hunt, Cornerstone, Prime Time, Andersen - Laine - Readman)


Former/past member(s)

Brian Rich - Vocals (Jackal (Dnk), Shermann Soldiers)

Per Onink - Vocals (Force Majeure, Artillery, Stonehenge (Dnk))

Flemming Olsen - Drums (ex-Tom Cat, Prime Time)

Christian Dennis Raikai - Bass (Concrete Cow, Prime Time, Torben Enevoldsen)


Napokon :veseli:

  Odliveni Mozak said:
Rekoh 'Ancient Future'. To je prog i to je kvlt. Nije metal doduse.


Jel mo'š da budeš malo precizniji? Kad, gde, kako i zašto prog a ne metal, itsl.



et Tania - eto vidiš da se može naći. Krenuti slušanje sa Changes, ova dva novija su nešto slabiji, ali ne previše. Moram se i njih podsetiti, ali tek nakon mej d frst.


Zasada sam samo jednom preslusala Changes, ali imaju smek koji mi se mnogo svidja, hvala na preporuci, isplatilo se trazenje :pivopije:

  • 2 weeks later...
  ProgressiveR said:
Ljudi ... sam Lemur Voice ..... i tačka :)


Jebi ga, napisah poveći post, i.... kliknuh negde bezveze te nisam mogao da ga vratim.


Ajd ukratko: Progresivere, zašto je za tebe Lemurov glasić kultni prog album? Najlakše je reći "that's

 THE band" i tačka.


(naravno, kvaliteta ima, ali sam slušo odavno, pa se zaboravilo)


Zato što obožavam ovaj album. Ovde sam ih pomenuo jer su underground, a mislim da su stvarno dobri.


Ne volim kritičare ni njihove kritike, niti review-e, sve je stvar ličnog doživljaja, pa zato neću ni da ti prepričavam kakvi su. Ako te zanjma poslušaj pa ako ti se svidi - svidi ...

  • 2 months later...

rogressive Metal (France)


1. The perfect symmetry 9:19

2. Shine 3:17

3. Sapphire 7:27

4. Naive 4:54

5. Unspoken 5:59

6. Temple 3:05

7. Empire 6:32

8. Sand 16:11

9. Earth ( Bonus Track ) 8:48




Nisu potcenjeni ali su novi. I Steven Wilson ih je bash dosta nahvalio. :) Ako neotvorim danas temu, otvoricu sutra temu na ovom podforumu o njima.

Posted (edited)

Не знам да ли је неко споменуо француски бенд НЕМО.Nије никакав повер али је прог.


NEMO (French band)


Албуми :


Si Partie 1 [2006]


Prelude À La Ruine [2004]


Les Nouveaux Mondes [2002]


Présages [2003]


Si Partie II - L'Homme Idéal [2007]



Више Инфо на :










Si Partie 1 је њихов до сада можда најбољи албум.

Edited by SixStepsOnTheMoon
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

i'm searching for a couple of album, maybe us can help me


one is Veda-Mental Pabulum (2005)

the other is Mystica - Dreams in Real Forms (2008)


Thanks!!! ^_^

Edited by mazoel
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Avalon - Eurasia (2000)


The German band Avalon's fourth album is a conceptual work that deals with the different historical personalities and countries of the largest continent of the Earth - Eurasia. It is a unique mixture of European melodic power metal and traditional Asian sounds. Buddhist chants, traditional percussions and indian sitars blend together with powerful metal riffs and progressive minded arrangements. Famous Indian and Asian guest musicians perform on their native instruments and choir arrangements.


Avalon's lineup reflects their global viewpoint: charismatic lead singer Chitral Somapala hails from a famous family of musicians in Sri Lanka. On Eurasia he is also featured on Chapman Stick. A newcomer to Avalon is the powerful French drummer Jacques Voutay. German guitarist Sebastian Eder and keyboardist Jens Kuckelkorn are once again accompanied by female bassist Petra H. Delorian. This is a unique and exotic lineup!


Eurasia was produced by Sascha Paeth who is responsible for the epic sounds of Rhapsody, Angra, Luca Turilli, and Kamelot. Touring in Europe, Canada, and the USA, Avalon has gained an international reputation supporting bands like Metallica, Hammerfall, Savatage, Angra, Royal Hunt and Motorhead




1. Aurora

2. Burning Souls

3. Temujin

4. Black Hole Wisdom

5. Eternal Flame

6. Save the Holy Land

7. The Last Call

8. Eurasia

9. The Stranger

10. The Painting

11. Kyrie - (bonus track)

12. Semaruma




Edited by azal
  azal said:
jebote koliko je propala ova tema od moje bitke sa rakom :D


sutra Avalon - Eurasia i Eternity X - The Edge ripovano u 320 sa originala.

