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Debating the Holocaust (Perfect Paperback)

by Thomas Dalton , Ph.D


This is a book about the Holocaust, and about two competing views of that event. On the one hand we have the traditional, orthodox view: the six million Jewish casualties, the gas chambers, the cremation ovens and mass graves. Traditional historians have thousands of surviving witnesses and the weight of history on their side. On the other hand there is a small, renegade band of writers and researchers who refuse to accept large parts of this story. These revisionists, as they call themselves, present counter-evidence and ask tough questions. They are beginning to outline a new and different narrative.


Thus there has emerged something of a debate a debate of historic significance. This is no peripheral clash between two arcane schools of thought, regarding some minutiae of World War II. It is about history, of course, but it also speaks to fundamental issues of our time: freedom of speech and press, the operation of mass media, manipulation of public opinion, political and economic power structures, and the coercive abilities of the State. It is an astonishingly rancorous and controversial debate, with far-reaching implications.


Most of the reading public is only dimly aware of this debate, if at all. Everyone knows that six million Jews were killed by the Nazis, and that gas chambers were used in the killing. But few have any idea about the origins of this story, its rationale, and its justification. Fewer still know that serious questions have been raised against the traditional view; if they have heard of such questions, it is in the context of a few right-wing neo-Nazi anti-Semites who are trying to attack the Jews by questioning the Holocaust. And not more than a handful of people know about the serious issues raised by the revisionists, and the attempts by certain traditionalists to respond.


The fact that so few are aware of what may be called the Great Holocaust Debate is perhaps not surprising. Much has been invested in the conventional story. Textbooks and encyclopedias have been written about it. Historians have staked their personal reputations on it. Politicians have passed laws defending it. And wealthy and powerful interests have good reason to sustain it. In short, very few of those in positions of influence want to acknowledge any kind of legitimate debate. There is no incentive to publicize it, and strong disincentive. Those in the public eye know that, should they broach this subject, they will suffer the consequences. Advertisers will drop out. Financial backers will disappear. They may be sued. They will lose access. They will be shunned. And it will all be legal.


Only a dramatic turn of events can force this debate into the public realm. Such a turn occurred in early 2006, when Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that there would be a Holocaust conference in Teheran. The purpose would be to examine its scientific and technical basis with an eye to reinterpreting the facts. Reaction was rapid and fierce. Most called it a Holocaust denial conference, dismissing it as so much anti-Semitic raving. But Ahmadinejad followed through, and the conference was held in December of that year. The sky did not fall, and hoards of crazed lunatics did not rise up and slaughter Jews around the world. But the topic broke through the wall of silence; and more people now than ever suspect that all is not well with the traditional story hence the need for a book such as this.


* * * * *


The Great Debate is marked by a striking partisanship. The traditional story is defended primarily by survivors, Jewish writers and researchers, and those who suffered at the hands of Nazi Germany in other words, by people with a self-interest in sustaining the dominant view of a genocidal Nazi regime and an innocent and victimized Jewish people. Of the thousands of books on the subject, the vast majority are by Jewish authors. The revisionist perspective is promoted by a very small number of people, primarily Germans, people of German origins, and those who are ideologically inclined to be pro-German or anti-Jewish again, not an unbiased group.1 Charges of lies, conspiracy, and hoax are frequently launched by both sides. This leaves the vast majority of the public in a quandary: the average person is faced with partisan advocates on both sides, and rarely, if ever, gets a complete and balanced picture.


My goal is to remedy this shortcoming. I intend to present an objective, impartial look at this debate. I will discuss the latest and strongest arguments on both sides, examine the replies, and offer an unbiased assessment. This is a challenging task, to say the least, but I believe that I am reasonably well suited for it. Unlike the vast majority of writers on the Holocaust, I am not Jewish either by religion or ethnicity; nor are any of my family members. I am not of German descent. No one in my immediate family suffered or died in World War II. I am neither Muslim nor fundamentalist Christian, so I have no religious bias. My background is as a scholar and academic, having taught humanities at a prominent American university for several years now. I have a long-standing interest in World War II, and in the present conflict in the Middle East. In the end, whether I have succeeded in offering an objective analysis of this debate will be for the reader to judge.


This book is targeted at the general educated reader, but holds to a high standard of scholarship. Hence it is as suited for university use as for general readership. In examining the writings of the two opponents, I have taken nothing for granted. To the extent possible, I have verified all quotations, checked all calculations, and noted errors though I must say that the level of scholarship on both sides has been laudably high. I have attempted to use commonly available sources, should the reader wish to confirm any statements or quotations I offer here.2 I have concentrated on English language sources; this has its drawbacks, but fortunately most of the important sources are in English, so the problem is not too great. Where relevant, I have cited essential non-English writings as well.


I have also shown a preference for hard-copy publications books and journal articles over Internet publications. Web-based material is always questionable. It can change from one day to another, and disappear the next. Such sources are typically less well researched, and often rely on other, equally unreliable, Web-based sources for their arguments. On the other hand, much controversial material can be published only on the Web, and this point must be noted. It is very convenient, for example, that several of the key revisionist texts complete books are available free online. (This very fact should mitigate the notion of a profit motive of the revisionists.) And the rise of YouTube and online video services allows access to audio-visual material that can have a greater impact than printed works. Thus, as appropriate, I have included relevant Web page information.


