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Galerie Schallschutz - Montauk Projekt




Finally, 3 years after the "Haarp" CD, Galerie Schallschutz delivers another superior release with strong thematic content. We all know something is out there, but no one knows exactly what. Galerie Schallschutz at long last, begins to provide some solid clues. "Montauk Project," also called the "Phoenix Project" during some of its phases, was a covert government ultra-top-secret electro-magnetic mind control and time experiment that took place during the 1970s and early '80s at an abandoned Air Force radar base on the Southeast tip of Long Island, New York. Much evidence has surfaced indicating that the base and the subterranean facilities were and still are used for a tremendous amount of top secret, ultra-classified research and experimentation into inter-dimensional technology, quantum and particle physics, black hole simulation, super-powerful electrical and electro-magnetic fields, weather control, psychotronics (interfacing mind and machine), particle beam technology (HAARP transmissions), and electronic and drug-based mind control! Galerie Schallschutz provide you with the perfect soundtrack to go further into this secret world. ENTER NOW! ATTENTION: this recording will change your mind. Please note this release comes in some sort of speacial packaging, thus the price is higher than the other TESCO releases.




Fenomenalan dark ambient u stilu starijih Bad Sector radova. Kumodraski Vo, preslusaj ovo.

Kome treba link neka trazi.

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Opet ništa posebno. Mislim, ok je album, može da se sluša, ali kad se samo setim koliko su prvih nekoliko Atrium Carceri albuma bili posebni, svaki priča za sebe, sa bezbroj ideja u svakoj pesmi, ovo u najmanju ruku zvuči prosečno. A i ovo štancanje je počelo da mi ide na živce. Od kako je napustio Cold Meat Industry i počeo da izbacuje albume kao digitalna izdanja, čini mi se da snima i izdaje bukvalno sve što mu padne na pamet, bez ikakve selekcije. Ima tu i dalje šta da se čuje, tačno bi bilo materijala za jedan baš dobar album kad bi sa poslednja 3-4 izdvojio najbolje pesme. Ovo mu je peti album ove godine, računajući i Sabled Sun. Što je mnogo - mnogo je, koliko god da je talentovan.

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