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Posted (edited)

Slusala sam do sada samo jedan album Summoninga i bio je odlican.

Summoning je zajedno sa Burzumom moj omiljeni black bend!



Edited by Frankenchrist

Niko ne pominje njihovo prvo izdanje "Upon The Viking Stalion"...sta mislite o ovom demu?


Ima jedna numera "In the name of the Holy-Penis God"... icon_biggrin.gif


Upon the viking stallion je potpuno ok. Shpajz produkcija ali super zvuci, slicno kao lugburz u sustini. Mozda malo podseca i na abigor iz doba verwustunga.

  • 2 weeks later...

Nesto zvanicniji podaci o novom Summoningovom albumu:


6 Songs are already fix starters for the upcoming release. Summoning have already chosen several pictures and paintings for the booklet. At the moment they are trying to get the rights for a certain painting over Napalm. Silenius found some new locations for his photo sessions, so you can expect some very gloomy and dark photos again. He also selected the basic lyrics already. The concept will be based on the main story of the Silmarillion. We are still not sure, if we make a concept album, or not. Maybe we will part the songs into topics. That means that we maybe make a concept over two or three songs; the next concept over the other songs etc.


After all, the work is in time. Summoning wants to finish the producing process some time around atumn, so the release can be expected around December.

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

meni minas morgul i dol guldur ubijaju,ali mi je najbolja stvar the rotting horse on the deadly ground.za koju kucu se izdaje taj novi album?

Edited by (Z)arkhon

Definitivno moj omiljeni bend,ali kad chujem one prve albume(demo ili shta vec) zgadi mi se zivot!

Totalno bezveze!

I uopshte mi nije jasno zashto vecina ljudi pljuje ''Stronghold'' kad je to bash kvalitetan album,mozda ga i vishe volim od ''Dol guldur-a''...


Zna li neko gde na netu mogu da nadjem omote zadnja dva albuma (Let Mortal Heroes... i Lost Tales) iole normalne velicine? Sve nalecem na neke bedno male slicice, cak i na zvanicnom sajtu.

  • 1 month later...

Ja jesam...Zanimljiv MCD...Dve simpatichne pesmitze...Nisu neshto zhestoke,ali lepo zvuche biggrin.gif Meni je omiljena pesma inache Like Some Snow-White Marble Eyes,pa i Kor...Dol Guldur mi je bash onako Epic,fantazija je,jako dobar album...Ma svi su OK... icon_rockdevil.gif

Trenutno su mi omiljeni bend... icon_da.gif

Najbolji albumi - Minas Morgul, Dol Guldur i Let the Mortal heroes...

Pesma-In hollow halls beneath the fells


Jel' neko odslusao Lost Tales?

imam ja lost tales jos odkad kao i uvek inspirisani tolkinom

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