Finally, I use terminology indicating the provisional nature of claims about the Holocaust. My use of alleged, so-called, scare quotes, and similar devices simply is meant to indicate that I am withholding assent until the case is fully examined. I tend to be skeptical of most things told to me by those in positions of power and influence, and this subject is no different. I recommend that the reader do the same. As for my occasional quips, jabs, and weak attempts at humor, I can only say that this is not intended as insult or dismissal. I aim to take a sometimes plodding and tedious debate and make it interesting and readable. But when one makes outrageous claims, or puts forth obvious nonsense, and then expects to be taken seriously¦then a sarcastic jab may be entirely appropriate.


* * * * *


Some might question the relevance of this whole topic. They might point out that the event under discussion happened over sixty years ago, that most who experienced it are dead, and that the enmities of the war are long gone. America and the European nations are friends, and at peace (with each other, at least!). Japan is an important trading partner, and poses no military threat. So why bother with the Holocaust? Whats the big deal? Yes, the Jews suffered, some may say. So just leave them alone. Let them have their ol Holocaust.


I think it does matter, and not only to those who have a vested interest. First, there is the straightforward question of history. Regardless of what one may think, the Holocaust was an event of major historical importance. As with any historical event, it is important to get the facts straight, and to develop consistent and coherent views about what happened. To understand what did, or did not, happen is important for understanding the world of the twentieth century, and by extension, the world of today.


Second, we are not allowed to forget about it, even if we wanted to. Coverage of the Holocaust is standard fare in every school curriculum.3 Children the world over read The Diary of Anne Frank, Number the Stars, Waiting for Anya, and Butterfly. Students learn about the gas chambers and the six million, about the Nazi atrocities.4 We watch Holocaust miniseries on television, Schindlers List, and documentaries like Night and Fog. We celebrate Holocaust Education Week, and we acknowledge January 27 each year as the International Day of Commemoration of Holocaust victims, as declared by the UN in 2005. School children collect six million pencils, or six million paperclips.5 We visit Holocaust museums. We take college courses from endowed chairs in Holocaust studies. This is not by accident. It is a deliberate plan, to make sure we never forget. And if we can never forget, then we should at least get the story straight.


Third, there is the drama of the debate itself. It is unlike anything else the name-calling, the suppression of ideas, the jailing of dissenters, the burning of books. It is a debate that can scarcely be mentioned in polite company. It is, in a real sense, one of the last taboos in Western civilization. But as we know, taboos never last. They are the product of a given era, of specific social and political forces. When those forces shift, as they inevitably do, the taboo is lifted. Now is perhaps such a time.


Fourth, we have the underlying issue of free speech. I take a position in support of radical free speech. Speech is an (almost) absolute right. There is virtually no topic that should be out of bounds. Barring only such obscure cases as an immediate threat to human life (one thinks of the contrived example of crying fire in a crowded theater ), no words or ideas should be beyond discussion. I support vigorous and open debate on every conceivable topic, the Holocaust included. Suppressing speech only drives it underground, and can only lead to unethical and reprehensible manipulation of the publics ability to think for itself. Those in power always have reason to fear free speech all the more reason to defend it.


Fifth is the monetary angle. Billions of dollars have been given as restitution, to Israel, to individual survivors, and to Jewish organizations. These are tax dollars, provided by the workers of the affected nations primarily Germany and Switzerland (to date). Restitution claims have not ended, and will likely not end in the foreseeable future; as recently as March 2008, the Belgian government agreed to pay $170 million to survivors, their families, and the Jewish community. This is rather astonishing, given that Belgium was a victim of the war, not an aggressor! (The official reason: Belgium failed to resist hard enough against Nazi deportation of Jews.) Compensation money, arising directly from the conventional Holocaust story, in turn flows back to sustain it. Restitution money buys political clout, where in the U.S. at least it ends up as campaign contributions and issue ads. It encourages lawmakers to legislate in support of Israel and against revisionism and they do.


Sixth, there are the far-reaching conflicts in the Middle East that stem, in large part, from the Holocaust in a number of important ways. First, the state of Israel itself is due largely to the persecution of Jews in the war (Israel was created in 1948).6 Its creation sparked the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Arabs, which led to several wars and ultimately to the present Israeli occupation of the West Bank and other Palestinian lands. This occupation in turn is a crucial factor in the global war on terror, and in the present bloody conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Second, it is a crucial factor in the United States giving $6 billion per year, every year, to Israel in the form of military, economic, and indirect aid. Third, if there is a future conflict with Iran, it too will stem in part from conflicting views of the Holocaust;7 Ahmadinejad knows this, hence his willingness to challenge the traditional account. And finally, the influential group of people who promote and defend the Holocaust are by and large the same people who supported the wars in the Middle East. The same ideology "militant right-wing Zionism" is a major factor in both. Thus by better understanding their thinking and actions we may perhaps head off future wars.


