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Nije mJetal, ali je čovjek koji stoji iza ovog projekta (Kvitrafn) bivši član Gorgorotha, a u radu na ovom albumu je učestvovao i Gaahl.

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Da ne bih prevodio tekst u 3:20 AM, evo ga u originalu sa sajta:


Sowing New Seeds, Strengthening Old Roots


Wardruna is a Norwegian musical constellation set out to explore and evoke the depths of Norse wisdom and spirituality. Musically Wardruna has its main focus on the cultic musical language found in the near-forgotten arts of galder, seidr and the daily acts of the cultic life, mixed with impulses from Norwegian / Nordic folk music and music from other indigenous cultures.


The upcoming album entitled ‘gap var Ginnunga’ will be the first in the planned Runaljod trilogy that will interpret the runes of the elder futhark. The subsequent albums will be entitled ‘Yggdrasill’ and ‘Ragnarok’. Each album will feature eight runes, but not in accordance with the order of the three aettirs (families), which is most commonly used. ‘gap var Ginnunga’ will feature the following runes:

* Hagall

* Bjarkan

* Thurs

* Jara

* Laukr

* Kauna

* Algir

* Dagr


Recordings partly take place outdoors at locations relevant to the different runes. The instruments we use are mainly old and historical instruments, such as deer-hide frame drums and ceremonial drums, mouth harp, clove / hoof rattles from deer and goat, bone flute, goat and cow horns, Hardanger fiddle and bowed lyres. More unconventional inputs like trees, stones, water, fire etc. are also employed to enhance the nature of the rune being ‘portrayed’.


Keeping in mind that there will always be a certain room for disagreement and discussion when working with the runes, I would like to emphasize that in my songs it is not necessarily a goal for me to approach the respective rune from every conceivable angle, nor to cover all of the different aspects of it. Rather, the focus is on the core of each rune and the qualities that serve the whole concept and purpose of Wardruna best: sowing and nurturing new seeds and strengthening old roots!


– Kvitrafn, 2007





  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

opa: ''Wardruna is a Norwegian musical constellation set out to explore and evoke the depths of Norse wisdom and spirituality. Musically Wardruna has its main focus on the cultic musical language found in the near-forgotten arts of galder, seidr and the daily acts of the cultic life''..


Interesuje me, ako je neko slusao, kako su ubacili u muziku galdr i seidr? Jel ima nekog bajanja?

Edited by Hvit Varg
  • Downvote 1
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  Hvit Varg said:
opa: ''Wardruna is a Norwegian musical constellation set out to explore and evoke the depths of Norse wisdom and spirituality. Musically Wardruna has its main focus on the cultic musical language found in the near-forgotten arts of galder, seidr and the daily acts of the cultic life''..


Interesuje me, ako je neko slusao, kako su ubacili u muziku galdr i seidr? Jel ima nekog bajanja?


Sjajno su ukombinovali galdr sa tradicionalnom nordijskom muzikom, imaju odlicne instrumente. Zenski vokali su sjani, takodje... Ima i bajanja... :da:

Zaista, Wardruna je remek delo, jedan od najboljih bendova koji je dosao iz Norveske u poslednje vreme. Sutra im izlazi novi album, pa ce valjda biti nabavljiv i ovde, ako nam se posreci :bigblue:


Evo jednog intervjua sa Gaahlom o Wardruni:




  • 3 weeks later...


Niko ne ispisa nista o albumu..


Runaljod – gap var Ginnunga




01. Ár var alda

02. Hagal

03. Bjarkan

04. Løyndomsriss

05. Heimta Thurs

06. Thurs

07. Jara

08. Laukr

09. Kauna

10. Algir - Stien klarnar

11. Algir - Tognatale

12. Dagr


Kauna i Hagal su mi mozda favoriti

Album je genijalan, skinuh ga... Stvarno je remek delo, ima divnu ritualnu atmosferu isprepletanu sa nordijskim folkom...

Sad se trazi isti na originalu... :bigblue:



I ja sam razmisljala medju diska ili i maju zajedno da uzmem..mada ne volim da nosim obelezene maje..ovo iskusava :D


Vrlo duboko i introspektivno. Nije za svakoga al' za mene svakako jeste :mrgreen:

Ako je neko slusao npr. Hagalaz' Runedance moze da stekne nekakvu pribliznu predstavu...


  [kinetic] said:

Ako iskopate neki link za skidanje albuma, postavite...


Kome treba mp3, neka trazi ovde...

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Odličan album, meni je ekstra legao. Jedino mi je žao što nije duži. E, a nekako, ima neki vajb koji me dosta podseća na atmosferu sa Bathoryjevih ''Hammerheart'' i ''Twilight Of the Gods'', ne muzika, nego atmosfera baš, poseduje taj neki hladni severnjački ton u zvuku.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

Runaljod - gap var ginnunga je remek delo. Ni sam ne znam koliko puta sam preslusao kompletan album. Neverovatna severnjacka atmosfera izbija iz svake sekunde..




Ne mogu da docekam nastavak, sta im toliko treba?  :haha:



  • Upvote 1
  • 1 month later...

An Update on Wardruna • 21 Oct. 2010


The increasing amount of e-mails I receive inquiring about the next album in the Runaljod trilogy tells me it is about time I shed some light on the current status of this project.


Since the release of ‘gap var Ginnunga’ in 2009, it has taken a while for me to find the time, space and focus which I know is necessary for making this music. As with the first album, I will not and cannot rush this work, it must be allowed to take its course. I know this may sound like bad news, but you can rest assured I'm well under way in the creative process, both writing and recording music for ‘Runaljod – Yggdrasil’. It is of course too early to talk about a release date, but I hope to be done in a year or so. I will share more specific information about the album later in the process. And perhaps some samples of the new music.

  • 1 month later...

Ovo se ne vadi iz plejera od kada je izaslo, sto nije slucaj skoro ni sa cim drugim. Nista bolje ni originalnije nisam cuo dugo, dugo vremena, niti se na bilo sta drugo ceka kao na novo izdanje.

It heals the ill.

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