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Satan, according to Christian legend, was once Phosphorus, the redeemer. Also a personified aspect of the astral fire and light in the anima mundi. Eliphas Levi speaks of the interior phosphorus, meaning the astral light.


Evo jost malo.


The Vulgate (Latin) version of the Christian Bible used this word twice to refer to the Morning Star: once in 2 Peter 1:19 to translate the Greek word Φωσφόρος (Phosphoros),[20] and once in Isaiah 14:12 to translate the Hebrew word הילל (Hêlēl).[21] In the latter passage the title of "Morning Star" is given to the tyrannous Babylonian king, who the prophet says is destined to fall. This passage was later applied to the prince of the demons, and so the name "Lucifer" came to be used for the devil, and was popularized in works such as Dante Alighieri's Inferno and John Milton's Paradise Lost, but for English speakers the greatest influence has been its use in the King James Version of Isa 14:12 to translate the Hebrew word הילל, which more modern English versions render as "Morning Star" or "Day Star". A similar passage in Ezekiel 28:11-19 regarding the "king of Tyre" was also applied to the devil, contributing to the traditional picture of the fallen angel.


In the modern occultism of Madeline Montalban (died 1982)[35] Lucifer's identification as the Morning Star (Venus) equates him with Lumiel, whom she regarded as the Archangel of Light, and among Satanists he is seen as the "Torch of Baphomet" and Azazel. In this modern occult teaching, an obvious appropriation of Christian soteriology, it is stated that it is Lucifer's destiny to incarnate in human form at certain key times in world history as a savior and redeemer for humanity. A symbol for this process is the Tudor Rose. The Tudor Rose can be red, representing Lucifer, or white, representing Lilith.


Pjesma mi je bas fino legla. Vokali malo bolje zvuce kad se to preslusa na sluskama, ali..

Posted (edited)

 jesu sjajni tu se slazem,vrhunski je sve odradjeno....chorus of cracking necks,ijaooo kakva stvar!  :rockdevil:






Edited by Warner

naravno....ta mi se posebno izdvaja,daje mi prejaku rusilacku energiju,osetim kao du celu kucu dici u vazduh...ma jebu keve to je to. carine,ceo album je o prve do poslednje minute perfektan....funeral dawn isto mi se isto izdvaja. marduk nemoze omanuti....



Posted (edited)

Jel' mi se cini ili pesma zvuci znatno "melodicnije" nego sto smo navikli kad je Marduk u pitanju? :) Odlicna je stvar, ali onaj rif na 3:23 je kriminalno smesan. :)

Edited by Talvi

Bože koje izuvanje, ovo bi ladno mogao biti najjači Marduk album. Jedva čekam da sve procuri.


  On 8/30/2009 at 4:37 PM, Talvi said:

Jel' mi se cini ili pesma zvuci znatno "melodicnije" nego sto smo navikli kad je Marduk u pitanju? :) Odlicna je stvar, ali onaj rif na 3:23 je kriminalno smesan. :)


Pa pazi, ako je Imago Mortis Marduk, onda je i ovo.


Da, naravno, ali mi se ovde melodija uprkos brzini cini nekako posebno prijemcivom, ali mozda je to samo do mene i mog poimanja prijemcivosti... :) A i svidja mi se sto je ponovo bas lepo istaknut u zvuku, samo produkcija basa mi je ucinila "Rom" 5x drazim albumom. :da:

Posted (edited)

Što reče jednom moj prijatelj Karlo iz Space Eatera: prema tome koliko se čuje bas na albumu znaš koliko je basista bitan lik u bendu, a mislim da značaj Devoa u Marduku posle 6 remasterovanih i 3 producirana albuma nema potrebe naglašavati :da:

Edited by Gojko

poslao mi je sada bane into utter madness i ovo je meni vise funeral mist nego marduk.morgane leb ti jebem krvavi sta si uradio od benda :angry: ova pesma je nesto mnogo drugacije od plague angela i rom 5:12 i na prvo slusanje mi nimalo nepase,previse sam pocetak vuce na funeral mist,a ja taj bend bas i nevolim.nevalja se ponavljati ali opet sto se kog kurca nisu drzali nekog klasicnog marduk zvuka i sto je mortuus uneo toliko funeral mist uticaja u wormwood.mozda gresim i mozda je tako samo ova i jos mozda pokoja pesma ali evo recicu znao sam ali jebeno sam znao da ce biti maranatha part II ali nekako sve pomislim ma sta i ja serem ne bi valjda morgan dopustio takvo nesto.nadam se da su ostale pesme nesto potpuno drugacije jer ova je na prvo slusanje potpuno razocarenje..

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Into utter madness ko da je ispala sa albuma Maranatha. Jebote, ista struktura pjesme, nacin na koji 'slaze' riffove.. uporedite ovu stvar sa Phosporus Redeemer, i naravno primjeticete koliko su razlicite. Na ovoj je ocigledan Marduk-ovski zvuk, Morganov rad. Na Madness to vec nije slucaj, jasno se cuje Mortuusov gitarski rad. Ko ima usi, cuce.


Ovo me vec zabrinulo. Ako je Morgan stvarno dao slobodu Mortuusu da se useli malo sa Funeral Mistom, onda neka stvari idu u kurac. Sve se nadam da je ovo neki bonus sa Maranathe, i da doticna numera nece gledati Wormwooda. Doduse, nece to previse uticati na kvalitet albuma(mozda i hoce, al ja volem i Funeral Mist), al ce debelo narusit integritet Marduka i Morgana. Fakk. Ipak ona zajebancija sa marakana pt.2 nije bila bez osnova.

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Људи, зна се шта је прави Marduk.


Heaven Shall Burn и Panzer Division Marduk никада неће бити снимљени опет.

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