Seventh: If we can be misled or fooled, or deceived, or lied to about the Holocaust, what other events might we be misled about? The same social forces that could give rise to, and sustain, a deficient Holocaust story could produce countless other stories that might be exaggerated, embellished, distorted, or falsified.


Finally, the Great Debate tells us something important about the power structure of Western nations. Revisionists challenge not only orthodoxy; they challenge the power of the State. Advocates for the conventional view are in positions of great influence. They are wealthy. They have many supporters, and virtually unlimited resources. They are able to turn the power of the State, and public opinion, against revisionism. The revisionists, few in number and poor in means, have only ideas. But, as the masked man once said, ideas are bulletproof. They have a power of their own, unmatched by money, military, or government. Ideas can penetrate to the heart of truth. This is the promise of revisionism. Whether it succeeds, time shall tell.


* * * * *


To repeat, I attempt here to take an impartial look at this clash of views. Arguably this is doomed to failure. I can be sure that both sides will accuse me of biased thinking, of disregarding important points, of undervaluing critical issues. Trying to remain neutral in this cantankerous debate is rather like taking a stroll through no-mans-land amidst trench warfare. I am guaranteed to be shot at by both sides.


Nevertheless, I am not concerned with befriending either camp. The hardcore partisans of both sides are few in number, even if one side wields disproportionate power. My concern is the vast middle ground of people, neither Jew nor Muslim nor German, who are directly and indirectly affected by the Holocaust, and who deserve to hear all perspectives on the matter. I stand with that group.


I am not a revisionist, and I do not endorse their claims. I am a bystander in this debate, observing and commenting on a collision of ideas. This book is not a book of revisionism. It is a book about revisionism, and about two competing views of the truth. It addresses the ability of each side to marshal evidence, and to create a clear and consistent picture of the past.


The revisionist view of events is so shocking, so far from what we have been told, that we have a hard time comprehending its possibility. A colleague once told me that he would be no more shocked to find no Eiffel Tower in Paris than he would to learn that the revisionists were right. Yet we can scarcely avoid asking ourselves this question: Is it really possible that the traditional Holocaust story is wrong? And not merely a little wrong, but significantly and fundamentally flawed? This is for each reader to decide. My objective is not to impose an overall conclusion, but rather to illuminate and articulate the main points, and to comment on their validity. The reader must decide.


I sense a turning point in the debate. It seems to be moving out of the shadows and into the realm of serious and legitimate discourse. Revisionists have strong arguments in their favor, and, despite book burnings and jail terms, they are not going away. Traditionalists seem of late to have lost their momentum. Perhaps they have no more counterarguments. Perhaps they have tired of defending the conflicting stories of survivors and witnesses. Perhaps they have reached the limit of their ability to fashion a comprehensible picture of those tragic events of sixty years ago. The debate will reach a new resolution, and I suspect that the result will be something different than we presume today.





1. Of course there are other revisionists not among these groups. Prominent revisionist Germar Rudolf has argued that, proportionately, the French are the most represented group.


2. Wherever possible, quotations include in-text citations. For example, (Hilberg 2003: 29) refers to page 29 of Hilbergs 2003 publication (The Destruction of the European Jews), which can be found in the bibliography at the rear. Such citations both let the reader know the time frame of the quotation, and avoid an excessive multiplication of footnotes. (Recent scholarship, especially by the revisionists, is footnote-crazy. This is useful from a scholarly perspective, but can make for awkward reading.) The end objective, after all, is to clearly cite reliable and verifiable sources, and I think I have achieved this goal. And, unlike most books on the subject (of either side), I have included a full and complete index and bibliography.


3. One example: On November 7, 2008, the British Times Online reported that every secondary school [in the UK] is to get a Holocaust specialist to ensure that the subject is taught comprehensively and sensitively. Ten percent of these specialists will receive a masters degree in Holocaust education. The scheme is part of a wider Holocaust education project funded by the Government and a national charity. The project will also send two sixth-formers [ages 16 and 17] from every school to Auschwitz each year.


4. In February 2008, French President Nicolas Sarkozy proposed strengthening an existing mandate to teach the Holocaust; his idea was that every fifth grader will have to learn the life story of one of the 11,000 [Jewish] French children killed by the Nazis in the Holocaust. (New York Times, February 16) The proposal was rejected by the Education Ministry five months later. Yet we should ask what might have compelled Sarkozy to attempt this. One factor could be his family background; his grandfather was Jewish, and he clearly views himself as a friend of Israel. Another might be the strong Jewish minority in France; the country has the third-highest percentage of Jews outside Israel (though small"just under one percent"it is nonetheless very influential; see Chapter 12).


Furthermore, we should consider the numbers involved. The standard definition of a child victim is anyone under age sixteen. Most traditionalists claim that children represented about one third of all victims. So 11,000 child deaths implies about 30,000 French Jews in total. (Of course, we dont know if Sarkozy is using a different definition of child "perhaps only those of middle-school age.) But a figure of 30,000 is far less than that mentioned by, for example, Gilbert (1988: 244), who claims 83,000 French Jewish deaths. As so often happens in the Debate, ill-defined numbers are thrown around that are rife with contradiction.


