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Necu da gledam trejler, dovoljne su mi slike, necu jos vise da se mucim dok cekam da ovo cudo od filma izadje, ako se Snyder (reziser) bude drzao stripa sto vise bude mogao, alal mu vera i eto nama najboljeg filma (meni licno) i strip ekranizacije za 2009 godinu.


@Marko, da li se u trejleru pojavljuje Dr. Manhattan?


I jos jedna stvar mi se dopala, a to su glumci, dobro je da nisu neke poznate holivudske budze, slicno je to uradio i sa 300, pa mi je nekako bolje legao film. ^_^




Rekao sam sebi da necu gledati trejler, ali ipak sam podlegao zelji da vidim na sta lici Dr. Manhattan, trejler me je odusevio, izvrteo sam ga nekih dobrih pola sata, vizuelno izgleda prelepo, dopada mi se sto je Snyder izabrao scene iz stripova koje su preslikane.


I dobar izbor pesme za trejler, The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning od Smashing Pumpkins-a, koja se lepo spaja sa temom apokalipse u Watchmen stripu/filmu.


Nite Owl kostim mi se i dalje ne dopada, bespotrebna mi je tolika modernizacija istog, ne treba da bude zastrasujuc kao Betmen...


Zanima me samo da li je trejler namerno uradjen u slow motion-u, ili ce tako biti i u filmu, smetao bi mi taj efekat kod Watchmen, kod 300 je moglo da prodje jer bi film ionako bio kratak...


Iskopao sam zanimljivu sliku, tacnje poredjenje svih verzija Wathcmen izdanja od samog stripa, pa od prve adaptacije do ove sadasnje koja ce izaci 2009, pa pogledajte i bacite neki komentarcic.







Posted (edited)

@Ultimate Bastich: zasto ja ne mogu da nadjem ni jedan Watchmen osim 2009 i zasto ni ti glumci nisu nikad igrali gore navedene strip junake? :) (po IMDBu)

Edited by Double Fire

@Double Fire, malo sam se zajebao pri pisanju, bio sam premoren kada sam to pisao, Watchmen nikada pre nisu imali adaptaciju, vec su uvek bili planovi da se naprave, i od svega toga su se znali samo glumci i scenariji koji mogu da se pronadju na internetu, tako da ce Snyder uraditi prvu verziju ikada, ovo je samo poredjenje na sta bi to licilo da su se zaista napravile prethodne verzije.


Tu je jasno da te zanima ko ce igrati tj kakve su sanse da se napravi film i s kojim glumcima ali da neko poredi necije ideje tj mogucnosti?? Za koje se vec 10-15 god zna da od njih nece biti nista?

Kao kad bih ja poredila koje sam sve stvari tokom godina mogla da imam a nemam mislim u cemu je stvar?

Nekog ko je citao strip i voli ga?


Iako jedva chekam film, unapred se plashim svake ekranizacije Moorovih dela (kao i sam autor). Pogotovo kada je ovako epskih razmera. Mislim da che biti isto kao i V 4 Vendetta. Dobra pricha za nekog ko nije chitao strip pre 10-15 godina. Osavremenjen kontekst koji opasno oshtechuje dozhivljaj originalne zamisli.

Al' dobro malo je novih poklonika koji bi se sechali 'ladnog rata.

  • 2 weeks later...

Iako jedva chekam film, unapred se plashim svake ekranizacije Moorovih dela (kao i sam autor). Pogotovo kada je ovako epskih razmera. Mislim da che biti isto kao i V 4 Vendetta. Dobra pricha za nekog ko nije chitao strip pre 10-15 godina. Osavremenjen kontekst koji opasno oshtechuje dozhivljaj originalne zamisli.

Al' dobro malo je novih poklonika koji bi se sechali 'ladnog rata.



