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Posted (edited)

Nastali u zabitim poljima zapadne flandrije (West-Flanders) (Kortrijk, Belgija), Amenra su zakuvavali svoje proklete spevove od 1999 godine...
Dajuci slusaocima viziju njihovog prikaza danasnjeg sveta, koji je izgubio dodir sa svojim prosloscu, sadasnjosti i buducnosti, kroz jereticne rituale prozetim mistikom nepoznatog...
U njihovoj muzici se moze cuti dosta drone momenta, ponavljajucih rifova koji kao neka jaka nevidljiva sila zabadaju slusaoca u stomak i ne ostavljaju ga ravnodusnim posle toga...

Amenra imaju taj adut, da zvuce mnogo dobro uzivo, dok se njihovi zvuci prozimaju crkvom (da sviraju u starim crkvama, brdovitim grobljima, mracnim sumama, pa cak i eroticnim modnim vecerima zenskog donjeg vesa) a publika se baca u trans (zbog same muzike koja uzima maha, a i same lokacije) i u stanju zadovoljstva i magnovenja odlazi sa koncerata kuci, zadovoljena...

Binu su delili sa raznim bendovima: Red Sparowes, The Locust, Pelican, Knut, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Cursed, Anodyne itd.

Bend su dosta poredili sa titanima Neurosis-om i Isis-om, ali ipak njihov pozitivno/negativan vajb koji se prozima kroz miks nerealnih melodija izvrnutih ritmova koji se konstantno premestaju, dok ih prate nabadacki rifovi i dinamicnost koja bukvalno melje sve pred sobom, ipak im daje sopstveni identitet i zvuk.




Amenra -- Mass I: Prayer I - VI - 2003

01. Change Is Always (04:23)
02. Dance Of The Dead (05:49)
03. Discrimen (02:05)
04. Hibernate (03:59)
05. Silent Pause (05:32)
06. Ode to a Broken Doll (04:56)



Amenra -- Prayers 9 + 10 (12"EP) - 2004

01. Prayer 10 : From Birth to Grave (06:34)
02. Prayer 9 : Ritual (08:01)



Gameness/Amen Ra/Gantz/Vuur -- 4-Way Split - 2004

01. Gameness - Ressucites Et Remeurs (05:59)
02. Gameness - Immobile Destinee (03:42)
03. Amen Ra - A Promise To Make (04:16)
04. Amen Ra - Offerande (This Is The Body Of Christ) (04:00)
05. Gantz - Hors Conditions (La Melodie Du Chaos) (07:05)
06. Gantz - Porte Par Le Vide (05:09)
07. Vuur - State One (01:58)
08. Vuur - Dying Breed (03:07)
09. Vuur - Bitter (01:56)


Amenra -- Mass II: Sermons (EP) - 2005

01. Prayer 8: From Birth To Grave (05:42)
02. Prayer 9: Offerande (03:56)
03. Prayer 10: Ritual (10:32)



Amenra -- Mass III - 2005

01. The Pain. It Is Shapeless. We Are your Shapeless Pain (10:17)
02. Nemelendelle. Twuhste en Tljiste (07:28)
03. Die Strafe. Am Kreuz. Ich Schreibe eine Bibel in Blut (07:11)
04. Le Fils des Faux. Il Fallait Que Je Parte pour Que Tu Viennes (07:59)
05. From Birth To Grave From Shadow To Light (05:43)
06. Ritual (08:00)



Amenra/Hitch -- Split (7"EP) - 2007

01. Amenra - Razoreater (05:42)
02. Hitch - Slavonski Brod (03:56)



Amenra -- Mass IIII - 2008

01. Silver Needle/Golden Nail (08:24)
02. Le Gardien des Rкves (04:26)
03. De Dodenakker (10:01)
04. Terziele (02:46)
05. Razoreater (06:49)
06. Aorte. Nous Sommes du Mкme Sang (09:01)
07. Thurifer, et Clamor Ad te Veniat (06:43)


Pass : FunkySouls.com

Edited by VoivodBG

Ruski uploader, meni ne stvara problem kada skidam nesto sa njega, kao recimo na prime ifolder.

Cim otvoris link, dole ces videti, brojke, upises ih, i onda kliknes na zeleno dugme (skacatelj), onda se izbaci link, ali odmah ispod njega odstiklirajte ono ispod, jer ce hteti da vam uvali ruski toolbar...


  • 3 months later...

AMENR​A "​​Mass III-​​II + Mass IIII"​​ 2xCD digip​ack


compl​etely​ remas​tered​ and

inclu​des bonus​ track​ '​​terzi​ele.



appar​ently​ the artwo​rk'​s '​amazi​ng'​ .. ;)



order​ it online at


www.​initr​ecord​s.​​com ....

www.​myspa​ce.​​com/​​initr​ecord​s ....



  • 2 weeks later...


Genre ..........: Hardcore
Storedate ......: 2009-00-00
Label ..........: Init Records
Catnum .........: Init-51
Source .........: CD
Playtime .......: 1h 36min total

Encoder ........: LAME 3.97 (-V2 --vbr-new)
Bitrate ........: 199 kbps avg
Size ...........: 139.54 MB

Disc 1/2

1. Silver Needle Golden Pain 8:22
2. Le Garden Des Reves 4:25
3. De Dodenakker 9:55
4. Razoreater 6:37
5. Aorte 8:59
6. Thurifer 6:42
7. Terziele Tottedood 6:18

Disc 2/2

1. Your Shapeless Pain 10:03
2. Nemelendelle 7:19
3. Am Kreuz 7:01
4. Le Fils Des Faux 7:34
5. From Birth To Grave 5:31
6. Ritual 8:00

A double CD set featuring Mass III-II and Mass IIII, remixed
and remastered.



