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Posted (edited)




...Thrice. Počelo je 2001 kao sasvim pošten melohardcoreemometal punkeraj pa eskarilo u postmetal/ electonica/ spacerock/ rock šta-li-ja-to-duvam avanturu i najzad, uspelo da izdžiglja na poslednja dva albuma još više: The Alchemy Index I & II: Fire And Water (2007) i The Alchemy Index III & IV: Air And Earth (2008) , suprotni polovi sad već art rock priče zvane Thrice...

I dok je prvi Index bučan, pa se na kraju malo primiri drugi je pravcata devojčica...

Okupili su se 1998, Irvine, California, glavne baje su Dustin Kensrue (gitara, vokal) i Teppei Teranishi (gitara) a tu su i burazeri Eddie (bas) i Riley (bubnjevi) Breckenridge, i danas su u ovom sastavu. Bend je poznat po dobrotvornom radu, procenat od svakog albuma ide u razne charity organizacije, raskinuli su sa major-om Island-om pa ih opet možemo tag-ovati „indie“ jerbo su potpisali za prekul Vagrant.

Čak šest full lenght albuma, suludo različitih:


2001 Indendity Crisis

2002 The Illusion Of Saftey

2003 The Artist In The Ambulance

2005 Vheissu

2007 The Alchemy Index I & II: Fire And Water (2CD)

2008 The Alchemy Index III & IV: Air And Earth (2CD)




Sve ovo pišem omamljen, usred noći, slušajući po treći put za redom novi The Alchemy Index, III & IV: Air And Earth... Svaka pesma – remek delo.

Prva je Broken Lungs, zapljuskuje nas distorziranim post awsome valovima i vodi u The Sky Is Falling, već ste opijeni a onda... zatišje i Daedalus, Silver Wings, Moving Mountains, pa blueish Digging My Own Grave koje bi se i Lue Reed zaželeo, andjeoska Come All You Weary, Child Of Dust…

Predivan, nepretenciozan album, tih, miran, kada ima gitare: biće akustična. Klavir, pucketanje, beat, škripa, efekat, sonično. Duše velike kao u Tom Waits-a. Prva reč koja mi pada na pamet je san, druga sneg... a treća... Sunce...


Mislim da ću da pustim ovu sreću da se vrti još jednom...

Hranite se Vazduhom i Zemljom.

Edited by Lue88Floydy
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Posted (edited)

Kad ste pre dosli? ^_^ Kao da ovo ima veze i sa jednim i sa drugim... Poslednji album za sad nesto najbolje u ovoj godini... Humble opinion...

Edited by Lue88Floydy
Posted (edited)

Meni su najbolje Broken Lugs, Daedalus, Moving Mountains, Digging My Own Grave, Come All You Weary... ma sve su odlicne. Tekst za Daedalus: wouw... Moram da najurim "Nekog" za taj Frodus...

