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Da ne seirim, evo recenzije koju sam napisao za novi album...


Guillotine is a Thrash metal project of two guys from Power metal band Nocturnal Rites. The band was started in the middle of the nineties when they decided that they would like to pay tribute to music which was a soundtrack of their childhood. Their debut “Under the Guillotine” was released in the midst of the second retro Thrash wave and it showed blatant worship for Teutonic Thrash (as it can be easily concluded from the album title alone). Then a decision was made to put Guillotine on ice because of guys’ obligations to their main band... until now, when they decided to re-activate the band and joined their forces with two members of Persuader. Maybe it is a strange coincidence, but these days we can see revival of Thrash metal and rise of the new hordes who sound like they just came out of time machine, just as in the days when these lads released their debut. Also, latest Nocturnal Rites CD “8th Sin” was downright fuckin’ horrible release IMHO and it wasn’t received very well in Metal circles. Maybe this fact will lead you to conclusion that they are playing it safe and riding on the wings of trend, but enough of conspiracy theories - let’s see what “Blood Money” can offer us... It is definitely more advanced brand of Thrash in compare to their debut, but it still can be tagged as “retro”, if you wish. The main ingredients are taken from Kreator and Destruction, their “Extreme Aggression” and “Release from Agony” albums respectively. That means that Guillotine plays aggressive and fast, but not forsaking song structures and developed arrangements. Delivery is tight as hell, songs are mainly in faster tempos and they are packed with melodic hooks, anthemic choruses and nice solos which serve their purpose to connect the listener faster to material (this fact comes as no surprise when you know the style of these guys’ main bands). I must also mention the vocal delivery of Fredrik, which horribly reminded me of Mr. Schmier’s venomous rasp. Also the production work is better and crunchier in compare to their debut but still sounding very vintage and a bit “dry”, so to say. It is quite obvious that Guillotine wanted to have 80’s production values on their album.... To close the circle of “old school-ness”, I will add the fact that Ed Repka is responsible for the artwork and it is done well, no surprises regarding his back catalogue (I won’t mention any names, if you don’t know the albums to which he gave artworks you are a poseur and I don’t want anything to do with you). “Blood Money” is album which doesn’t offer any surprises but instead it treads familiar waters in quite a nice way, and if you are not one of those people who wants redefinition of music boundaries from every metal album they own and you don’t care about things stated at the beginning of this little scribble of mine, be sure to get “Blood Money” and you will spend some quality time reliving the past Thrash glories with it.


Blood Money



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Ја сам чуо за њих преко лика из Lethal, пошто су свирали са њима баш нешто скоро. Мораћу то да чујем.


Slušao sam prvi album i baš zvuče kao kopija starog Kreator-a i Destruction-a, od muzike, naziva albuma i pesama, čak im i prvi stih u prvoj pesmi glasi: The Fire is burning in his eyes...

Also, latest Nocturnal Rites CD “8th Sin” was downright fuckin’ horrible release IMHO and it wasn’t received very well in Metal circles. Maybe this fact will lead you to conclusion that they are playing it safe and riding on the wings of trend, but enough of conspiracy theories


To ja imam da kazem o novom albumu :)


Prvi mi je simpatichniji, Kreator worship (duh)


Sad skidam album,bash me zanima shta su uradili...Under The Guillotine mi je extra album bash ga sad slusham....Ja sam sluchajno naleteo na Guillotine.Rezao sam muziku kod jednog matorca koji se lozio na Protector,Living Death,Minotaur i celu tu nemachku shkolu i bzwz mi narezao.Dugo mi je stajao album u kompu jer mi to shto su iz Shvedske niej ulivalo poverenje,pa je trebalo 6 meseci da ga preslusham....Medjutim vec od prve pesme executioner bend mi se svideo....Bash sam se iznenadio ovim novim albumom,mislio sam da je sa under the guillotine pricha zavrshena...

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