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  • 2 weeks later...

Ma nebitno ako dobro igraju :D Cudi me da nema tema, igra je ultra popularna, cak na Gareni ima dosta njih iz ovih krajeva.

Meni je super zabavno jer sam se pre plasila da igram horor igrice, ovako kad sam u grupi razbijam :ph34r: Uvek killed most special zombies, saved most teammates i tako :D

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)



Ради се о игрици коју правим већ три године по узору на FINAL FANTASY, SHINING FORCE, PHANTASY STAR, CHRONO TRIGGER.


Један од нивоа ће бити у Србији :icon_kidra: Можете да закључите да ће бити веома комично, уз миди музику нормално и неких педесетак мегабајта :cloud:


Ово је дати текст који ће бити у игрици! :]




The Tower of P-Ink


“Hmmm… “


“Are you sure this is the right place? I mean, look at all of this equipment…”


“Don’t touch it, it’s cursed.”




“Yes. There’s an ancient story from ancient tree, back from our dimension. It says that a certain “Fol Core” was about to swallow whole dimension Serbia and leave people at primitive point of evolution. But! At certain point the manifestation of monster god beast “Fol Core” evolved into “Tur Bo Fol Core” and since than the curse is upon all of people who live in this spectral retro realm.”




“Mhm, and it is said that they have magic boxes that are like magic mirrors back in our place but they’re corrupted by certain high demon arch mage called “P-ink””


“You know, this is kind of boring, I’m hungry”


“All you can think of is food. We need to concentrate and search for this Poo Poo Witch.”


“Well, we are in this “Serbia thing” from your ancient “Bookie book” and I think that it’s not quite nice to leave all that food outside. I can smell barbequed red meat!”


“Will you stop it already? We ate a couple of minutes ago!”


“Yeah, but dimensional process made the food from my stomach to disappear…”


“That’s just plain gross, my fat friend.”


“What? Did you say something to me?”


“Wait! What’s that?”


“I believe it’s some sort of a portrait, no?”


“Yeah, look at all that hair. It looks like dolls back in our place, but she’s real on this portrait”


“There are some letters here, some ancient scripting I assume. It says “ Lepa Brena ima koncert. Trt Milojka”.


“Pretty weird stuff, I say”


“Why my good fat friend, I think she has pretty long blonde hair.”


“Once more and I…”


“I can translate word “Lepa”, it means “Pretty”, but I wonder what does “Trt Milojka” means”


“See, see now? I told you that she’s pretty, and you can read that it says “pretty”.”


“Yeah, but…”




“Is that the monster that we’re after for?”


“Nouz, I believe that this is the witch that we’re after for”


“Yeah, I can sense her radiant energy of mana power, but I wonder if she’s the famous Poo Poo Witch.”


“I think that she’s actually a man!”


“And how did gods enlighten you to get to that conclusion?”


“Well, let’s be honest – she’s long blonde hair and I assume that this is the famous Poo Poo Witch. We don’t know if the famous Sa Sha Witch is female or male. Maybe this is just the disguise?


“But if that’s correct, we couldn’t find that witch here in this tower. We need to move forward and contact the magic mirror trough magic box that you’ve spoke of earlier.”


“And we could eat something while we’re going on this quest of honor”


“Enough about food”


“Well, come along, you might get a pound or two. Maybe you even grow up a bit?”


“Stop blabbing you two jerks. Here’s someone.”






“(After five minutes)”


“Ouch! Stop pinching me!”


“You should stop putting your ass in my face!”


“What do you have against my ass? Huh?”


“Will you two stop it already?”


“He started it”


“Shut up, Black”


“You’re acting like little children!”


“You heard the lady. Stop pinching me”




“Now, where were we…Ah, yes, the portrait? There are some numbers down below and it says 21.12. 2012.”


“Now, if I decode that trough my book it’s the same date like when we were visited by magic controllers of the universal continuity!?”


“But, if that’s the truth doesn’t it mean that this people have no knowledge of magic? That’s absurd! Look at all of this, and the book said it too! They have magic powers; otherwise the Sa Sha Poo Poo Witch couldn’t control the masses!”


“Nonetheless, we can’t afford to lose time now. We still have plenty of searching to do and we must not allow that they find out for our disguises by any means!”


“Okay, the book says that we have two options.”


“Which are…?”


“I’m getting to it, wait a minute”


“(After five minutes)”


“We’re loosing time…”


“Aha, here they are. Listen”


“One is to change our suit at certain magic shop of horrors called “Fell X”, and other is to visit certain “Blocky 7-t” and take something from there.”


“All right, I suggest that you two magic controllers visit this “Fell X”, and we’re going to see what’s at the “Blocky 7-t”.”


“And to maximize our disguise, we’ll meet each other at “Square Code Konya”


“Alright then, let’s get moving”


“Yeah, and this time we’ll surpass the evil guy in blue hat who is behind some magic mirrors down at the “reception” area, okay?”


“Good point, he had some weapon that he wanted to use. What was it? Some creepy thing that he put on his ear and after that you may hear him chanting some magic “Obeazbeajiniye!” trough his ear weapon!” And all of a sudden he summoned two more of them!”


