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2009.04.11. *SKC, Beograd* H A M M E R F A L L


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može li neko da okači playlistu sa turneje? ako je počela uopšte....

nisam upućen, a nemam vremena da ganjam po netu.




01_Ghost Division


03_Panzer Battalion

04_Cliffs Of Gallipoli

05_Attero Dominatus

06_The Price Of A Mile

07_Primo Victoria

08_Metal Machine/Metal Crüe



01_Punish & Enslave

02_Crimson Thunder


04_Blood Bound


06_Hallowed Be My Name

07_The Abyss

08_Last Man Standing

09_Heading The Call

10_Glory To The Brave

11_Something For The Ages

12_Any Means Necessary

13_Natural High

14_The Way Of The Warrior

15_Between Two Worlds

16_Riders Of The Storm



18_Let The Hammer Fall


19_Hearts On Fire

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Procitao sam na Urban Breed forumu da ce ove pesme uvezbati, ali da ne znaju koje ce ostaviti za turneju sa HammerFallom i Sabatonom posto sviraju samo 30 minuta:


Sweet Dreams Of Madness (sa novog albuma)

Take One (sa novog albuma)

Metal Monster



Behind The Moon

Black Heart

Book Of The Dead

The Tempter

Bless The Unholy

Edited by Night Prowler

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01_Punish & Enslave

02_Crimson Thunder


04_Blood Bound


06_Hallowed Be My Name

07_The Abyss

08_Last Man Standing

09_Heading The Call

10_Glory To The Brave

11_Something For The Ages

12_Any Means Necessary

13_Natural High

14_The Way Of The Warrior

15_Between Two Worlds

16_Riders Of The Storm



18_Let The Hammer Fall


19_Hearts On Fire


Da li je ova lista prava, ili se zezate?


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Procitao sam na Urban Breed forumu da ce ove pesme uvezbati, ali da ne znaju koje ce ostaviti za turneju sa HammerFallom i Sabatonom posto sviraju samo 30 minuta:


Sweet Dreams Of Madness (sa novog albuma)

Take One (sa novog albuma)

Metal Monster



Behind The Moon

Black Heart

Book Of The Dead

The Tempter

Bless The Unholy


30 minuta znači recimo 6 pesama. Neka ostave jednu s novog, Behind the Moon, Metal Monster i Nosferatu s prvog i Book of the Dead i The Tempter sa drugog, i ja ću biti prezadovoljan.

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Cuvajte mi mesto ako ne stignem na vreme! :)


Nema chuvanja, ko dodje na vreme, doshao je. :) Dodji i ti ranije, sigurno ce biti dobro ispred. Moram i ja u prvi red... Oskar mi je obecao trzalicu, ali obecanje ludom radovanje :) , on sad sigurno i nema pojma ko sam ja :icon_ne:

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