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2008.12.14. *SKC, Beograd* Morbid Angel, Kataklysm, Marduk, Keep Of Kalessin, Arsis


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Set lista juce iz Antverpena:

Rapture - Pain Divine - Maze Of Torment - Sworn To The Black - Nevermore - Fall from grace - Lord Of All Fever & Plague - Chapel Of Ghouls - Dawn Of The Angry - Where The Slime Live - Blood On My Hands - Bil Ur Sag(F!)- God Of Emptiness - World Of shit

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Pa bas zato i kazem-gde je Day of suffering, ta pesma je cist kult.


Nego jel' zna neko sta ce Cmarduk da sviraju, za setlistu Morbida se nisam brinuo, ali me Marduk interesuje jer njih ne slusam koliko i Morbide pa mi nije svejedno sta ce svirati...

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Sto se Arsisa (edit: Marduka :) ) tice, nisam mogao nista da nadjem, tj. samo sam ovo nasao


"Can't really tell, cuz it all sounded a bit the same to me. Last songs was "Fistfucking God's planet" and heard some scraps of "Bleached bones".

"Also played levelling dust and cold mouth prayer.

Fistfucking god's planet was amazing, I think they played azrael too."


Sto se Morbida tice, evo setliste iz 2007, i tu se vidi da i nismo lose prosli:



2.Pain Divine

3.Maze of Torment

4.Sworn to the Black


6.Lord Of All Fevers And Plague

7.Dawn Of The Angry

8.Where the slime Live

9.Blood on my Hands


11.Immortal Rites

12.Fall from Grace

13.Day of Suffering

14.Evil Spells

15.Chapel of Ghouls

16.God Of Emptiness

17.World Of Shit (The Promised Land)


Kao sto se vidi iz prilozenog, nije tako lose, ali ipak zalim za Rites i Blasfemijem...

Edited by heavy jerk

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Set lista juce iz Antverpena:

Rapture - Pain Divine - Maze Of Torment - Sworn To The Black - Nevermore - Fall from grace - Lord Of All Fever & Plague - Chapel Of Ghouls - Dawn Of The Angry - Where The Slime Live - Blood On My Hands - Bil Ur Sag(F!)- God Of Emptiness - World Of shit

kako li zvuci bil ur sag sa masterom pitam se...


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U kom svetu je bre Kataklysm poznatiji od Marduka?


Ovo i mene zanima.


Set lista juce iz Antverpena:

Rapture - Pain Divine - Maze Of Torment - Sworn To The Black - Nevermore - Fall from grace - Lord Of All Fever & Plague - Chapel Of Ghouls - Dawn Of The Angry - Where The Slime Live - Blood On My Hands - Bil Ur Sag(F!)- God Of Emptiness - World Of shit


Ček ček ček.


Je l' sam ovo ja na drogama ili oni ne sviraju Immortal Rites?

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Dobra je lista Morbida,i normalno da je skraćena jer je ovo zapravo festival.

Ali Immortal Rites!!!!!:( Moramo skandirati da je odrade.

e da, i arsis lista...u, al smo naporni :) :)

Pazi,oni za pola sata mogu da opiče 5-6 u vr' glave 7 pesma.

Kapiram da ce sigurno svirati Maddening Disdain,The Face Of My Innocence,A Diamond For Disease(ne celu naravno već trećinu otprilike) i We Are The Nightmare.Za te sam gotovo 100% siguran da će ih svirati.

Još samo da u tu kombinaciju upadnu i I Speak Through Shadows i Lust Before The Maggots Conquest,i ja srećan!

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Sta ja znam Arsis je pre novog ovog albuma svirao dosta dobru listu Sto se mene tiche sto manje sa drugog albuma, mozda jedino I speak Through Shadows i Oh the Humanity, a sto vishe sa prvog. Znam sigurno da sviraju Face of my Innoscence, to se univerznalno prihvatila kao njihova najbolja pesma. no videcemo. A sto se tiche zaraznih dijamanata, dal su to nekad svirali uzivo uopshte?



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