Edited by Lue88Floydy





2001 Identity Crisis Re Issue


1. Identity Crisis – 2:58

2. Phoenix Ignition – 3:31

3. In Your Hands – 2:47

4. To What End" – 3:04

5. Ultra Blue – 3:02

6. As the Ruin Falls – 2:04

7. The Next Day – 0:57

8. A Torch to End All Torches – 4:10

9. Unquestioned Answers – 4:23

10. Under Par – 4:46

11. T & C – 4:00






2002 The Illusion Of Safety


1. Kill Me Quickly – 2:46

2. A Subtle Dagger – 1:48

3. See You In The Shallows – 2:35

4. Betrayal Is A Symptom – 2:49

5. Deadbolt – 3:00

6. In Years To Come – 2:16

7. The Red Death – 2:14

8. A Living Dance Upon Dead Minds – 3:32

9. Where Idols Once Stood – 3:08

10. Trust – 2:54

11. To Awake And Avenge The Dead – 3:06

12. So Strange I Remember You – 3:42

13. The Beltsville Crucible – 4:37






2003 The Artist In The Ambulance


1.Cold Cash, Colder Hearts

2.Under A Killing Moon

3.All That's Left


5.Stare At The Sun

6.Paper Tigers

7.Hoods On Peregrine

8.Melting Point of Wax

9.Blood Clots and Black Holes

10.The Artist in the Ambulance

11.The Abolition Of Man

12.Don't Tell and We Won't Ask






2005 Vheissu


01. Image Of The Invisible

02. Between The End And Where We Lie

03. The Earth Will Shake

04. Atlantic

05. For Miles

06. Hold Fast Hope

07. Music Box

08. Like Moths To Flame

09. Of Dust And Nations

10. Stand And Feel Your Worth

11. Red Sky








1. "Firebreather" - 4:24

2. "The Messenger" - 2:09

3. "Backdraft" - 4:08

4. "The Arsonist" - 4:13

5. "Burn the Fleet" - 3:47

6. "The Flame Deluge" - 3:28




1. "Digital Sea" - 3:44

2. "Open Water" - 3:47

3. "Lost Continent" - 4:30

4. "Night Diving" - 6:02

5. "The Whaler" - 4:09

6. "Kings Upon the Main" - 4:56






01. Broken Lungs

02. The Sky Is Falling

03. A Song For Milly Michaelson

04. Daedalus

05. As The Crow Flies

06. Silver Wings

07. Moving Mountains

08. Digging My Own Grave

09. The Earth Isnt Humming

10. The Lion And The Wolf

11. Come All You Weary

12. Child Of Dust








1.All Eyes 3:14

2.Lockdown 3:51

3.Opaque 3:57

4.T & C 4:00

5.Freedom 3:44

6.Second Sight 4:00

7.Better Days 7:00








1. Eclipse

2. Motion Isn't Meaning" (featuring Wade Halicki)

3. Stare At The Sun (Acoustic)

4. Cold Cash, Colder Hearts (Live At the Apple Store)

5. The Artist in the Ambulance (Live At The Apple Store)

6. Eleanor Rigby (Beatles cover)

7. Send Me An Angel (Real Life cover)

8. That Hideous Strength

9. So Strange I Remember You (Alternative version/Live bootleg from PNC Arts Center)








1. Come All You Weary

2. The Whaler (Indie 103.1 Acoustic Performance)

3. Digital Sea (Dillinger Remix)

4. Digital Sea Video





Posted (edited)

Pak,peh... U nedostatku boljeg resenja... He, pa mnogi ne pripadaju ali to je razgovor bez kraja... Msm da to nikoga ne bi intresovalo vise nego ekipu na ovom podforumu, mozda se varam... a mozda me i varaju? :D

Edited by Lue88Floydy

Jeb'o mater!!! Neko postavi temu, a vi odma SERETE "ne pripada ovde" "pripada tamo"! Jbt! Smorili ste s' tim!


Btw. Slushao sam 3 albuma i nisu loshi. Ali moram da skined taj Fire Water!

Thanx za lonkove fanu mediaportala :)


  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

:) :) :)


Posle dve nedelje neprestanog slusanja Artist in the Ambulance, poceo sam da slusam Please Come Home (je, je, Dustinov solo, znam, nije Thrice, ali zvuci kao sve pesme sa Eartha :D ) na repeat :D


neverovatno koliko mi je, tri godine posto sam poceo da slusam bend, tek sad poceo da toliko prija


edit: E, i DVD danas bas odgledah, strasno koliki su carevi... I Dustin koji se vidi na ukupno 15 minuta, strasno koliko se covek ne eksponira...

Edited by niking

Ovih dana slušam Vheissu, njega nisam slušao (kao ni prva dva), super je album, mada slabiji od Artista i Alchemy Index I, II, III i IV. I dalje mi Artist in the Ambulance ostaje najbolji album, a ovih dana ću preslušati prva dva.


U poslednje vreme, jedan od meni omiljenih bendova.





01. Broken Lungs

02. The Earth Isnt Humming

03. Daedalus

04. Come All You Weary

05. Lost Continent

06. The Lion And The Wolf





The Myspace Transmissions EP is a live EP recorded by the Post-Hardcore/Art Rock band Thrice. It was released exclusively on iTunes on July 22, 2008. It consists of six songs from The Alchemy Index. Most of the songs are from the Air and Earth discs, except "Lost Continent," which is from the Water disc. All songs were performed and recorded live at Atlantic Sound Studios.

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