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O pa polako.. smisljeno je tako da u pocetku to raduckas dok se malo ne nabudzis.. ja sam posle par sati bio vec toliko nabudzen da sam mogao da koljem jos masovnije nego u DI.. i lakse, svakako. Noc uvek ostaje zajebana, sto i jeste kul, posto je lepo imati jednu igricu gde ne mozes bas svakoga da sabijes i moras necega i da se plasis, ali preko dana vrlo brzo postanes OP masina za ubijanje, a kasnije cak ni to sto se oruzje brzo kvari nije problem, posto stalno nailazis na jos bolje. Jbg, meni je igra zabavnija ipak od Dead Islanda, njega sam jedino mogao da predjem tako sto sam ga igrao jedno 3 meseca na mahove. Ima bolje misije i pricu, cinjenica combat-u treba dosta duze vremena pre nego sto postane zabavan, ali ispadne prilicno kul kasnije, sta znam.

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At an event in San Francisco today, Marvel discussed the company's future plans in the video game space and announced a partnership with Telltale Games to develop games based on Marvel's properties.


The first of those games will come to unspecified platforms in 2017, Marvel executives said. Marvel did not disclose the name of the game or which properties Telltale might be developing games with.


Marvel's Peter Phillips, executive vice president and general manager for interactive and digital distribution, and Jay Ong, vice president of games, were joined by Marvel Games creative director Bill Roseman and executive producer Mike Jones to discuss the entertainment giant's future video games.


According to Roseman, the company's future Marvel games will strive for authenticity, will feel "exquisite" and "sexy," and will be celebrated by Marvel fans. Roseman said the games will look "eye-popping," and feel well-built and hand-crafted.


"Marvel is about storytelling," Phillips said, saying that the Marvel brand promises heroic, complex and relatable characters.


Telltale Games already works with a number of high-profile properties, including The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones and Minecraft.

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Ja konacno imam normalan komp pa mogu skoro sve da igram (osim gta 5 i tako nekih cuda), malopre instalirao Saints Row 4, ono je nesto naludje sto sam u zivotu igrao :haha: Jedino sto me mrzi da prelazim prethodne delove pa nisam bas upoznat s likovima, ali avaj :D

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