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To se slažemo, i meni su malo out-of-place pesme tipa Imago Mortis na Marduk albumu.


Inače, ne kapiram zašto je ljudima Nightwing omiljeni Marduk album, sve stotke na Arhivama, svašta. Mislim, dao bih mu 85% kad god, ali stotku...

Edited by Gojko...

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To se slažemo, i meni su malo out-of-place pesme tipa Imago Mortis na Marduk albumu.


Inače, ne kapiram zašto je ljudima Nightwing omiljeni Marduk album, sve stotke na Arhivama, svašta. Mislim, dao bih mu 85% kad god, ali stotku...


I meni je omiljen jer sam ga prvog cuo. Uzmi u obzir taj kontekst, sa njim su se jace probili i vise ljudi je culo za njih.

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Gledajuci novu epohu, Plague Angel i World Funeral su mi bolji od Rom512. A ovo oko Nightwing - taj album je perfektan, riffovi, bubnjevi, produkcija, atmosfera. Bez bezveznog sentimentalizma(prvi album od Marduka i sl.)! Nightwing prosto raznosi sve pred sobom, i to bez neke nabudzene produkcije u high-tech muzickom studiju.

Edited by morbid god

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Nisam ga ja proglasio najboljim jer sam sentimentalan za danima svoje prohujale mladosti, vec zato sto je to bio moj prvi susret sa njima koji je odredio definiciju njihovog stila u mojoj glavi na suvereno mocan nacin.

Rom > Angel >> Funeral, btw.

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Uvek sam cenio bendove koji isporucuju tacno ono sta se od njih ocekuje + kvalitativna evolucija, naravno ne preterano skretanje sa utabane staze.

Marduk je, na moje veliko zadovoljstvo tipican primer za to. Zao mi je kada zaista dobri bendovi kao npr. Enslaved ili Keep Of Kalessin krenu da "evoluiraju"

u pravcu koji vise nema nikakve veze sa njihovim izvornim kvalitetom...


Naravno, ukusi su razliciti...

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Heaven shall burn... e to je suva klasika, pomalo zaboravljena izgleda. Crni mucitelj Satane!



Управо тако. Панзер и Хевен су по мени два Мардукова албума која се издвајају од свих других.

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  • 1 month later...

LOL ja hteo ovo da postujem sinoc, ali me mrzelo. XD


"Frustrated and depressed with his lack of acclaim and feeling left out of the media furore surrounding the death of Euronymous and various other events, Morgan strove to create a truly dark and furious recording more in the vein of his Norwegian neighbours. With ‘Opus Nocturne’ he hoped he could create an album to finally raise Marduk to what he saw as their (his) rightful place in the black metal pantheon. Working as he’d never worked before, Hakansson finally saw the release of his masterpiece in December 1994. It was the absolute best he could do, he’d literally burnt himself out creatively giving birth to the album and… it fell short by quite a way. Although it was easily Marduk’s best album so far (and remains so to this day), it was also occasionally verging on being unadventurously simplistic, unambitious and lacking the genius intensity, compositional awareness, epic vision and mystical atmosphere of several key albums from around that time: ‘Pure Holocaust’, ‘Transilvanian Hunger’, ‘Hvis Lyset Tar Oss’, ‘De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas’ and ‘In the Nightside Eclipse’. In short, despite their best efforts Marduk had yet again failed to meet the standards set by others and Morgan had nothing left to offer."



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ja nemogu da izdvojim nijedan mardukov album i da kazem e to mi je njihov najbolji album.svaki album mi je dobar i na svakom ima najmanje po 3 pesme koje su mi odlicne.



samo 3?meni mora barem 2/3 da bude odlicno da bih rekao da je album dobar.

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Komentari su mi genijalniji :)


‘Fucking Fuck Off You Ungrateful Scum We’ll Kill You All’ is a brilliant name for an album!!!


So much so I might sit in my room on my own and record a terrible quality black metal album just to call it that!


You’re too late, Darkthrone have already bagged that title for their next retro kvlt album.

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