If the total was 30,000, French Jews accounted for just 0.5 percent of the six million victims"virtually insignificant in the overall picture. (If 83,000, then 1.4 percent.) And they would represent only 6 percent of all 500,000 French war casualties.


5. On September 20, 2004, the AP reported on a middle school in Tennessee, where, back in 1998, students hoped to collect 6 million paper clips"one to remember each person killed in the Holocaust. Thanks to global publicity, they had collected 30 million clips by 2004. In that same year Paper Clips, an award-winning Miramax documentary, was released. Regarding the pencils, a Texas junior high school issued a press release on May 15, 2007: Six million pencils for Holocaust project. They hope to get 167,000 per month, achieving their total by 2010.


6. It is true, however, that the Zionist push for a Jewish homeland had begun in earnest as early as 1900; the Balfour Declaration of 1917 declared British support for the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. The process was thus in motion several decades before the end of World War II, but it was the Holocaust that was the last straw, inducing the UN to create the state of Israel in 1948.


7. The Holocaust is often invoked in the Iranian conflict, both in reference to Ahmadinejad's denial of it, and to a future attack on Israel. The threat of military action comes from both the United States and Israel (but from nowhere else). A recent example: On August 7, 2008, Time magazine reported the story Israel Preparing for Iran Strike. The Israeli Deputy Prime Minister is quoted as saying, Israel takes Mahmoud Ahmadinejads statements regarding its destruction seriously. Israel cannot risk another Holocaust.

  Gluvi barut said:
Куда иде Србија

Зашто морамо да запамтимо?


da bi smo jednog dana uzvratili!


  Вуду Соло Неле said:
Ovako nadahnuto je besedio Che Guevarra. :)


i Patris Lumumba!




  Теша Тешановић said:
holokaust je realno laz


interesantno je da imas neke istomisljenike koji tvrde da je holokaust laz i da je jasenovac laz. hoces da ti posaljem linkove ka ustaskim forumima, siguran sam da ces se uortaciti sa njima?



nezrelost nekih clanova foruma jeste simpatica s vremena na vreme. par ljudi ima dovoljno retoricke vestine da tu nesto kao pokusava i da argumentuje besmislice, ali posto su teorije tipa "holokaust je laz" utemeljene na fikciji - nije problem nositi se sa tim. evo teso, gledaj malo kako je izgledala ta "laz" i kako se to "nista nije desilo". uzivaj...












inace, jednom smo vec imali temu "holokaust" na ovom forumu. ja je cuvam arhiviranu posto mi je jako drago kako su razbijeni svi argumenti mladih nacista. :-]



  SATAN-iz Batajnice said:

der strummer? katastrofa... osnivac i izdavac tog casopisa je obesen u nimbergu i s obzirom kakve je sve gadosti pisao (tipa jevreji kolju hriscansku decu u tajnim ritualima, i onda mesaju njihovu krv sa hlebom i to jedu :rolleyes:). otovoreno se zalagao za istrebljenje cele nacije, i uopste lik je odgovoran za najgoru mogucu propagandu koja je dobrim delom pokrenula sva sranja za vreme WW2.




@ matatrta i tomislav s.

- ne svidja mi se to kako ste opisali jevreje da su beskompromisni u poslu i da im je sve podredjeno profitu, jer ako ih ne uporedimo sa ostalim nacijama, onda takva kvalifikacija zvuci ekstremno (ispada da su ostale nacije "bolje" i pitomije kad se radi o poslu, a da su jedino jevreji izrabljivaci i lazovi).


inace, mislim da bi bilo bas zanimljivo uporediti jevreje i kineze kad je posao u pitanju, narocito tu neku "humanu" stranu... ;-)

ili jos zanimljivije, uporediti jevreje i arape. :)

a najbolje bi bilo uporediti srbe i jevreje. ili bolje nemojmo to da radimo, plasi me rezultat. ;-)


Iako se retko slazem sa postovima ovog sto ima nick kao album od Blue Oyster Culta sada moram(delimicno)da se slozim sa njim


Meni svakako ne smeta da se neke stvari iz proslosti dopunjuju novim informacijama,otkrivenim stvarima i sl i naravno zna da se desi da zahvaljujuci novom otkricu neke stvari budu protresene iz temelja

Sve dok su dokazi cvrsti a materija potkrepljenja naucnim argumentima i izvorima

Medjutim problem je sto je to tzv "otkrivanje istine" i samaranje zvanicne istorije(uglavnom)najobicnji bullshit-svojevremeno sam se raspravljao sa nekima ovde i cim sam googlao za terminima kojima su se oni ovde razmetali imao sam sta i da vidim-obicno sam zavrsio na nekom ultra desnicarskom ili slicnom sajtu tipa KKK,Stormfront i sl :)

A tek da ne pominjem Dereticevski fazon tipa "Srbi narod najstariji" i tome sl

Daj osvestite se ljudi i mislite malo svojom glavom-uzimate zdravo za gotovo pricice koje serviraju ljudi koji od obrazovanja obicno imaju mali i veliki odmor(da ne bude zabune ne mislim na nikoga sa ovog foruma ;))

Posted (edited)
  imaginos said:
@ matatrta i tomislav s.

