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Pa kad skidate sa tih megauploada i rapidshareova umesto sa proverenih torenata :)


Prvo ideš ovo:



Reloadedov krek nije ispravan ali to nije ni bitno jer ćeš igru ionako patchovati, bitno je što je disk dobar i da ima dosta seedova.



Pa onda ideš patch 1.01 + Bring Down The Sky:




(skidaš ovaj "english,czech,hungarian patch 1.01a (298MB)" )


Pa onda ide krek za 1.01:




(skidaš "Mass Effect: Bring Down the Sky v1.01a/RUSSIAN [3.9 MB] Fixed Executable", iz njega izvlačiš samo MassEffect.exe)


Radi provereno i sve je na engleskom.

Edited by voodoo_

Smrt torentu!Ovo je prvi puta da sam imao problem ove prirode,tako da torent i dalje nece biti na mome racunaru. :da:

Nacicu ovo na MU...PROPER RELOADED nije problem naci.


Hvala! :pivopije:

  • 1 month later...

Izašao krek za patch 1.02. Nema ga još u široj javnosti al biće ovih dana.


List of changes in 1.02:


* The player will no longer become stuck in the Feros elevator

* Quickslot abilities are now disabled in elevators

* The pixilated bloom and DoF on Radeon x1650 and x1950 cards has been addressed

* GPF crashes when playing Quasar have been addressed

* The player's weapon will not auto fire if the fire button is released as an active loading screen appears

* Low LOD on Garrus' face has been addressed

* Reconfiguring the PRIMARY INTERACT key (Default set to E) to any other key will no longer make the ENTER key interact TWICE when used.

* Player will not become stuck in his action station in elevators (primarily occurred in the Peak 15 elevators)

* Occasional crash when encountering Rachni on UNC_73 has been addressed

* Using the enter key to add and remove talent points will function properly

* GUI: Pressing U when first getting control of Shepard and then pressing ESC to close it will not cause the player to lose all input functionality

* Romance confrontation conversation will fire after 3rd planet complete

* The player will no longer become stuck when using the Enter key rather than the primary interact key to initiate conversation with certain followers on the Normandy

* Audio skipping during conversations has been addressed

* Addressed cases where Realtec HD audio users were experiencing issues with cut off / crackling audio after patching the game to version 1.01

* The issue regarding dynamic character shadows appearing grainy has been resolved.

* Nihilus and all Turians are no longer missing their face markings

* The issue of Garrus having no lighting on his face until a save is loaded has been addressed

* The game will now create save files when "My Documents" is set to the root of a drive

* The issue where PCs with NVIDIA GeForce 8xxx and above video cards were experiencing random General Protection Fault crashes appears to have been fixed with the GeForce 182.06+ drivers. Please ensure when playing Mass Effect that all PC drivers are up to date.


List of changes in 1.01/1.01a:


* added some infrastructure support for additional downloadable content

* updated the image of the Batarian race in the codex

* fixed an issue where the center channel for hardware audio wouldn't play correctly sometimes

* fixed an issue where the hardware mouse pointer would disappear when first selected

* fixed an issue where Shepard did not auto-crouch when entering cover in some places

* fixed a tool-tip indicating a game restart is needed before enabling hardware or software audio if the option was changed

* fixed an issue where ambient conversation would not be heard from rear speakers sometimes

* fixed a text string to make it clearer on how to exit a vehicle

* fixed a text string so the tool top for dragging the map is clearer in French languages builds


Mass Effect Configuration Utility


* fixed a crash running on certain multi-core AMD systems

* fixed an issue where video RAM was not being reported properly on certain cards

  • 4 months later...

Ja mislio ti poceo pricu od drugom delu. :haha:


Drugi deo sam igrao nekih 15 minuta i deluje bas dobro. :da:


Demo? Ili se pojavila igra?


ME2 overdose kod mene poslednjih par dana...3 dana sam vec za kompom nisam se pomerio evo skuvao sam kafu i pocinjem...socijalni zivot off nikada jacha igra.Sve je bolje u odnosu na ME1 koji je meni do jaja dosadan.Obavezna preporuka svakome potpuno su ispolirali igru.


Zaleteo bih se vec sada da kazem igra godine koliko je dobro ali mnogo nade ulazem u ovu 2010-u hehe.


Ide na dva double layera, just to let you know. :da:


Nachi 4 dvda kod pirata, well vredi dati pare ako je dobra igra. Nemogu da downloudujem, a nemam ni od koga da pozajmim pa su mi pirati jedina nada.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Željko, daj neke podrobnije informacije o igri (nešto što ne piše u Svetu Kompjutera :D). Upravo skidam 1GB megaupload linkove - potrajaće :)


Odlična je igra, međuljudski odnosi su vrhunski, dizajn takođe. Samo treba izbeći poređenje sa pravim RPG igrama, ME2 očigledno ne cilja na to. Samo upali i igraj dok ne pređeš.


Željko, daj neke podrobnije informacije o igri (nešto što ne piše u Svetu Kompjutera :D). Upravo skidam 1GB megaupload linkove - potrajaće :)


+ Grafika, prica, dizajn, muzika.

- Gluma, mrtvosani likovi, akcija uvek ista, predugacki/dosadni dijalozi.


Lepo rece voodoo, ovo bas i nije pravi RPG.

Ako si igrao prvi deo vec imas uvid kakav je i drugi deo, s tim sto je drugi deo nesto zanimljiviji.

Sto se mene tice ako nisi fan ne isplati se skidati 14gb doduse ja nisam fan pa sam skinuo. :D


GTA IV mi prvi pade na pamet... vecina igara zapravo.

Bioware sve uradi ali na polju animacije likova i same glume svaki put omane. Tako je bilo sa Mass Effect I pa sa Dragon Age pa evo sad i sa Mass Effect II. Likovi su kao roboti sa minimum pokreta (i kada ih ima vrlo su neprirodni) u dijalozima sa monotonim izgovorom itd. Meni to dosta ubija atmosferu u igri.

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