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Mnogo se nešto vuče taj Rising, možda zato što treba da izadje i za konzole i za PC, pa sto godina optimuju. No, nemam neka velika očekivanja od toga ipak je to prvi MGS na kome neće raditi Kojima.

cek', otkud to da nece raditi? na gamespot-u se kao razvojni tim navodi Kojima Productions, a i sam Hideo se na konferenciji odrzanoj neposredno pre pomenutog E3 sajma ukratko osvrnuo na Rising.


Da li neko slucajno zna kako se zove igrica, mislim da je samo za PC izasla, survival horror, radjena je slicniom engineom kao i Nocturne, radnja se desava u nekom dvorcu koji je stejdz za reality show u kojem su ucesnici osudjenici na razne zlocine, celu igricu vas prati kamerman kojeg trebate stititi od monstera, potpuno je sizofrena, jel ikome zvone zvona??

The Devil Inside?

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Ајде да питам овде, можда неко зна. Овако, скинуо сам Just Cause 2, и имам проблема. Пошто се игра покреће преко Стима, кад пробам да стартујем избацује ми неки ерор, у фазону: "Steam application failed. Steam.dll is missing from the archive". Па, да ли неко зна како да решим ово?

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Nemoj još. Ja ti ne mogu pomoći, jer mi se baktanje sa Steamom uvek činilo kao prljava rabota. Ako neko drugi uspe da ti pomogne, super. Ako ne, onda se baci na ponovno skidanje. :bigblue:

Edited by Denny

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Ja sam uz ovo uputstvo instalirao igricu, ne znam da li ce ti pomoci (i da li imas sve fajlove), ali probaj:


1. Mount.


3. Select an install directory.

4. Wait until you get an error telling you to buy the game and click OK, the game will be installed.

5. Open the CRACK folder. Copy all 3 files to the install directory.

6. Go back to the install directory and go to the DXDIAG folder.

7. Once DXDIAG is installed go to the JUSTCAUSE.EXE in the install directory, right click, click compatibility and select run as admin,

click apply and then exit.

8. Click the .exe and if you followed step 8 it'll ask for admin rights. Give these or YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SAVE!

9. Enjoy :)


If your already in game and have played a little then find you can't save, don't panic and don't quit the game.

You can enable saving while still in game.

Alt + Ctrl + Del to windows while paused, go to the install directory.

Right click then click security.

Edit each one of the users/things that are on the list and give them ALL FULL ACCESS RIGHTS.

You will now be able to save without running as admin.

After saving exit and follow step 8.


If while in game at the starting screen you get a black screen or bad load times, REPEAT STEP SEVEN, it's probably because a dx file is missing!

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