Pa da, rekoh ti ja da je zamrlo jos kada si se vratio na net :lol:

Hvala za linkice i rip pre svega, javljamo utiske ;)



Studio Album, released in 1997


Track Listings


1. The Edge...(Introduction) (6:10)

2. Fly Away (8:03)

3. The Confession (6:19)

4. The Edge Part 2 (6:23)

5. A Day in Verse (7:58)

6. Imaginarium (10:11)

7. The Edge Part 3 (5:01)

8. The Edge of Madness (7:13)

9. Rejection (3:24)

10. Baptized By Fire (7:28)

11. The Edge...Legacy/Reprise (5:03)


Total Time: 74:00



- Jeff Shernov / guitars, backing vocals

- Robert Maziekien 'Zeek' / bass, backing vocals

- Keith Sudano / lead and backing vocals

- Jimmy Peruta / drums and percussion

- Jaime Mazur / keyboards

Releases information


Angular Records SKAN 8201.AR


his is surely one of the most amazing, special and dramatic albums ever. I listen to it over and over and still find it completely groundbreaking in both concept and music style.


Easily said it's Progressive Metal with a lot of atmospheric keyboard, heavy riffs, detailed drums, complex bass and Keith Sudano's brilliant varied voice. These elements are put together into a fantastic symbiosis of a very complex concept story, brilliantly matched with detailed and highly bombastic music. The lyrics are about very personal themes like the struggle in finding the right way, problems with religion, matters of love and so on, very relatable themes. I will try to comment on the different songs.


The album opens in symphonic style with The Edge (Introduction). It slowly builds into a mid-tempo song with a monster break in the middle with great bass and detailed drums. A good song that sets the mood for the rest of the album.


Fly Away; Well, what can I say. One of the best songs ever (at least). Just the opening with the twin keyboard/guitar play sets me into trance, brilliant. A song full of variation and one of the hugest sing along choruses ever. This song simply has everything. The lyric is very interesting and complex, about the human soul and its journey.


The Confession is one of the most dramatic songs I have ever heard, and like the one just mentioned this is in the same league. I simply love the lyric, which is a critique of organised religion, and that you can have a belief of your own. The music is extremely progressive, lots of changing rhythms and the vocal parts are out of this world. A very powerful and intense song.


The Edge Part 2...(The Looking Glass) is a very strange song. The very fast rhythm section rules and again there are plenty of variation. The vocal lines are in parts of the song sung in an opera like way, strange and not that fitting, but interesting. Not the best song on the album, but still with lots of atmosphere.


A Day In Verse is a ballad type of song, very emotional concerning problems of loneliness, love despair and so on. The chorus is simply brilliant and the keyboard atmosphere is stunning. Also the guitar solo is very melodic, a monster track.


The dark and dreaming atmosphere of Imaginarium is genius. A long slow song with some very progressive parts and choirs. The keyboard break in the middle simply rules. This song I had to give many listenings, but it became better and better.


The Edge Part 3... (Existence Chapter 1,000,009) is a mid-tempo track with some fantastic vocal parts. The musically details is of very high standard and makes very second interesting.


One of the most progressive and special songs is surely The Edge Of Madness. Again a stunning vocal performance were different personalities appear in dramatic style. A song about inner struggle and a genius guitar/keyboard duel. The amount of changing moods and melodies are amazing.


Rejection is a totally different song. The most direct song, and also the shortest on the record. The rhythm is a bid odd but this is detail. It is pretty raw and fast, but it still has the changing elements that lift it to a high level.


Baptized By Fire is one of my all time favourite songs. Fuck this song has it all. Melody, drama, epic atmosphere, brilliant lyric about love and inner thoughts. The guitar lead is brilliant and the changes are fantastic. I could go on praising this record but it must have and end.


The Edge...Legacy/Reprise is a natural ending starting with an acoustic guitar and a slow rhythm. The last part has connections with the first song of the album, and ends perfectly in drama and bombastic elements.


The sound is pretty special but in a good way, clear and still with much depth.


The musical performance on this record is perfect. The detail and variation plus all the great atmospheres and melodies is simply astonishing.


This release is one of the most progressive and dramatic ever.


I love the feel this album has, a completely unique sound and atmosphere.


In one word this is a masterpiece.



Rating: 10/10



Posted (edited)

veceras stize jos D.C. Cooper - s/t


ovih dana Superior - Younique i The Quiet Room - Introspect, naravno sa originala.




Edited by azal

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