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Zanimljiva mesavina :) ajd pogledacu...Čudo nisi preporucio Numenor ;)

Pa bilo bi malo...bezveze. Inace upravo radimo jos jednu obradu Summoninga za neki split LP. Pa cim bude gotov i taj cover okacicu ovde.


Ne znam sta ste odabrali ali bilo bi interesantno čuti nesto sa npr. Dol Guldur

Pa ideja mi je slucajno dosla, zapravo jedna pesma mi je posluzila kao primer kako klavijature za Numenor treba da zvuce i tako se rodila ideja da jos jednu pesmu oradimo.

Nek ostane tajna za sad, jos koju nedelju...:D

  • 2 months later...

Malo mi je klinačko to lozenje na Tolkina ali muzika moze da prodje.obicno stavim njih i Falkenbaha na jednu playlistu dok se bavim nekim intelektualnim radom, nekako me opuštaju :haha::haha::haha:

  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
After a longer winter-sleep summoning is back again and ow works constantly for a new release. We promise that in the near future we will regularly update the homepage again, so it will we worth the costs to check the page in regular intervals.


The present situation of Summoning:


In the past years we have worked on new material just very rarely because of different reasons (partly personal, partly being not motivated enough) but since the last months ,we intensified the work for new material and realised, that the old spirit is back again and we are very motivated for a cool new release and we are very committed in every terms of composing.


Meanwhile there are two songs which are fix starters for the album. 4 or 5 songs are in a more advance state and we composed riffs for at least 10 or 15 songs in a very early state. Btw. we still have one finished song from the last oath bound session which also will be in one or another way. so probably this time we are in the luck situation that we have more songs left, so maybe there will be some special limited fan releases beside the normal release, but this is of course just a wish right now.


We hope that until the end of this year most of the material for the new album can be finished. In the moment we have no concrete conception about the lyrical concept. All we can say right now is, that Summoning is still alive and middle earth will awake again.


Vidiš da je neko postovao na temi posle dugo vremena i prvo pomisliš na vesti o albumu, zatim odbaciš suludu pomisao jer si se već sto puta razočarao tokom godina... A onda se ispostavi da je stvarno. Neopisiv osećaj.


Summoning is still alive and Middle-earth will awake again... :rockdevil:

  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

yet untitled album has come to an end. The two man group, consisting of Silenius and Protector, are now going to record the selected 7 songs and one intro in the following months, as well as work on the visuals for the album. the new release will see the light of day in the first quarter of 2013 via Napalm Records.


Uh, što mrzim čekanje. Bukvalno neko dođe i kaže: "Mi smo se pojavili čisto da vas iscimamo, da nas ne zaboravite. Ali nećemo još. A i kad kažemo da hoćemo, verovatno nećemo. I ako budemo, do tada ćete verovatno izgubiti pojam o vremenu, tako da je svejedno. Ko vas jebe. Puši ga, Hefeste."

Za tri meseca će doći... da kažu da su smislili naziv albuma.

I tako.



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