- ne svidja mi se to kako ste opisali jevreje da su beskompromisni u poslu i da im je sve podredjeno profitu, jer ako ih ne uporedimo sa ostalim nacijama, onda takva kvalifikacija zvuci ekstremno (ispada da su ostale nacije "bolje" i pitomije kad se radi o poslu, a da su jedino jevreji izrabljivaci i lazovi).

Nije moj posao da poredim, ja mogu da dam svoju procenu onoga sto sam iskusio, a neka onaj ko sedi na vishoj grani od mene to uklopi i isprocesira u neku globalnu istinu.

Ne svidja se ni meni, ali je cinjenica da me niko u zivotu nije toliko lagao i mazio u isto vreme. Lazu kao psi, svi do jednog kojeg sam u tom poslu upoznao. Nisam imao ni slamku istine da se uhvatim. Koliko god to tebi ekstremno zvucalo, bilo je tako. Na moje veliko razocarenje, jer sam usao veoma ambiciozno u posao sa tom ekipom.








Edited by Tomislav Sawyer

Ja bih ovde traktat imao da napisem obzirom da radim sa celim svetom vec 20 i kusur godina.


Sto se tice holokausta...jebem li ga...Ja bio u Ausvicu kao klinac. Moguce da su sve ono Poljaci inscenirali za nas glupu decurliju iz SFRJ.



P.S. U vezi ovog drugog, naravno da se zajebavam. Jevreji su nastradali u WWII isto koliko i Sloveni i Nemci. Najvise. Ali Nemci su (fakat, ovde bar nema sumnje) prvi poceli doduse. Ko ih jebe u tom smislu.


Niko ne spori da je bilo ratnih zločina u nemačkim konc-logorima, ali kao što danas ceo svet priča o 8000 žrtava u Srebrenici, iako je sveukupno iskopano oko 2500 tela, tako i holokaust - 6 miliona, pa 6 miliona. Vrlo sam skeptičan prema toj brojci.


Sto? Pa eto, godinama se prica, i to ne pricamo samo mi Srbi nego svojevremeno i komunisti, partizani, partija, ovo ono, da je u Jasenovcu i Gradiski i tom kompleksu stradalo oko 700,000 ljudi, velikom vecinom srpskog zivlja. Svabe su imale 10 puta veci sistem logora, nekoc sam ih znao sve maltene. A i bio sam u nekoliko. Logori su bili od Austrije pa sve do Ukrajine.








  imaginos said:
@ matatrta i tomislav s.

- ne svidja mi se to kako ste opisali jevreje da su beskompromisni u poslu i da im je sve podredjeno profitu, jer ako ih ne uporedimo sa ostalim nacijama, onda takva kvalifikacija zvuci ekstremno (ispada da su ostale nacije "bolje" i pitomije kad se radi o poslu, a da su jedino jevreji izrabljivaci i lazovi).


inace, mislim da bi bilo bas zanimljivo uporediti jevreje i kineze kad je posao u pitanju, narocito tu neku "humanu" stranu... ;-)

ili jos zanimljivije, uporediti jevreje i arape. :)

a najbolje bi bilo uporediti srbe i jevreje. ili bolje nemojmo to da radimo, plasi me rezultat. ;-)

Pa ti si bash puno toga uspeo da iskonstruishesh iz moje dve rechenice.

Ja samo rekoh da je kod njih dosta toga podredjeno sticanju. I to na krajnje snishodljiv nachin.


A da uzmemo Rotshilda i Mishkovicha verovatno bismo nashli puno slichnosti. Medjutim ovaj drugi josh nije toliko velik da izaziva svetske krize....

  imaginos said:
@ matatrta i tomislav s.

- ne svidja mi se to kako ste opisali jevreje da su beskompromisni u poslu i da im je sve podredjeno profitu, jer ako ih ne uporedimo sa ostalim nacijama, onda takva kvalifikacija zvuci ekstremno (ispada da su ostale nacije "bolje" i pitomije kad se radi o poslu, a da su jedino jevreji izrabljivaci i lazovi).


inace, mislim da bi bilo bas zanimljivo uporediti jevreje i kineze kad je posao u pitanju, narocito tu neku "humanu" stranu... ;-)

ili jos zanimljivije, uporediti jevreje i arape. :)

a najbolje bi bilo uporediti srbe i jevreje. ili bolje nemojmo to da radimo, plasi me rezultat. ;-)


