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Posle sati i sati drogiranja ovim, da kažem: ovo jebe mile majke, ovo kara sve što mu se nađe na putu, ovo je neverovatno. Od 3 najbolja albuma ove godine 2 su Mongo Ninja albumi, jebem ti manijake. Apsolutni vrhunac albuma, kao što već rekoh, spojeno "Cold Night for a Hothead"/"Bumfight At Gunerius" (Gunerius je neki tržni centar u Oslu valjda :haha:)/"The Bible and the Beatles", ali ima još toliko toga - "Motörheadache", pa "A Slow Death", pa... ceo jebeni album. Hit do hita, tekstovi genijalni, cepačina sve u 16...


Dakle, 3 najbolja albuma ove godine = 1xRC + 2xMN. Hands down.

Posted (edited)

Pa ajde recite, da li je normalno objaviti TRI ovakva jebena albuma za 12 mjeseci?! I jos jedan live pride...


Kidanje za sve pare i tekstovi za nobelovu nagradu za knjizevnost :bigblue:


Inace, sa novog su i meni su najbolje Cold night for a hothead, Bumfight at Gunerius i Slow death...


Ako ima pravde - moraju uzeti kes i praviti sranja svuda po svijetu na mamutskim alco-narco-perv-turnejama :da:


EDIT: I mislim da je vrijeme da imaju svoju temu. Al mrzi me da otvorim.

Edited by Descender

Ah, ovde ne vredi otvarati temu dok ne imenuju novog moderatora, do tada će samo stajati na čekanju... Ali čim se neko pojavi - slažem se, mora biti tema. :da:


E da, ako neko slučajno naleti na link za taj live album neka udeli, ja nigde ne mogu da ga nađem.


Ja otvorio par tema ovde i na folk metal podforumu, negde pocetkom septembra cini mi se, i jos cekam. :haha:


Nego, bas ste me zainteresovali sa ovim ninjama. Jel imaju oni neke veze sa blackom kad su ovde? :haha:


Ne mnogo, sem što tu svira Faust iz Emperora i što ubace poneku black/death fintu tu i tamo, ali to je ipak neki prljavi punk/metal/rock'n'roll sa dosta Motorhead šmeka i genijalnim tekstovima. :da:


neki prljavi punk/metal/rock'n'roll sa dosta Motorhead šmeka i genijalnim tekstovima. :da:




Obavezno skini, imaju sva tri albuma na netu, nema samo onaj živi. Možda je najbolje da kreneš sa No Cunt For Old Men, mada su sva tri potpuno genijalna. A tekstovi su..... genijalniji čak i od imena benda :da:


"It's written in the Bible - Revelation 9,

Compiled with our "White Album" you can't ignore the sings


The Bible and The Beatles - the answers can all be found

The Bible and The Beatles - Helter Skelter's coming down"




Ali kako ne voljeti npr. sljedeci tekst:


Dieter Bohlen, the blond dork

From Modern fucking Talking

A cunt hungry German

A horny drooling dog

He's flirting, dancing and kissing

And his third leg is growing big

Spread 'em flithy bitch

Here comes the ramming meat log


Once again - He's got it made

Once again - He's getting laid

Once again - Dieter scores

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck - More, More, More


But Dieter! You missed the fucking hole

Broken Cock

But Dieter! You missed the fucking hole

Broken Cock


Haha, jel moguce, sjetite se samo Modern Talkinga :haha:


Pa Mongo baš i nije crust.

znas sta sam mislio,punk/metal.znam definiciju crusta,cak sam se cini mi se i sa goxy-jem raspravljao oko toga,ko ce lomit' prste za "punk/metal".ubi ovo "/".





dobar album.. posle par obrtanja, zaklucujem da.. ima hitova! :bigblue:

za sada bih izdvojila: cold night for a hothead, the bible and the beatles, motorheadache, horrified and horny, piss pinata.

uf, jos je rano reci koji mi je omiljeni album.


jos jedan

super publika


They got honoured with 8/10 in Terrorizer, 8/10 in Metal Hammer UK, 8,8/10 in Loud Magazine, 5/6 in Scream Magazine, 9/10 at Metalcentral.net and 4/5 at Asice.net. - ovo je za prethodne albume, cisto ako je iko sumnjao u kvalitet ;)


i par (blago off, Kristopher related) linkova: 1 2




jos ako moze ovde da se pise o The Cumshots.. :bigblue:


meni su omiljeni njihovi Just Quit Trying (2006) i Norwegian Jesus (2003).

mnogo su razblazili poslednji.


da izdvojim (jos) nekoliko: Baptized In Broken Glass, Paint You With A Knife, Born To Destruct, Broken, Vomitory..

, Øl..

Da da, i meni su ta dva najbolji. :da:


If God was a whore

Then maybe I'd buy her

But I know believing

Will only make me a liar

I just pray to God

That history will wipe me out

My way of coping.

That's what it's all about

Posted (edited)

Nađoh u jednoj recenziji malo pojašnjenje tekstova sa novog Mongo albuma, hahaha, ludaci:


You're probably not supposed to analyse them but its nigh on impossible not to with music laid out as unfiltered as this.


Fuckher! is a fine example; first half a wry, self depreciating description of a blind date destined for disaster and ending with the bawling out of the ugly, violent thoughts that are going on in the singers head at the time as his frustration and failure to connect rises. Then there's Victim #13, a track about Konerak Sintasomphone, Jeffrey Dahmer's 13th victim who was, unbelievably, delivered back to his killer by cops who thought it was a lovers' tiff and despite the unflinchingly ugly lyrics shows a real disbelief at a fucked up event. Or Ota Benge about the disgusting displaying of a human, a pygmy named Ota Benge, in a New York zoo in the early 1900s before he managed to steal a gun and shoot himself. The madness of cult doctrine laid out as it was by Manson and the deadpan delivery of the Bible and The Beatles showing the absurdity of it. Even 'This Is A Slow Death' dedicated to the junkies outside a train station in Oslo manages a fine play on words as “This is a slow, this is a slow...” refrain sounds through your speakers as “This is Oslo...” and chucks in a very evil, funny line about Michael Schenker poses....


Yes there's also plenty about being pissed, the dumb stupidity of being locked out naked, deep tracts of self loathing in Piss Pinata and A Japanese Flag seems to be about the perils of eating curry in Norway and the effects on your arsehole. Or what about the madness of not being able to mutter anything but Motorhead lyrics (Motorheadache) or vagrants fighting (the horribly catchy Bumfight in Gurneris): this is the same filthy crew who brought you Wheelchair Hooker et al.


Dumb and insightful, ugly misogyny and misanthropy as well as understanding the plight of the poor fucks who get chewed up by the world: Nope, I have no idea how they do it either; it's not a nice world that Mongo Ninja see, but they think you should see it for what it is.

Edited by Talvi

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