Moore boli uvo za ekranizacije njegovih radova, imao je priliku da vidi kakav je Holivud, i normalno da ne ocekuje vise nista od njih, cak mi je drago sto je trazio da se ukloni njegovo ime sa V for Vendetta i Watchmen-a (a i sa LOEG filma, jedino za From Hell nisam siguran da li je uklonio, hm...)


Evo jedan zanimljiv intervju sa Snyder-om:


SAN DIEGO — These days, "300" director Zack Snyder is hard at work perfecting the impossible. As you read this, he is undoubtedly in some dark edit bay, unshaven and chugging a Starbucks, doing his very best to transform "Watchmen" from an unfilmable comic book into the next smash superhero movie.


So far, what we've seen of his efforts has been nothing short of perfection, from the trailer to the fan-pleasing in-jokes to the decision to have My Chemical Romance cover a Bob Dylan song for the end credits.


But how does he deal with the issue of Dr. Manhattan's crotch? What does he do when the script demands that he cut secondary characters like Hooded Justice? And why won't the creator of the graphic novel stop trashing Snyder when he hasn't even seen the movie? In a candid chat with MTV, the director of the March 2009 flick gave us a rundown of the landmines he's tiptoeing around while crafting a cinematic event worthy of the "Watchmen" name.


MTV: When "Watchmen" was first published in 1986-87, it was a shock to readers who'd become accustomed to clear-cut, antiseptic superheroes. After all the men-in-tights movies we've seen in the last few years, are moviegoers similarly ripe for a film that tears apart the mythologies of a Batman type, a Superman type and others?


Zack Snyder: Well, that's the hope. The hope is that people see their icons in this movie, and they see them deconstructed. That creates a conversation that is transcendent of a superhero movie. It's not just "Oh, that was fun, let's get a beer," but "That was great! Let's talk about it!" or "What does that mean?"


MTV: "Watchmen" creator Alan Moore recently gave an interview to Entertainment Weekly in which he reinforced his hatred toward any movie version of his book. Moore said he "would rather not know" what you do with your movie and that "There are things that we did with 'Watchmen' that could only work in a comic." How do you feel about his comments?


Snyder: I think it's consistent with his stance, and I respect that. Like I say, the point of the movie is not to replace the graphic novel. Look, after the trailer came out, "Watchmen" went to #2 on Amazon and suddenly hundreds of thousands of copies of the graphic novel are selling. That's all I can ask for. If the movie is successful, that's great. But in the end, I want people to read [Moore's] book.


MTV: It's no secret that Nite Owl is based somewhat on Batman. With the success of Christopher Nolan's films, did you try to ramp up such comparisons?


Snyder: Well, Nite Owl's still a character who is a rich guy. He decided to become a crime-fighter. He lives in a brownstone. Under his brownstone is an abandoned subway station that he's turned into his Owl Chamber, as he calls it. He's built this ship; he's a genius of gadgetry. He has gadgets, and you could call him a gadget-based superhero. He has a grappling gun, and he throws things, and so he is very Batman-esque in that way. He was based on Batman as well as Blue Beetle.


MTV: You've said before that the character is like Batman if Batman couldn't get it up.


Snyder: [Laughs.] Yeah, that's just real. You've got to have that scene.


MTV: At Comic-Con, you revealed some very cool new "Watchmen" posters. What was the inspiration behind them?


Snyder: There were some materials that David [Gibbons] had created to advertise the book. We took those and said, "Let's just make some versions of that with Photoshop magic and re-create them almost exactly." [The Sally Jupiter] one we had to make up; that's the only one we didn't have. They were actually designed to be put in comic book stores to advertise the book. They were drawings that looked exactly like that.


MTV: Another big question, pardon the pun, is Dr. Manhattan's crotch area. He's naked in many scenes. So did you CGI things out or enhance them or what?


Snyder: It's an R-rated movie, right? What you see in the trailer had to be a little bit squished around so it could get on TV. I think in the final film, you'll see it's true to the graphic novel. He's naked.