Wow. Ok, napisao sam traktat, ali ga cuvam za memoare :pivopije:. Imam jos mnogo toga da prozivim, barem se nadam. Pa cu jednog dana da zaokruzim sliku. Iz nekog mog iskustva, koje je jedno jedino, ljudi sirom zemlajske kugle su isti. Ok, slicni. Do jaja. Baja iz Amazona ce da ti prodaje maglu (ako je to jevrejski modus operandi) i izjebe te oko usca neke rech-ce (male reke) ako skonta tog dana da ne znas di je a on zna. Obzirom da on zna, svakog dana, probat ce da izrabi svakoga, ako nije glup. To mu dodje kao sigurni ekstra prihod. Ako kaze da treba 6 sati donde, a ti nikad nisi stigo tamo za 4, cutis i kenjas. I platis. Znaci iskustvo je bitno na prvom mestu, onda informacija, i na kraju attitude. Da ilustrujem: Ako ga vec nisi odradio sam, u startu si jebena stranka; ako nikad nisi cuo da je neko (cija je prica proverena, bez obzira koliko ti to licno neprijatno zvuci, tipa lik/cura je Hrvat/ica ili Arbanas/kinja) stigao tamo za cetir sata, ili ako je neko i stigao ali nema pojma kako, ne nazires putanju, onda platis pa klatis. Znaci, niti imas rutu, da ne kazem mapu, nit' imas iskustvo. I na kraju attitude, koji neki put i pomaze, uz puno srece (ako nemas iskustvo, redje ako nemas informaciju). Svi smo isti kad treba izrabiti nekoga ko je u takvoj poziciji. Jevreji uopste nisu drukciji. Ono sto ih naizgled cini drukcijim je drasticna (relativno, ali i objektivno, cesto prilicno vidna) manifestacija da sebi i svojima pomazu 'no matter what'. To ne znaci da nece ni tu da profitiraju. Ali pomagati sebe i svoje je (u biznisu i zivotu) na drugom mestu. Njima. Na prvom mestu im je sopstveni opstanak. Zar ih treba kritikovati zbog toga? Ne znam. Ja mislim da svakoj jedinki sopstveni opstanak mora u datom okruzenju na ovoj planeti bit na prvom mestu. Pomagati bilo koju drugu jedinku onda (bez obzira na pol/seks, rasu, etnos i veroispovest je onda uvek na drugom mestu. Tu se ja razlikujem od pripadnika raznih etnickih grupa. Ako i Srbinu i Jevreju treba pomoc u ovom trenutku, ne idem po narodnosti ili religiji (rasi, whatever). Nego po tezini nevolje u trenutku u kom se donosi odluka za akciju (ili cak projekciji i reperkusijama te nevolje u blizoj i daljoj buducnosti). Nisam jos sreo narod u celini koji se rukovodi istim razumom, pa tako ni Jevreji. Ne zameram im njihov stav. Ne bih ni Srbima zamerao identicni stav gde kao i Jevreji gledaju pre svega da pomognu svojima (a ne nuzo da odmognu drugima u procesu). Medjutim, mi smo toliko daleko iza njih, da je to mlacenje prazne slame. Kada ljudi ovde na forumu, samo ovde na forumu recimo, pocnu da ispoljavaju tendenciju da pomazu jedni drugima, bez ikakve nadoknade ili ocekivanja neceg zauzvrat, makar i hvalospeva ili samo lepe reci, ma ni zahvalnosti, onda smo na pravom putu. To sto nam neko nece moci nadoknaditi nas trud, fizicki i intelektualni, emotivni na kraju krajeva, bilo novcem ili materijalnim sredstvima, bilo reciprocno, bilo 'samo' lepom recju, nikako ne znaci da treba da zivimo u svetu gde je osnovno merilo svakog uzajamnog odnosa nekakvo vaganje proslosti ili sadasnjosti. Pa ni buducnosti. Ako spasis goluba ili golubicu na ulici od pada pod kola ili od zime, bez obzira da li to traje 30 sekundi ili kroz celu zimu, ne trazis nadoknadu. Hteo sam da kazes ne trazis drugu nadoknadu od cinjenice da si spasao goluba ili golubicu. Ali 'druga' nadoknada je nepostojeci termin. Ne postoji 'druga' nadoknada. Ne postoji ni prva. Ne postoji nadoknada. Vecina bica u ovom svemiru ti ne mogu nadoknaditi tvoje egzistencijalno dobro delo. Ako te zgrabi neko pospanog na pesackom prelazu kad si zamalo krocio, a baja u pola dva ujutro prozujao dvesta na sat, sta, pratices tu osobu koja te spasila celog zivota? Da bi se revansirao. Ili ces mu/joj dati broj telefona? Nah, mozda je to u Indoneziji a ti picis dalje. Shvatis to kao uslugu covecanstva covecanstvu (i sire) i odes dalje. Nikad ne zaboravis. "Pay it forward', sto kazu u onom filmu. Bices u prilici, kad tad, bar jednom u zivotu da ucinis sjajno delo. Svi ljudi se rukovode time. Nacije imaju vise ciljeve.



Mahatma Gandi nije Srbin, nije ni Hrvat ni Bosanac. Niti hriscanin, ovakav ili onakav, niti musliman. Ali uvek se secam one scene iz filma (i iz njegove biografije, istina je) kada su se posle WWII posibali muslimani i hindu vernici u Indiji (tada je nastao Pakistan za avs mladje, Indija je pustila sve svoje muslimane, posle velike emotivne i politicke bede da naprave svoje Kosovo ili Hrvatsku ili Sloveniju).