“So, okay, avoid him at all cost, go down the window”


“Yeah, he can multiply”


“Alright, we know, let’s get moving. All this talk…me hungry!”


“Snap out of it! Let’s go”


(After five minutes)


“I’m telling you, she tried to jump over the willow field!”


“Well, whatsoever”


“Ah, you’re a hell o’ a talker. I wonder why I even bother!”


“It’s not that I don’t talk often, it’s just that I don’t talk about crap often.”


“So, you’re suggesting that I’m talking about crap?”


“No, my mere comparison was to enlighten your knowledge of what I may do and what I may do not do”




“So, my good fat friend, we shall continue…”


“WHO’RE YOU CALLING “FAT”, you skinny chump?


“Now, now, there’s no need to get all insulted. I’m just suggesting that you’re overweight for your body structure. It’s not healthy.”


“If I hear one more of that you’re getting this axe right in your mouth!”


“Oh, you’re such a child.”




“That proves my point”


“Great, I’m going to be taught by a pesky black mage. Gods must have abandoned me…”


“Now, now, don’t talk like that. Please accept my common apology. Here, let’s talk about greenery and birds on these benevolent trees”


“That proves my point, too”


“(After five minutes)”


“Okay, than, I wonder”


“About what”


“About a nice little chicken soup with beautiful slices of potato. A lot of fresh celery, and a nice touch of pepper… You can smell them, just like they make at the Inn of Chor Ba.




“Of course not, fool”




“I’m thinking about the name of our gathering place. I can understand “Square”, I can understand “Code”, but what the hell is “Konya”?


“I have no idea, maybe some fallen warrior code”


“Fallen warrior code, my ass”

Edited by Onime no Kyo
Posted (edited)

Imam jedno pitanje za ljubitelje starih arkadnih igrica!!! Bila je jedna igrica koju smo celu osnovnu skolu igrali u fliperani. Ti si bajica celavi turcin sa crvenim salvarama i imas pucu koja izlazi iz ruke. Prvo je jedna kuglica, pa dve, pa tri i onda homing. U inventorijumu imas merdevine na pocetku i mozes da ih postavis bilo gde i da se popenjes na njih cak do oblaka. Usput mozes naici na razne stvari. Kasnije ima tu i prolazak kroz rudnik i borba kada klizis u rudnickom vagonu i boris se protiv neke Sirene (Meduze). Na kraju dolazis do dva carobnjaka koji bacaju surikene oko sebe. Prvi je laznjak i puca samo jednom. Drugi je pravi i krca dugo. To mi je mozda i najbolja igrica koju sam igrao ako ne racunam PC.


Da li neko zna kako se ova igrica zove? (Ne mogu da skinem nes jer ne znam naziv)


Posle svakog nivoa otkriva se deo mape i debeli turcin se valja u zlatu i dijamantima.

Edited by HEFEST
  • 5 weeks later...

Екстремно важно питање, помозите браћо српски гејмери!!!



Дакле, желим да играм с својим сестрићем неку добру Co/Пp RPG игрицу у WLAN-у, а да није Baldur's Gate 2 (мали је, не може да се снађе с силним скроловима, магијицма и сл), да није Sacred (играли смо, прешли смо много пута тако да му такав систем борбе уопште није непознат, односно Hack'n'Slash). У суштини одговарала би ми било која игрица која се може играти у Multiplayer опцији до 64MB видео меморије (имам преко 108Mbit WLAN тако да је никакав проблем за било какав пинг, односно лаг), једина мана је графика.


- Покушали смо да играмо Twisted Metal 2 али само што почнемо не можемо да померамо команде, ако неко зна у чему је проблем био бих јако захвалан.


- Играмо Stronghold Crusader који ће сестрић морати да вежба веома.


- Играли смо неуморно пута RA2 тако да га је већ сморило.



Дакле, приоритет дајем неким врло примамљивим, посве лагодним за играње и изнад свега - мистериозним RPG-ем који ћемо моћи да играмо заједно. Хвала унапред, до тада играмо Settlers 3


NWN се скида, 37% добар је спид.


ДанђнСиђ 2, такође :]


Хвала на препорукама :]


Ima onaj Vitalitijev sa Gamecopyworlda, sad sam ga skinuo, Malwarebytes i Avira ne prijavljuju ništa, možda je false alarm. Tj ako ti prijavljuje Trojan.Generic, onda jeste fals alarm.

Ne dvojka, kec. Dvojka ne znam dal podržava LAN.


Може преко Кали-ја. Фин програмчић. :pivopije:

Ima onaj Vitalitijev sa Gamecopyworlda, sad sam ga skinuo, Malwarebytes i Avira ne prijavljuju ništa, možda je false alarm. Tj ako ti prijavljuje Trojan.Generic, onda jeste fals alarm.


Pa to je jedini. On ima Vundo trojanca na sebi. AVG ga prijavio a na netu pricaju kako je fejk trojanac ali mislim da nije jer sam ga na Visti stavio u exception listu i posle toga racunar je poceo da brljavi, net pocheo chesto dapuca itd. Sad sam na sedmici.

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