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da skratim,

tres bend iz usa (Bafalo NJU JORK) JEBU KEVE ,a da stvar bude jos bolje bubanj tuce bubnjar Cannibal Corpsea tj,svirao je pre 20+ godina bend i to vrhunski,

Bend je na putu da se ponovo ujedini i pokida ..




Paul Mazurkiewicz

Bob Rusay

Dennis John

Rich Ziegler

Joe Morelli

Cam V









Tirant Sin History: Back in 1985, there was a Band called Satan's Angel. It consisted of Chris Barnes (vocals), Paul Mazurkiewicz (drums), Rich Ziegler (bass) and Bob Rusay (guitar). They were a high school band and played a show in Dec. 1985, in which they did 2 cover songs, Balls to the Wall and Dethroned Emperor. At this point they were Tirant Sin. In 1986, Chris left to join Leviathon. Paul, Rich and Bob, moved up to Absolute Storage. They practiced with a couple singers, nothing worked out. Cam V. joined as 2nd guitarist and played on the 1st demo. In March 1987, Dennis John joined Tirant Sin as vocalist. A couple months later, Tirant Sin played out their 1st show (w/ full line-up) opening for The Goo Goo Dolls. Cam left in August 1987 and was replaced by Joe Morelli on guitar.


TIRANT SIN played a number of LIVE shows during 1987. The Lineup was: Dennis John (vocals) Bob Rusay (guitar) Rich Ziegler (bass) Paul Mazurkiewicz (drums) Cam V (guitar) (early '87) Joe Morelli (guitar) (late '87)


Leviathan broke up in late 1987, Chris Barnes started a band called "Sinister Mister Fugi" (SMF). That project never worked out. Since, Chris, Paul, Rich and Bob were old high school buddies. The decision was made to have Chris come back to TS. Dennis John left in late Dec. 1987. Chris re-joined in Jan. 1988. Dennis John joined the band SNM. Tirant Sin played out a few shows in the first half of 1988. Then the band started to crumble. Joe left and was replaced by Mike Green (ex- Leviathan) on guitar. Then Rich left, due to personal reasons. At this point, Tirant Sin officially broke-up.




pazi bend je extrremno do jaja speed sa Floride ! jel to moze bolje??? nema sanse...jedino da su likovi nemci sa Floride:)



al dzaba ovde klinci nece ni da odu na myspace da poslusaju jbg...jebla ih metalika i sl sranja

  • 3 months later...

evo nacrtao sam omot liku iz TIRANT SIN-a kultnog benda iz kog je posle nastao cannibal Corpse:0

omot sam radio vise iz prijateljstva i zato sto gotivim bend nego da bi se opario - uradio sam ga for free:P jer i sutra da mi kanibali ili neki domaci prijateljski bend dodje i trazi omot ne bi imao zelju da naplatim.

liku se puno svideo omot pa me je preporucio nekim bendovima i eto sad crtam omote za jod dva usa dm benda:)


ne znam kako se ubacuju slike:p

ako neko moze nek je okaci :




TIRANT SIN omot !!!!



PS: crtez je radjen na papiru olovkom ,pa skeniran pa bojen na wacom tabli rucno,

samo ruke i mozak:P


у, па ово је скроз фино! мада, можда би било прикладније за Death Metal форум, али добро, може и овде да прође. иначе, у бенду свирају три бивша члана Cannibal Corpse.


pa da al su oni uzeli drugu (po meni losiju) verziju:P

plus su nakacijli glupi crveni logo i slova u idijotskom fontu

mesto da mi kazu da ja t ouradim al jebes im mater:)


imam i drugu verziju omota ..drugacije su boje ,videces:)

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