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evo njihovih albuma na torrentu








evo jedne kompilacije muzike skandinavije




1. Ahma - Maria Kalaniemi Listen

2. Halling Jaron - Garmarna Listen

3. Irianda - Annbjørg Lien Listen

4. I Denna Ljuva Sommartid Listen

5. Kesaillan Tvist/Summer Night Twist - Troka Listen

6. 2sostre - Sorten Muld Listen

7. Det Var en Gong en Halling Listen

8. M. Nykanen - Väsen Listen

9. Antin Mikko - JPP Listen

10. Skinfakse - Hege Rimestad Listen

11. Oainnahus - Wimme Listen

12. Kivutar - Värttinä Listen

13. Tramp Listen

14. Aidin Sateenkaari - Tallari Listen

15. Himlen Faller - Lena Willemark Listen

16. Ei Musta - Sanna Kurki-Suonio Listen

17. Vattenlek - Johan Hedin, Listen

18. Karitti - Leena Joutsenlathi Listen

19. Forshyttan - Hedningarna






evo sorten muld oni su iz danske i mesaju folk muziku sa elektronskom muzikom



i na kraju moj omiljeni garmarna oni mesaju skandinavski folk sa pomalo modernih uticaja(zavisi od albuma)


Garmarna-Vittrad (spot nije nesto,ali pesma je dobra)



Garmarna-Vänner och Fränder




onda cultus ferox


Cultus Ferox - Götterdämmerung




Na ovom sirotinjskom forumu 'ladno nema Skyforger teme, pa cu da postavim ovde :) :


Hello, Peter here! I'd like to shed some light about what will be (lyric-wise) our upcoming album. Now I am sure it will be called "KURBADS"!


"Kurbads" is the name of legendary hero from Latvian fairytales of an old.

He was born magically from the white mare, grew up very fast and was unimaginably strong! In his tale he travels the world, fights various evil creatures, especially his sworn enemy Snake Witch, ventures into realm of the dead to save daughter of the king, finds the hard way out of there and finally fights in last epic battle against Snake Witch and her champion.




Tales about Kurbads are half fairytales and half legends. They were collected and recorded at the end of 19th century by some folk enthusiasts and are type of "told from mouth to mouth, from generation to generations". Mainly these stories are short or middle length and have many variations. There are several heroes, who were born from various beings and things. For example: son of wood, son of iron, son of blacksmith, son of ox, son of pea, son of wolf and most known - son of bear. From the tale about son of bear there was later written our national epos "The Bear Slayer" (in Latvian called "Lāčplēsis").


The main story for all of them however in common is very same with some variations. The thing for me there is that some parts, in my view, are coming from very old past, from times of the totemism, when some powerful beast (bear or white mare) appears as the first father/mother of some tribe or even nation! Unfortunately, as it happens with such things, these stories are changed all the way through the centuries, some things are forgotten and other things are imagined anew by the tellers themselves. But the very core of those tales still is the same and mainly it is a legend about Dragonslayer, which has almost every Indo-European nation - the man who fights against some mythic evil force and becomes a legend.


I believe that the tale about "KURBADS" is interesting enough as it discovers many things from the past of Latvian people - not historical facts of course, but things from daily life and way of thinking of people who lived in ancient times. Baltic cultural heritage is mostly unknown for the rest of the Europe (even as it is a part of it!) and world, so we want to uncover it a bit as best as we can and show that there, in Baltic (Latvian and Lithuanian) literature is as great legends and tales as those about Cuchulainn, Nibelungs, Kalevala, King Arthur and the knights of the round table and such! More news about album will be posted, as they happens.


Sto je nesto zaredjalo sa ovim "skyforger"-ima u zadnje vreme... :) :) :)


Elem, nasao sam nesto odlicno. Teso, mislim da ce se ovo tebi svideti posto su Cesi u pitanju:


Gnomus, ceski sastav koji svoju muziku naziva "Present Medieval Music", dakle srednjovekovna muzika sa mnogo gajdi i slicnih instrumenata, uglavnom su instrumentali u pitanju a tu je i obrada Finntroll-ove "Vargtimmen" u medieval fazonu, vrlo zanimljivo zvuci. :da:

Ako je neko gledao onu slovacku (ili cesku, sad nisam siguran) seriju na RTV koja se desava u srednjem veku - ovo je savrsen soundtrack za nju. :da:

  • 2 weeks later...
  Talvi said:
O, cuo sam za ove likove ali ih nisam CUO. :) Hvala. :pivopije:

Nema na čemu. :pivopije:

Poslušaj ih, sjajni su! Pomalo mi zvuče kao onaj mađarski Moon and....

