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Posted (edited)

Sure, they had a relatively big fanbase and made a more than comfortable living from their music, but most of their fans were total idiots and there was always the nagging doubt that they were far from equal amongst their contemporaries.


Where was Marduk’s classic album?


Yet again, others were taking giant leaps in innovation and evolution while Marduk slowly plodded along behind like the class retard on a school trip.


Although it was easily Marduk’s best album so far (and remains so to this day), it was also occasionally verging on being unadventurously simplistic, unambitious and lacking the genius intensity, compositional awareness, epic vision and mystical atmosphere of several key albums from around that time: ‘Pure Holocaust’, ‘Transilvanian Hunger’, ‘Hvis Lyset Tar Oss’, ‘De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas’ and ‘In the Nightside Eclipse’. In short, despite their best efforts Marduk had yet again failed to meet the standards set by others and Morgan had nothing left to offer.


He would write “extreme” and “br00tuhl” music so bland, so dull and generic that even a Cannibal Corpse or Pantera fan could get into it, with a bit of luck. Add a bit of black metal cliché lyrics / imagery and voila, easily accessible pseudo-black metal for the peasants to enjoy and throw money at so they can be part of it.


After releasing ‘Panzer Division Marduk’ in 1999, the culmination of his tried and tested “duh duh duh duh at 350BPM” technique, it dawned on him that even the most brainless Marduk fan was slowly realising how limited their music actually was. As he began to believe his own hype and buoyed with a false sense of his own greatness Hakansson made an attempt at a “heavy”, slower record to counterbalance what had tediously gone before. It failed utterly.


Merchandise sales are doing well, with plans to release official Marduk plastic swords and shields bearing their logo in 2010.



Ceo tekst je fenomenalan, ali ovo su definitivni highlight-ovi. :) :) :)


Najbrutalnije od svega je sto su neki delovi potpuno tacni. :) :) :)

Edited by Talvi

Ti iz Marduka nisu normalni koliko cesto nam dolaze u zadnje vreme. :)


Na to bi se isplatilo ici zbog Vader-a u novoj postavi, to zvuci zanimljivo mada sam licno uveren da je prosla postava bila bolja.

Posted (edited)
  Goxy said:
samo 3?meni mora barem 2/3 da bude odlicno da bih rekao da je album dobar.

pa ja imam neko "ocenjivanje" da kada mi se nesvidi nijedna pesma i ama bas nista na albumu onda mi je sranje,kada u svakoj pesmi nadjem po nesto zanimljivo onda mi je oke,ako nadjem 3-4 pesme na albumu (koji uglavnom ima 8-9 pesama) i u ostalih 5-6 zanimljivih rifova,intro-a i cega sve ne onda mi je dobar,ako mi se svidi svaka pesma na albumu onda mi je odlican..al dobro to sam samo ja..

Edited by dimmu1
  Grobodan said:
Ako ne zamene bubnjara - ko im jebe mater.

Inače iz texta gore je najbolji deo o Funeral Mist :mhihi:

To sam baš htela da kažem.


"Mortuus / Arioch released a nu-black metal album with his religious circus troupe Fragrant Mist called ‘Maranatha’ in 2009. It is already considered black metal’s answer to Sepultura’s ‘Roots’ by many metal fans."



Kvlt! :) :) :)

Posted (edited)

evo i morganovog drugog projekta,tu vec 9 godina svira bas i nesto malo je svirao gitaru :) i da.. sviraju Death Rock.za taj pravac jos nisam cuo :confused:


Edited by dimmu1

Mislim da je onaj text napisao neki fan, dobro poznaje činjenice.

Realno, mogao bih i ja o Kingu napisati da je matorac koji se igra lutkama u 50 godina, ali je to malo gubljenje vremena.

  Gojk O))) said:
Death rock ti je Six Feet Under i kasniji Entombed, npr.

Ne lupaj gluposti. Death rock nema nikakve veze sa Death metalom, vec sa punk i gothic rockom. Kasniji Entombed, Gorefest, Carcass, Pungent Stench itd. su Death'n'roll. Pusti Devil's Whorehouse, pa ces da vidis razliku.

Posted (edited)

Neverovatno kako na ovom forumu niko ne zna da ti kaže "nisi u pravu". Ne, odmah mora da bude "ne lupaj gluposti". E pa... [ovde ubaciti psovku koju je Lunar obrisao]

Edited by Gojk O)))
  Gojk O))) said:
Neverovatno kako na ovom forumu niko ne zna da ti kaže "nisi u pravu". Ne, odmah mora da bude "ne lupaj gluposti". E pa... [ovde ubaciti psovku koju je Lunar obrisao]

Rekao sam tako zato sto drugog ucis pogresno, a ne zato sto jednostavno nisi u pravu. Mnogo si, bre, osetljiv...

  • 3 weeks later...

NOWI ALBUM!!!!!!! :rockdevil:


We hereby present the album title of the upcoming Marduk album. The album will be entitled WORMWOOD. No release date has been set yet as the band currently is in the studio working on the album. More news and song titles will be presented as we recive them.



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