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  • 2 months later...

Flynn describes "Circle The Drain" as the anti-Valentine's Day song.

"The song is inspired by an acquaintance of mine who returned from Afghanistan only to have his relationship fall apart with his girl," he says. "She had messed around on him, then got paranoid about him messing around on her, and drove him crazy. We had a conversation on Valentine's Day and he said to me, 'They were just circling the drain.' … The phrase struck me. A few days later I incorporated it into the song I'd been working on.

"It was a strange parallel with my life at the time, having recently had two bandmembers quit, and even more bizarrely, two long-time couple friends of my wife and I, also divorce. It was break-up season, and it played out with friends taking sides, people not being invited to certain events anymore, social and emotional pressure, and all the typical stuff that happens when a relationship goes bad.

"Watching this guy pull through it helped me pull through my own upheaval. The lyrics to 'Circle The Drain' came out of that frustrating time. It's a sad song about relationships gone bad, but accepting that it's over, and making yourself move on. It's written in a more metaphorical tone, as I didn't want it to be about my life, but to be about anybody's life who may be going through a rough time. It may not be a song that connects with everyone, especially those in a solid relationship, but if the day ever comes when your life goes awry, this song will be a lifeline for you, something to help pull you up out of that dark place.

"The irony that he and I had the original conversation on Valentine's Day, and are now releasing it on Valentine's Day isn’t lost on me. It really is the anti-Valentine's Day song."


sad sam opet otvorio ovu Do Or Die, jedna od jačih comment sekcija na metal spotovima definitivno :haha:


song in a nutshell:
let freedom ring with a twitter rant

The only good thing about this song is that Rob mentioned Strapping Young Lad.

"Ignore the hate" and "My hate is real" in the same chorus. Just uh, pointing that out.

When mom takes away a kids fortnite.

This is the most “You’re not my dad” sounding song I’ve ever heard

How cringe you want this song to be?
Robb: Yes


38 minutes ago, Talvi said:

sad sam opet otvorio ovu Do Or Die, jedna od jačih comment sekcija na metal spotovima definitivno :haha:

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"Ignore the hate" and "My hate is real" in the same chorus. Just uh, pointing that out.


Meni još jače na Catharsis:

They can't ignore us anymore 'cause

I don't give a fuck

  • 4 months later...

"Stop The Bleeding" lyrics

The endless scroll of human tragedy
I swipe along as the days go by
Another brother murdered out in the streets
I connect to the shame, we don't know what it's like

Born lucky cause the color of skin
America your heart is caving in
Somehow I thought this was the land of the free
Where is our humanity?
Our humanity

Beating after beating
Throat choked under knee
Help me please
Because I can't breathe
Just stop the bleeding

Body after body
Piles up in the streets
Stand and fight
Not another life
Just stop the bleeding

And some will claim it's a conspiracy
The fake news out to undermine
When riots fight off white supremacy
Never given a choice, so they're drawing a line

I stare and look out at the world in disgust
These men are dying over nothing just
Good men stand up and show your bravery
For a lost democracy
Our democracy

Beating after beating
Throat choked under knee
Help me please
Because I can't breathe
Just stop the bleeding

Body after body
Piles up in the streets
Stand and fight
Not another life
Just stop the bleeding

Our strife
Our struggle
Fight through these open wounds

Beating after beating
Throat choked under knee
Help me please
Because I can't breathe
Just stop the bleeding

Body after body
Piled up in the streets
Stand and fight
Not another life
Just stop the bleeding now

Our strife
Our struggle
Fight through these open wounds

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...


Meni su oni posle ovog albuma stavljeni na crnu listu, nikada ih više nisam slušao, mada je i prethodni bio šit, al sam im dao još jednu šansu, ne ponovilo se..


Овај и онај пре њега јесу срање због оног гитаристе хипстера али блекенинг је врхунски албум од тих каснијих. Чак је и онај локуст ок. Наравно све је то смејурија у поређењу са првим.

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Posted (edited)

Ja ne mogu nijedan album (ili retko koji mogu) da gledam da je dobar ili loš u celini. Neke su stvari vrh, neke osrednje a neke uopšte ne ostanu u ušima. Taj 'The Burning Red' mi opet ima kul intro 'Enter the Phoenix', 'Desire to Fire' je dosta ok, 'From This Day' i 'Five' ponekad, zavisi od raspoloženja, ali recimo poslednja 'The Burning Red', balada po meni stvarno ubija koliko je dobra. 

Recimo, taj 'The Blackening' svi generalno hvale, mada od onog što sam ja čuo, 'Halo' je ok ali i to zavisi kad mi dođe. 'Through the Ashes of Empires', jebi ga, ako ništa drugo, 'Imperium' je stvarno himna. Na 'Locustu' sam voleo onu 'I am Hell (Sonata in C#)', kako se zvala, dobar je onaj ceo trip sa horom i ta neka atmosfera.

A kad se pomene 'Burn My Eyes', naravno, 'Davidian' je boleština, ćao, doviđenja. Meni je tu 'Blood for Blood' dosta dobra cepačina. Ponekad sam u vajbu za 'Old'. Ovo ostalo, mislim, ok je sve to mada ne mogu da se uhvatim da je tu još nešto ludilo. Možda 'The Rage To Overcome', kao dobar je taj neki vajb sa bubnjem kako 'vozi' i rifovi ali tu i tamo. 

Recimo, na 'The More Things Change...' sam nekada jako mnogo voleo da slušam 'Violate', nešto je bilo u vezi sa tom pesmom, spora, istripovana atmosfera, čudan rif ali ipak kul. 'Ajde, 'Ten Ton Hammer' i 'Take My Scars' su bile ok, samo opet, kako kad. 

Šta znam, sve to meni može da ima smisla i kul je u zavisnosti kada se sluša, koja je pesma i sl. Naravno da čujem nedostatke, vidim da se ovi neki tekstovi komentarišu, ima tu gluposti i muzički i tekstualno al' ne mogu ceo album da tako ocenim, neka me pesma 'radi', neka ne.




Edited by Flash Gordon

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