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^ Hvala za ovo, konacno sam uspeo da je pokrenem. Ne deluje mi kao nesto posebno za sada ali videcemo kako odmice.

  • 5 weeks later...

Ја сам прешао "Мртав свемир 2". Одлична игра! Мислим да је мало лакша од кеца. Вероватно јер је Исак покретљивији. Препоручујем! Ако треба неки савет вичите. :)

  On 2/2/2011 at 9:21 PM, Жвакић said:

Ја сам прешао "Мртав свемир 2". Одлична игра! Мислим да је мало лакша од кеца. Вероватно јер је Исак покретљивији. Препоручујем! Ако треба неки савет вичите. :)

Kako misliš pokretljiviji? :)


Igra li jos ko Madden NFL 08? Ja pod utiskom Super Bowla ponovo instalirao, no treba mi neki valjan roster. Skino sam neki sa onog sajta footballfreaks, ili kako vec, al' ne znam valja li, nisam puno igrao, no vidim da je Vick desnjak :lol:

  • 3 weeks later...

Ako biste nesto da igrate da vas uplasi nemojte instalirati Cryostasis... Bilo je shit bricks u pocetku sve do prve borbe...

  Reveal hidden contents

. Ali ne znaci da generalno nije ok igra.


Јесте ок игра. Није пуно страшна, али има добру атмосферу и занимљиве моменте. Али мени није јасно шта се заправо десило на оном броду. х) Ништа није страшније од "Амнезије".

  • 2 weeks later...

ево једне игрице из прошле године. управо скидам, а делује подоста занимљиво:






South England, 1894

In the town of Plymouth the body of recently buried Sir William disappears under strange circumstances. This peculiar news would not stir such tremendous public interest if it was not Sir William himself. He was investigated several times during his life and although the police never managed to press charges against him, scary legends about his bloody crimes live on among the town people. There were only a few left who were willing to serve him and were brave enough to stand the look at his lifeless face. And most of them run away in horror after his death and series of murders that followed it. Police are helpless and not able to move forward with the case. The town is thrown into a state of panic and fear.

Young ordinary thief Timothy gets utterly unwittingly involved in these events. His arrival is characteristic enough already - he came as a black passenger on a ship and was brought into the town in handcuffs. But Timothy has completely different plans. He dreams of getting to America where he wants to start a new life. But the mysterious destiny will soon make him – and not only him - realize how winding its paths can be...

Playable Characters of the story:

Timothy Moor – Innocent with a soul of a thief who grew up on the street and never had an easy life. He lies and cheats - yet is he a faithful friend. His pleasant smile hides his dark side and he often abuses trust of the fair sex. He does not hesitate to rob a blind violinist but when the need may be he is able to risk his own life to save a friend or a stranger woman in distress.

He despises police and he always stays where the law cannot reach him. His overgrown self-confidence and a unfortunate concurrence of circumstances throw him in jail and his dreams about his journey to America are quickly turning into dust…

Detective Bristol – An English gentleman, the personification of law and hard-edged justice. Systematically rigorous, at first look calm and principled. He is investigating the circumstances under which Sir Williams’s body disappeared from the cemetery but refuses to believe in the existence of a monster. Yet the everyday news about increasingly brutal murders take the firm ground from under his feet away. Soon he faces big decision - how far is he able to go in abandoning his principles in order to solve the case…?


и линкови:





скинуо и прешао за 5 и по сати константног играња. много је заразна. у питању је класична поинт & клик авантура. али, оно што ме је разочарало је крај. нагурали су много тога у 20так минута, а могло је да се растегне на још барем сат и по квалитетне игре. иии, једина ствар која ме је стварно запрепастила је шта се у ствари дешава на крају. много, много, много дебилно! али, у сваком случају, топла препорука за убијање времена.

Posted (edited)
  On 12/26/2010 at 12:35 PM, Denny said:

Igra li iko Super Meat Boy? Ja sam tek počeo, i već sam izgubio živce. :haha:

ja sam dosao do pretposlednjeg nivoa,zaboravio da mi je to sve na C particiji i srusio sistem :udri: nisam ni hteo da instaliram ponovo ko ce to sve prelaziti ispocetka..sad sam presao na angry birds,a i to sam skoro presao sve..ostale su samo dve poslednje table.

Edited by dimmu1

Pređoh AC: Brotherhood. Odličan je, i naravno da su na kraju ostavili prostora za još jedan nastavak. :haha: Neka, ne verujem da će Ubi omanuti.


Jel' igrao neko Homefront?! Valja li cemu? Cisto da znam da ne skidam uzaludno 8GB

Trenutno na skidanju su AC: Brotherhood i Shogun 2

  • 2 weeks later...

U novom Svetu Kompjutera Homefront je predstavljen kao osrednja igra. Kakvi sve hitovi izlaze, nece se imati vremena za osrednje igre.


@ Zoidberg


Srecom nisam skinuo Homefront! I ja sam mislio da je njesra, nego velim da ipak priupitam.


Novi AC:Brotherhood je odlican. Nemam nesto preterano vremena da igram ovih dana, ali po ovome sto sam dosada igrao mogu reci da je odlicno.

Skinuo sam i Shogun 2 ali nisam instalirao posto je mnogo komplikovana instalacija :no:

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