MTV: Malin Akerman's Silk Spectre costume also looks beautiful but seems like it would need some serious technical assistance.


Snyder: It's all latex. It's a very tight latex suit that we had to oil her up to get her into. [Laughs.]


MTV: Was it hard for her to deal with?


Snyder: I think it was uncomfortable, but we were like, "It's sexy." And so she was like, "I guess it's OK." ... She was constantly like, "Ow, it's poking me here!" and I was like, "Well, that's the superhero lifestyle!"


MTV: The footage you've shown gives us a brief peek at some secondary Watchmen like Dollar Bill. But you almost cut out Hooded Justice, correct?


Snyder: Yeah, it was hard [to get them all in]. There was a point where Hooded Justice wasn't in the movie. But then I was like, "No, we've got to have him in," so we had to scramble and get him in. Hooded Justice is in the movie, and he beats up Blake.


MTV: What's the current run time on the flick?


Snyder: Right now, it runs at around two hours and 50 minutes. I'm trying to make it shorter, because it's better if it's shorter, apparently. There is an online petition that says, "Keep 'Watchmen' at three hours." We'll see how that ends. Look, I just don't want to lose any story line, because you know eventually that's what happens. You start to have to cut characters out, and I just don't want to do that.


MTV: Where do you stand with "Tales of the Black Freighter"?


Snyder: We're waiting for some of the animation to come in, and we're just working on the edit. We did get Gerry Butler to do the voice. He's being the voice of the Sea Captain.


MTV: Can you tell us about a moment creating the "Watchmen" movie where you dared to veer away from the comic?


Snyder: Wow. ... I added dialogue between Nixon and Kissinger — that kind of stuff was fun to do. It's Nixon and Kissinger, and they're older than we would remember them, because it's 1985.


MTV: Are the Watchmen in these scenes?


Snyder: No, we [cut] to scenes with them. There are scenes where Nixon goes to the War Room, and they're talking about the escalating war with the Russians. It's that line of the story. ... In most cases, it's elaboration.


MTV: You're making a movie out of a literary classic, where everybody knows how it ends. Do you find yourself fighting the desire to change the ending and just throw a curveball at all the die-hard fans?


Snyder: I don't. There's something that happens in the graphic novel at the very, very end with one of the lead characters and how he resolves things that is not very Hollywood. ... Basically, the graphic novel offers us a moral dilemma. That's the crux of the book: It offers you a moral dilemma about what's the right thing to do. It's so complex that the true answer of what is right is not an easy one-line fix [typical] for Hollywood. ... In order to create the conversation at the end of the movie, in order to create the debate about whether it's right or wrong, you need to do it a certain way. And that's what we tried to do. ... For the fans, it's not about what happens at the end. It's about being able to have that conversation after the end.



Ovo me bas zabrinjava za sam kraj price, verujem da ce biti velikih izmena, a to ce se kositi sa samim nacelima price Watchmen-a...


Jedan od clanova sa snimanja je izbacio dosta slika, a bogami i dosta informacija u vezi scena iz filma vise o tome ovde


Uradili su 6 promo postera za film, po crtezima Dave Gibbons-a koje su trebale da sluze kao reklama za strip, ali to se nikada nije realizovalo, zato bolje ikada nego nikada...











Posted (edited)

Temeljan apdejt nema shta...

Dosta verodostojnosti, ne znam.

Kazhu da je squid in. Shto se mene tiche one-lajner za kraj mozhe da bude i ono Menhetnovo upucheno Veidtu "nothing ever ends", jer ne verujem da su strpali onu dvojicu iz tabloida u prichu.

Btw. ne radi link za onlajn peticiju.


Edit:(slike su odlichne)

Edited by matatrtaDgrejt
  • 1 month later...



