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  • 4 weeks later...

OK novi, malo bolji nego prošli i to je to.

Zvuk i dalje na mestu, vokal ga još uvek fenomanlno zvuči i generalno sve ok zvuči, iskren pristup i to, ali nemaju neki staying power pesme. Jedina koja me iole naprži je "To Live And Die In Solitude", prebac refren.

usput, onaj riff na zadnjoj pesmi je mogao bar malo manje da liči na "Eat Me Alive" :haha:

Edited by Angelystor

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4 hours ago, Angelystor said:

OK novi, malo bolji nego prošli i to je to.


Ovakav je i moj utisak in a nutshell da se ne ponavljamo.

Ali opet mislim da nema one stare magije i da ce se obaj zaboraviti kroz neki mesec. Okej album, to je to.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Spot za "Untamed"

Nemam ništa specijalno da dodam na ovo što ste napisali o novom albumu. Meni je takođe dobar, primjetno bolji od "Sword Songs", ali će albumi poput "Iron Will" i "Hammer of the North" vjerovatno ostati zauvijek nedostižni. U neku ruku, to je i logično. U to vrijeme su bili dosta svježi u ovom epic-heavy-doom izrazu (mislim na bend), a u međuvremenu su ga dobro razradili i kapiram da nema tu mnogo nečega novog da se izmisli. 

Najbolja stvar na novom albumu mi je "He Sent Them All to Hel"   :cool: :muzicar:

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  • 5 years later...

We are honoured to announce the arrival of our latest saga, Sunraven, set to be unleashed upon the world on October 18th through Nuclear Blast Records ⚔️ This opus marks the 10th chapter in our discography and delves into the legendary poem Beowulf, an ancient epic of grand scale, recounting tales of heroes and monsters, honour and bravery, victory and defeat - themes that have always been woven into the fabric of our lyrical lore.
Today we also present the video for the first song from Sunraven, the mighty opening track 'Skybound'. 




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  • 3 weeks later...

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