  Talvi said:
Elem, nasao sam nesto odlicno. Teso, mislim da ce se ovo tebi svideti posto su Cesi u pitanju:


Gnomus, ceski sastav koji svoju muziku naziva "Present Medieval Music", dakle srednjovekovna muzika sa mnogo gajdi i slicnih instrumenata, uglavnom su instrumentali u pitanju a tu je i obrada Finntroll-ove "Vargtimmen" u medieval fazonu, vrlo zanimljivo zvuci. :da:

Ako je neko gledao onu slovacku (ili cesku, sad nisam siguran) seriju na RTV koja se desava u srednjem veku - ovo je savrsen soundtrack za nju. :da:

Stvarno je dobar ovaj Gnomus! :meshuggah: I sjajna je ova pesma "Vargtimmen", iako nisam čula kako zvuči u originalu. :da: Ma dobar je ceo album, opet si potrefio pravu muziku! :pivopije:


  Talvi said:
Elem, nasao sam nesto odlicno. Teso, mislim da ce se ovo tebi svideti posto su Cesi u pitanju:


Gnomus, ceski sastav koji svoju muziku naziva "Present Medieval Music", dakle srednjovekovna muzika sa mnogo gajdi i slicnih instrumenata, uglavnom su instrumentali u pitanju a tu je i obrada Finntroll-ove "Vargtimmen" u medieval fazonu, vrlo zanimljivo zvuci. :da:

Ako je neko gledao onu slovacku (ili cesku, sad nisam siguran) seriju na RTV koja se desava u srednjem veku - ovo je savrsen soundtrack za nju. :da:

Stvarno je dobar ovaj Gnomus! :meshuggah: I sjajna je ova pesma "Vargtimmen", iako nisam čula kako zvuči u originalu. :da: Ma dobar je ceo album, opet si potrefio pravu muziku! :pivopije:

  Talvi said:
Haha, fora je u tome sto su oni zaista povezani sa Korpiklaani. :D Upravo na tom albumu je Jonne gostovao u naslovnoj pesmi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1bE2ozy6a0 a bubnjar Finntroll-a je jedno vreme svirao u Korpi-ju. :da:

Da, da to je taj Shamaani Duo-Korpiklaani-FinnTroll zvuk. :D Dopade mi se ova pesma, idem da izbunarim negde link da skinem ceo album. :pivopije: Jesi li slušao Faun? Ima li kakvih komentara? :mrgreen:

%20Гнёт%20Ель%20-%20.jpg Тролль Гнёт Ель - 1516 Орден Пресветлого Хмеля (2009)

Format: Mp3 320 Kbps
Country: Russia
Genre: Folk Metal
Size: 77 Mb


01. Пивная Келья
02. Враг Мой
03. Порнополька
04. Колыбельная Из-под Бревна
05. Вальс На Костях
06. Не За Что Винить
07. Райнхайнтсгебот 1516
08. Ингрид
09. Недоконунг

DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/?myykneniwng
Uh,ljudi ovo prosto morate da preslušate! Mnogo je dobro,obožavam ih! :pivopije:
Živelo pivo! :):pivopije:
Posted (edited)
  Теша Тешановић said:
evo nesto za tebe talvi,ukrajinska narodna pesma u folk metal verziji finskog benda kalevala




Hehe, ovo zvuci super! :da::pivopije:


Slusao sam te ruske trolove, sta ja znam, nisu me nesto kupili, mogao bih da probam opet...


Evo jednog super benda iz Norveske, zovu se Elvarhøi, jako su mlad bend ali odlicno zvuce i ova pesma im je apsolutno predivna: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4U-GEBmsBRs :meshuggah:

Edited by Talvi

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