Warner Brothers invited select press to a special Watchmen "roadshow" event yesterday, during which director Zack Snyder screened 25-odd minutes of footage from his graphic novel adaptation. Among the bigger snippets of news to come out of the screening and subsequent Q&A session was the epic official run time of Snyder's Watchmen, which he said is currently clocking in at two hours and 43 minutes, though he also mentioned that the figure was not final.




Ima finih fotki. Svaki put kad ispliva neki ovakav (ne esencijalan za glavnu pricu) detalj, ulije mi novu dozu optimizma :) :






  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

>A few online fanboys have been disappointed by reports from the test screening of the changed ending. Specifically a key moment in the graphic novel revolves around the disastrous repercussions of a 'giant alien squid' being teleported into New York City, an event that is changed in the movie (there's still a disaster but no squid). Snyder says "The fans, god love 'em, they're all up in arms about the squid. What they should be up in arms about are things like shooting the pregnant woman, 'God is real and he's American', whether THAT's in the movie. That's my point of view, maybe I'm crazy." He does admit that the ending scenes with the main characters remain, as does the 'moral imperative' of the comic's ending.


>What about talk he did some 'squid' stuff in pre-production? "Well... I don't want to say yes or no (laughs). The squid was not in the movie when I got the script, the squid was never in any draft that I saw. My point is only that there was this elegant solution to the squid problem that I kind of embraced. I'm a fan of the thing as much as anyone, I was saying what are we going to do about this before I even read the script." Was that solution multiple atomic explosions as some have said? "I won't say exactly but... Dr. Manhattan has a certain energy signature, it's clearly his thing...so you know." He also shot down reports of multiple endings - they only filmed the one.



Posted (edited)
"...What they should be up in arms about are things like shooting the pregnant woman, 'God is real and he's American', whether THAT's in the movie. That's my point of view, maybe I'm crazy."


Jebiga... i ja mislim isto :da:

Edited by Marko, Mon_a[MOR]e
Posted (edited)

Ne znam ne dopada mi se to poigravanje, i drugaciji kraj, mislim sta bi mogla da bude alternativa, da Veidt baci nuklearku ili napravi masinu koja bi mogla da kopira moci Dr. Manhattan-a pa da njemu podvali taj masakr...

Ali hajde ima jos vremena da se iskupi, ipak daleko je mart....



Evo i novih promo postera:







Edited by VoivodBG

Sta znam, ta fora sa lignjom je meni bila malo glupa kad sam kao klinac citao prvi put, a ne bih sad da razmisljam o tome sta je stavio umesto nje :) Mnogo mi je bitnije da atmosfera hladnog rata ostane, tj. da se zadrzi vreme desavanja radnje, a ne kao u Vendetti npr.


Meni recimo smeta sto Silk Spectre nema onaj istocno-evropski raskosni smek, vec je obicna americka girl next door:





Posted (edited)

Meni je taj kraj sa "lignjom" uvek pasovao, jer imaju malo Lovkraftovog uticaja u svemu tome. :D

Cini mi se da on samo zafrkava ljude, jer kada je vec rekao da ce da radi by the book sto je vise moguce, onda bi barem taj kraj trebao da koliko toliko verodostojan onom iz stripa...

U slucaju da uradi alternativni kraj, i kojim slucajem ostavi Rorschach-a u zivotu, bolje neka pripremi grobno mesto jer ce ga fanovi ukokati. :)


Slazem se, trebali su neku evropsku glumicu da unajme...


Gledao sam novi trejler i za sada ono sve izgleda verodostojno, jedino me kopka onaj deo kada se Nite Owl i Silk Spectre ljube, a u pozadini je nuklearna eksplozija, hm, jel to bese N.Owl-ov san? (nije mi tu strip pa da mogu da potvrdim)


P.S. Nije valjda da Comedian nece imati onaj njegov glazgovski osmeh? Ne vidi mu se lepo lice na pocetku trejlera ali sve mi se nesto cini da ce proci bez tog detalja...

Edited by VoivodBG

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