  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Black Metaller

Please password rar file to :


Amenra -- Mass III - 2005


01. The Pain. It Is Shapeless. We Are your Shapeless Pain (10:17)

02. Nemelendelle. Twuhste en Tljiste (07:28)

03. Die Strafe. Am Kreuz. Ich Schreibe eine Bibel in Blut (07:11)

04. Le Fils des Faux. Il Fallait Que Je Parte pour Que Tu Viennes (07:59)

05. From Birth To Grave From Shadow To Light (05:43)

06. Ritual (08:00)







Стиль: Post-Metal/Artcore/Sludge
Страна: Belgium
Качество: VBR
01. Offerande (5:44)
02. A Promise To Make (4:18)
03. From Birth To Grave From Shadow To Light (3:57)
04. Ritual I (8:02)
05. Ritual II (10:34)

(Re-issue limited to 500 copies.
Remastered + re-recording of 'Ritual' + enhanced material).




  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

some news ...


- this weekend we recorded several acoustic amenra songs

release date is set on the 23rd of october ...

after life 7" picture disc , mcd


- our good friend maxim is busy editing the church of ra dvd

as we speak - check out the trailer on our page -

release date is set on the 23rd of october


- we've just joined the no decline booking roster

for our european tours, so bookers and promotors get in touch ...




- we will not be taking on belgian shows anymore for the time being

we welcome you all to our special show in kortrijk on, yes, the

23rd of october...


- kingdom recorded a few new songs at the strip in kortrijk.

check out the pics on their page ..




one of them will be on the 2nd falling down compilation

with us christmas, taint, etc

another one on an amenra sideprojects split due somewhere

in a not so distant future...


- our family is expanding

welcome the new sons...


thank you.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...


Mini album maltene. Dosta akustike, ambijentalni molitveni tripovi, clean vokal bas podseca na Maynard-a iz tool-a, uglavnom jos jedno solidno izdanje od ovih momaka, sada jos kada bi procureo dvd church of ra, e ono je perverzija...

- CHURCH OF RA DVD ( feat. syndrome, kingdom, amenra ..)

- AFTERLIFE ep/cd ( acoustic amenra songs )

- AFTERLIFE picturedisc 10"

- ...




are now available at



Walpoortstraat 3

9ooo GHENT




9ooo GHENT

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Bend stvarno sakati, atmosfera je neopisivo teska sto mi odgovara,ali naravno nije za svaki dan. Izdvoio bih Mass II i III, ali i ovaj poslednji ep nije los, lepo su to odradili i u akusticnoj verziji.

Edited by Slavic_Blood

slusao sam ovaj bend i nista novo nisam cuo, ima 100 bendova na isti fazon, jebiga, mozda nisam dovoljno slusao.......nije lose, al nista specijalno sada


Meni onaj Afterlife mnogo interesantan. Bas mi nekako odgovara takva depresivna atmosfera i akustare(shvatma da bi ovako zvucao Damien Rice da ima metal proslost i da je u teskoj depresiji), ja sam prezadovoljan ali shvatam da nije za svakog to.

  • 1 month later...


Amenra is a progressive / sludge / post-metal band formed 2003 in Kortrijk, West-Flanders, Belgium.


“Human nature, the human heart, the spirit, the soul, consciousness - call it what you like - in the end, it’s all we’ve got to work with. It has to develop and expand, or the sum of our misery will never diminish. My own small discovery has been that this change is possible, it is within our power. without a revolution of the inner life, however slow, all our big designs are worthless. The work we have to do is with ourselves if we are ever going to be at peace with eachother. I’m not saying it will happen. There’s a good chance it won’t. I’m saying it’s our only chance. If it does, and it could take generations, the good that flows from it will shape our own new societies in an unprogrammed, unforeseen way, under the control of no single group of people or set of ideas…”




grief can not be shared

but we will keep on trying


Amenra delivers dark, heavy and post-hardcore in the vein of Neurosis. It is intense, heartfelt, and darkly atmospheric. It is rich with textured riffs, thunderous low tones, high impact percussion and cutthroat vocals injected with a dose of religious iconography. And it all coalesces into a beautiful, pitch black collection of overwhelming significant sound.
















Amenra - 23.10 Live DVD (2011)




01. The Pain It Is Shapeless

02. Razoreater

03. Silver Needle. Golden Nail

04. Am Kreuz

05. Dodenakker / Nemelendelle

06. Aorte / Ritual



  • 1 year later...

Nisam očekivao da ovde nađem temu. :haha: Elem:


Before the Summer, Neurot Recordings proudly announced that AMENRA had entered La Chapelle studio to record their fourth full-length, Mass V, produced by Billy Anderson (Eyehategod, Neurosis, Om, Swans and so many more). Now that the mammoth recording is complete and the band is proud to reveal that the album will be released on November 27th in North America and November 26th in Europe.

Exclusive video footage of the recording process has been unveiled for those diehards across the lands who greatly anticipate this new chapter in the AMENRA’s career, and first as an official part of the Neurot family.



skoro sam gledao neki intervju i rece pevac da ce scott kelly biti gost na albumu. lik je bas aktivan u poslednje vreme. malo, malo pa izbaci nesto ili negde gostuje. bice dosta zajebanih albuma na kraju godine. ceka se converge, pig destroyer, neurosis, amenra... ma nemere bolje :)

  • 1 month later...

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