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Male vesti iz Marduk divizije:


The recording of the new album is procceding. The basic material for 13 songs have been recorded. The band will be entering the studio again in the very begining of January to continue the recording. Album title and front cover will be posted soon.


Obozavam ovaj bend! Mislim da su sjajni, i ne mogu da kazem koji mi je album najbolji! Malo sam subjektivna, ali ih stvarno jako volim, i sve je dobro. Mozda se malko vise istice "Panzer Division Marduk", ali je i ostatak jako jako dobar... Omiljena pesma: Funeral bitch.


Docice valjda jednom! Ako ne, nek dodju u susedstvo, samo da ih vidim. Koncert iz Pariza, World funeral me odusevio, i strasno bih volela da ih vidim uzivo! Jbt, likusa se popne na binu, i stoji i slemuje s njima, a niko ne reaguje... Ah... Valjda... Jednog dana...?


Male vesti iz Marduk divizije:


The recording of the new album is procceding. The basic material for 13 songs have been recorded. The band will be entering the studio again in the very begining of January to continue the recording. Album title and front cover will be posted soon.



po cemu se istice panzer?


meni je heaven shall burn najbolji album! :muzicar:


Goxy my man, imas li ti taj DVD? I kolko parica bi trazio da mi to srezesh ako mozes? :bigblue:



nemam ja dvd,ali imam dvd rip tog koncerta.mislim da imam negde i snimak iz poljske.

ako si jos zainteresovan ,javi se na pm.


  • 3 weeks later...

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