Gandi je strajkovao gladju dok ne prestanu borbe izmedju hindusa i muslimana. Nijedni ga nisu poslusali. Vec na samrti, doprlo je do usiju naroda. Doprlo je do usiju muslimana i hindusa da najveci mirotvorac i oslobodilac Indije od engleskog jarma umire od strajka gladju, jer nece da jede dok se narod u njegovoj zemlji najgnusnije svadja oko religioznih primata. Posle mislim cetrdesetak dana gladovanja, stravicnih zlocina na obe strane, jedno vece usledio je mir. Citava Indija je stala, 'Bapu' (bukvalno 'otac') je bio na samrti tada vec u sedamdesetim godinama.



Pokusavase da ga povrate i da ga oporave, dolazise mu ljudi na noge...muslimani i hindu...Kasno u noc, svi moleci se oko njega; citava nacija na kolenima, muslimani i hindu zajedno moleci se da prebrodi tu noc. Ljudi ulazise u njegov sobicak samo da se poklone 'Bapu-u'. U zlo doba (gledali ste film, nadam se) hindus/Indijac kao i Gandi mu pridje na postelji da mu poljubi ruku i izvuce noz da ga dovrsi. Iako je mogao da ga dovrsi, nije, i prisutni ga savladaju, na sta je hindus koji je osecao ocaj i mrznju prema svom sunarodniku koji je apelovao na mir najzad popustio ophrvan bremenom tuge i jada.


Gandi ga je upitao samrtnim tonom, zasto ne moze da oprosti muslimanima citavo krvoprolice kada su hindusi i muslimani ucestvovali obostrano (istorijski, mislim da su muslimani malo vise nastradali, ali me je lako demantovati, ako neko proveri cifre, ipak je mnogo vise hindusa bilo).


Ocajan muskarac je odgovorio da nikoga nikad nije mrzeo i Bog mu je svedok, ali su mu u neredima upali u kucu, i muslimani i hindusi, i u guzvi je njegovo deto bilo smozdeno. Smrskano. Smrskali su ga muslimani (sve su to stanovnici Indije vek vekova). Zena mu je ophrvana bolom (ne secam se da nije sebi oduzela zivot mozda, istorijski).



Uglavnom, da skratim, jednostavno, nema mu zivota. Mislio je da ce njegov jad biti nekako 'osvecen' (jer nikako ne moze biti anuliran) smrcu lika koji eto nudi mir onima koji su direktni krivci za smrt njegovog jedinog sina). Njegova mrznja prema muslimanima, iako mozda osnovana tek prilikom najsvezijeg sukoba, bila je neumoljiva. Na to ga Gandi posavetuje, da on (i verovatno zena mu) krenu ulicama Delhi-ja, i pronadju muslimansko dete koje je u sukobima ostalo bez roditelja, kao mnoga deca.


Kada je siroti otac shvatio sta mu Gandi prica, polako je poceo zivot i nada da se vraca u njegovo telo. Na sta ga je Gandi uhvatio za ruku i rekao mu "Ali kad nadjes novog sina, svakako se potrudi da ga odgajis kao muslimana."












Guest Bata Životinja

Kalife, da mi pošalješ prvorođenče da ga ugazim. Da ne bi srao više sa Gandi govnima....

Nije moj posao da poredim, ja mogu da dam svoju procenu onoga sto sam iskusio, a neka onaj ko sedi na vishoj grani od mene to uklopi i isprocesira u neku globalnu istinu.

ma, ne verujem da postoji neko toliko iskusan da mu mozemo verovati kad prica o globalnoj istini. svako ima svoja iskustva, i najvise sto mozemo - to je da ih razmenimo...


Ne svidja se ni meni, ali je cinjenica da me niko u zivotu nije toliko lagao i mazio u isto vreme. Lazu kao psi, svi do jednog kojeg sam u tom poslu upoznao. Nisam imao ni slamku istine da se uhvatim. Koliko god to tebi ekstremno zvucalo, bilo je tako.

kul. ja imam drugacija iskustva. meni su najveci lazovi prvo srbi pa posle nas - mediteranci, na primer. oni lazu na neke seljacke fore tipa: dogovorimo se jedno preko maila, ja sacekam ugovor, - kad na papiru druga cifra. stavljanje pred svrsen cin. :)


a propo nas srba: najgori smo za posao. lazemo i u ne trepnemo,. poslodavci pokusavaju na neke najgore fore da te uplase i onako bas idu "odozdo". recimo, jednom sam bio na intervjuu u srpskoj firmi. intervju je trajao 2 dana po 8 sati, gde sam ja prakticno postavaljo arhitekturu nekog IS-a (odradio im dzabe deo posla pod maskom "intervjua", samo sto ni ja nisam bio naivan pa im nisam dao konacno resenje spremno za implementaciju). kad je doslo na red da pricamo o parama, oni meni ponude manju cifru nego sto sam ja na pocetku rekao da je minimum (iskoristili me 2 dana), kao fora "nismo u mogucnosti". a odmah sam rekao sta mi je minimum. ja im kazem da imam drugu opciju da idem u dubai za te-i-te pare, a srbi ce: "znas, tamo je opasno, mogu da te kidnapuju. ortakov ortak je bio tamo i razboleo se od malarije,side,herpesa,tripera,shuge,sarsa...". :) ja im se zahvalim na savetima i ljubazno se pozdravim. naravno, poslao sam im mail sa fotografijom, parafraziram: "ja isped burj-a u kupacim gacama i niko me nije kidnapovao. nisam zaboravio na vas i nadam se da cemo imati prilike da saradjujemo u buducnosti. puno pozdrava iz toplog dubaija". ;-)




