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Posted (edited)

Imas da promenis kontrole! (Instructions: WASD to move, J=Shoot, K=Jump, L=Grenade.

Second menu buttons begins a game and third lets you configure the controls (do this first, the default ones suck).

After clicking start the next 3 options are difficulty settings.)


Edit: Yeah,ubio sam gorilu :metalac:

Edited by Morphy
  • 2 weeks later...







Mada sam se sjebao kad sam vidio top listu rezultata, 10000+ poena i svih 20 života.


Ipak, s obzirom da sam danas ubio zmiju u dvorištu, pola sata kosio travu, dva sata držao metlu u rukama i čistio, oprao prozore... Nije loše. Sad mogu s mirom spavati, a ne bih se žalio ni na neku dobru Miru.


meni su te wasd komande nezgodne a ono jkl je tek kretenski :(



nemoj wasd komande da mi diras :violent:




Rose Camelia Хаха, каква игра! Фора је кликнути на attack (доле десно) и замахнути курсором ка мети. Када вам нестане attack поена (горе лево) кликнете на evade (доле лево) и одмахнете курсором. Кратко траје али је веома динамична игра.
  • 4 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

" Robot Unicorn Attack puts you into the role of a robotic unicorn out to make wishes come true and live in harmony… or something. Honestly, it is one of those oddly hypnotic games that you sit down to play one or two rounds and then you realize that you have just spent the last week of your life playing a game about unicorns with one song playing on a continuous loop.. "



harmony harmony ooooh

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