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  On 10/27/2009 at 9:39 PM, F4R15 said:

Dvoumiš se između Francuske i Švedske, a topic o Norveškoj i Švedskoj...


Mislila je na moju pricu o Grckoj kao zemlji porekla najvecih kultova.

  On 10/27/2009 at 9:47 PM, Talvi said:

Mislila je na moju pricu o Grckoj kao zemlji porekla najvecih kultova.





Само да им се посагињу сви.

  • Downvote 1

E, Farise, Farise, ti ga prvi zalilaj. :haha:


  On 10/27/2009 at 9:47 PM, Talvi said:

Mislila je na moju pricu o Grckoj kao zemlji porekla najvecih kultova.

Tako je. Kollias FTW. Hahahahahahahahaa.


  On 10/27/2009 at 9:52 PM, Narsil said:



Само да им се посагињу сви.

Panktronu? Pih. :rolleyes:


Ovo prepiranje i sama tema su mi nikad gluplja pa cu reci samo ovo:


"Did I ever tell you that I want to wear a big yellow smiley-face mask and then put on the CD version of Bobby McFerrin's 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' and then take a girl and a dog - a collie, a chow, a sharpei, it doesn't really matter - and then hook up this transfusion pump, this IV set, and switch their blood, you know, pump the dog's blood into the hardbody and vice versa, did I ever tell you this?" While I'm speaking I can hear the girl working on my feet humming one of the songs from Les Misérables to herself, and then Helga runs a moistened cotton ball across my nose, leaning close to the face, inspecting the pores. I laugh maniacally, then take a deep breath and touch my chest - expecting a heart to be thumping quickly, impatiently, but there's nothing there, not even a beat.


moj post ima vishe smisla no ova tema.


Ali sad za ozbiljno - ako na jednu stranu stavim Mayhem, Emperor, Darkthrone, Enslaved, Satyricon, Burzum... a na drugu Marduk, Dark Funeral, Dissection (ako prihvatimo i njih u black milje :haha:), FM i ostalu kompaniju - Norway wins with a crushing defeat. :da:

  On 10/27/2009 at 10:14 PM, Talvi said:

Ali sad za ozbiljno - ako na jednu stranu stavim Mayhem, Emperor, Darkthrone, Enslaved, Satyricon, Burzum... a na drugu Marduk, Dark Funeral, Dissection (ako prihvatimo i njih u black milje :haha:), FM i ostalu kompaniju - Norway wins with a crushing defeat. :da:


Nema šanse.

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

Ustvari trebalo je staviti glasanje na ovoj temi, tako bi bar malo imala smisla.


Inace Norveska pobedjuje.

Edited by BLACK

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