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Sve u svemu, iako sam kvalitet albuma nije na nivou ROM-a, isti taj ROM bio je daleko radikalnija promena u odnosu na Plague Angel nego što je Wormwood u odnosu na ROM, tako da mi ostaje nejasno kako se stvorio odjednom taj negativni momentum prema ovom albumu. Ipak verujem da je kompletna "biće Funeral Mist 2" priča tu imala nemali uticaj, čak dotle da su svi tražili FM elemente u zvuku kad su prvi put slušali album. Čak i da grešim, ostaje prosto neoborivi subjektivni utisak da ću ovo slušati još mesecima.

Grešiš sinak, ovaj, silno grešiš. Ja u životu nisam čuo Funeral Mist, tako da nisam imao šta od njih da tražim u novom Marduku. A što se tiče relacije ROM - Wormwood, meni se ni ROM nije svideo. NE volim spore pesme, jbg, pa to ti je. Tj, volim, ali ne u ovom kontekstu.

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ROM ima catchy rifove i to je glavni razlog zasto se nekome vise svidja,Worm ima samo gomilu nabacanog zvuka i neko neartikulisano zavijanje pevaca,plus na ROM-u clean vokali,veliki plus u odnosu na ovaj.Em sto je lose komponovan,potrudili su se da useru produkciju i pojacaju sve instrumente do maksimuma da te odmah odbije da slusas.

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To mi je sasvim razumljivo, da se Wormwood ne svidi nekome kome se ROM nije svideo. Ali da se neko oduševi ROM-om, a da mu je Wormwood sranje, e to ne razumem.

Jes da je OLD, al ovo veze nema. Rom512 je 100% Marduk, Wormwood je crossover sa FM. A pored toga, Wormwood je na momente bas onako usiljen i smoran, dok na ROM-u sve to tece glatko.

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Negde nestala Devian tema, stoga:


Swedish melodic death/black metallers DEVIAN — who feature in their ranks former MARDUK members Legion (vocals) and Emil Dragutinovic (drums) — have issued the following update:


"Some time ago when Legion was out racing the over lands of the Jönköping with his new motorcycle that he bought after coming home from the last DEVIAN tours earlier this year, in search of lyrical inspiration for the new yet-untitled third DEVIAN opus, something went terribly wrong! In a very sharp turn, he lost control over the motorcycle and crashed into a stone wall. He flew over the steering wheel with only one word spinning around in his head — FUCK!!! After he had tumbled into road he knew that he had to get up so he wouldn't be run over by a car. Still high on adrenaline, he dragged himself back to the motorcycle and discovered that it was a total wreck! Later on in the hospital they told him that he was very lucky. He got away with a few cracks in the ribs, some really bad bruises and due to the pain he has been forced to sleep sitting up in his bed the last few weeks. The only 'good' thing that has come out from this accident is that during the time Legion was high on the adrenaline the inspiration and ideas just came to his mind! As soon as he has recovered from the accident he'll start working on the new lyrics for the album."


Ludak. :haha:

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"On a cold mist october morning, in the year of the Lord 1462".


Tekst za pesmu Deme Quaden Thyrane (sa albuma Opus Nocturne i Nightwing). Marduk su uvek imali takve tekstove, ne shvatam zašto sada to svima smeta. Black Metal je uvek bio religiozna muzika, barem onaj Black Metal koji ja slušam, uz par izuzetaka.


"I'm a religious person and I will fight those who misuse His name." Euronymous


Većina vas koji pljujete po religiji bi postali hrišćani čim bi pročitali Sveto Pismo. Garantujem.

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