Ja bih ovde traktat imao da napisem obzirom da radim sa celim svetom vec 20 i kusur godina.

ne znam za ostale, ali ja sam vrlo zainteresovan da procitam tako nesto. javi kad odlucis da obelodanis!




Pa ti si bash puno toga uspeo da iskonstruishesh iz moje dve rechenice.

Ja samo rekoh da je kod njih dosta toga podredjeno sticanju. I to na krajnje snishodljiv nachin.

ako si stekao utisak da sam iskonstruisao nesto, u smislu da sam ti "stavio reci u usta", onda se nismo razumeli. htedoh da kazem sledece: ako ne uporedimo ponasanje i navike jevreja u poslu sa drugim narodima, i ako im u tom smislu uputimo kritike, a ne postavimo ih u "koordinatni sistem" u odnosu na druge nacije - onda to moze da bude potencijalno opasno po zdravu diskusiju, a da ne govorim sto stvara plodno tle za teorije svetskih zavera i slicno.


na primer, moja iskustva sa jevrejima su pozitivna. fleksibilni su u poslu (ako donosi profit, sve mozemo da se dogovorimo dok god im je margina sto veca :) ali to je ok, jer i ja gledam da moja margina bude sto veca ;-) svako gleda, da se ne lazemo), i za sada me niko od njih nije zajebao u smislu da je nesto dogovoreno a da nisu ispunili. naravno, grizu da uzmu sto veci deo kolaca kao i APSOLUTNO SVI drugi ljudi sa kojima sam saradjivao.




sto kaze dersu: "Svi smo isti kad treba izrabiti nekoga ko je u takvoj poziciji. Jevreji uopste nisu drukciji."

u stvari, cela ta dersuova poruka je, bez preterivanja - dragocena. narocito ljudima koji tek treba da se "otisnu u svet posla". otvara pravu i realnu perspektivu...

  imaginos said:

kewl. ko shto rekoh, moja poznanstva sa dotichnima su chisto druzhenje-nisam imao prilike da saradjujem(ko zna mozhda i jesam ali nisam toga bio svestan). chini mi se da je nesporazum proizashao upravo iz toga. ja sam tu generalizaciju koja je uzgred budi recheno vrlo smela ali i kao i svaka druga generalizacija po pitanju drushtvenih zbivanja i vrlo nesretna i manjkava, doneo posmatrajuchi stvari iz onog drugog ugla. Al' ko shto i sam reche sto ljudi sto chudi sto zhena blabla...


Generalizacija drustvenih pojava i ljudi ne moze nikad biti objektivna...tako da bi bilo vrlo lepo da se prestane generalizovati narode i ostala cuda. Jednostavno ne moze neko biti nekakav ako je rodjen negde kao nesto

  knight said:
Generalizacija drustvenih pojava i ljudi ne moze nikad biti objektivna...tako da bi bilo vrlo lepo da se prestane generalizovati narode i ostala cuda. Jednostavno ne moze neko biti nekakav ako je rodjen negde kao nesto


Misliš, ako se neko rodi kao Ciganin, ne mora da znači da je lopov, lažov, prljav i smrdi? Pa ne mora, ali su šanse 99% da je tako, što je meni sasvim dovoljno da pretpostavim da su svi takvi.

Posted (edited)

Cak i ako ne smrdi i nije prljav, ima mentalitet koji se razlikuje od naseg.

Npr. voli kich stvari, a iz njegovog ugla - mi imamo previse "obican" i "sumoran" ukus.

I voli da daje deci cudna imena. Kao npr. Brusli ili Ekspertiza (oba ova imena stvarno postoje :) )


Mislim da licnost ne zavisi od nacije, ali da svako od nas nosi u sebi neke najosnovnije crte naroda iz kojeg/ kojih poticemo.

Sa nekim narodima taj mentalitet nam nije prepreka u komunikaciji, sa nekim drugim jeste.

Sa Ciganima jeste.



Ko misli da nije tako, neka ode da zivi sa njima, i to onako kako oni zive, i neka se trudi da razmislja kako oni razmisljaju. Samo neka ne sere ovde kako smo mi netolerantni.


P..S. Cini mi se da se UOPSTE nije o ovome pricalo do Gojkovog posta, ali ova tema je ionako glupost koja se s vremena na vreme brise, tako da nije strasno sto skrecem sa teme :)

Edited by Милица
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