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Bendovi koji dolaze sa istoka ne prestaju da me oduševljavaju. Posebno ovi iz Japana. Sigh su počeli kao tr00 Black Metal bend i izdali su svoj prvi album Scorn Defeat za Deathlike Silence Records (nema potrebe za objašnjavanjem te kuće, svi bi trebali da znaju o njoj). Sigh se vode kao jedan od prvih, ako ne i prvi, Black Metal bendova iz Japana. Albumom Hail Horror Hail su napravili prekretnicu u zvuku i stilu. Iskreno, malo je bendova koji imaju smelosti da poubacaju gomilu različitih uticaja u svoj zvuk a da pri tome zvuče odlično.


Nachi sa hail Horror Hail izashli su iz te troo Black metal faze i pocheli da prave neshto skroz novo i unikatno. Nachi taj prvi korak im je bio dobar ali sve sto je vishe vreme odmicalo sve su postojali bolji tako da su na Scenario IV: Dread Dreams josh bolji i do svog tog nekog vrhunca doshli do Imaginary Soundscape koji je po mom misljenju njihov najbolji album.


Nachi svashta tu ima od Jazza, gothica(najvishe me podseca na onaj Tiamat osecaj dok slushash Deeper kind of Slumber) pa do klasichne muzike koja je najvishe prisutna.




Sledeci album Gallows Gallery je nekako najeksperimentalniji, nije black metal nego vec neki speed/ progresiv metal skroz otpevan u chistim vokalima, nekako skroz bizarno i nije bash najpreporucljivije za slusanje.


Ali zato ovaj najnoviji su ispravili greshku sa Gallowes Gallery i napravili josh jedan fantastichan album. Josh uvek ima tu avangardnih momenata ali sada najvishe liche ma neki Symphonic black metal.




Nachi kao sto rekoh album je fantastichan, pun zaraznih melodija i veoma dobrih rifova i veoma dobre muzichke strukture sa jednom odredjenom melodijom koja prolazim kroz ceo album i chini veoam zanimljivim albumom da se preslusha iz jednog cuga. Sve su mi dobre pesme ali najvishe preporucujem od svih 1u, 3u i in devils Arms. :)


Act I


1. "Introitus/Kyrie" – 4:30

2. "Inked in Blood" – 3:21

3. "Me-Devil" – 3:17


Act II


4. "Dies Iræ/The Master Malice" – 5:45

5. "The Memories as a Sinner" – 3:32

6. "Death With Dishonor" – 3:04

7. "In Devil's Arms" – 4:33




8. "Overture/Rex Tremendæ/I Saw the World's End" – 6:06

9. "Salvation in Flame/Confutatis" – 5:08

10. "Hangman's Hymn/In Paradisum/Das Ende" – 5:11




pass : attila




Ovo izdanje je daleko avangardnije i dalje od black metala, ali svejedno fantastichno delo mozda i najbolje sto je sigh izbacio. NA tom albumu ima svashta svakavih muzichkih pravaca se uplice, pesme su cudne a ponovo odlichne nachi totalna preporuka. Sve pesme su odlichne ali eto mozda bi izdvojio 2ugu ali eto poslsuajte


1. Corpsecry - Angelfall 6:42

2. Scarlet Dream 5:11

3. Nietzschean Conspiracy (Lucifer) 5:24

4. A Sunset Song 6:49

5. Impromptu (Allegro Maestoso) 1:24

6. Dreamsphere (Return to the Chaos) 6:51

7. Ecstatic Transformation 5:35

8. Slaughtergarden Suite


1. "At Dawn"

2. "The Dead Are Born"

3. "Destiny"

4. "Slaughtergarden"

5. "Aftermath"



9. Bring Back the Dead 6:40

10. Requiem - Nostalgia 7:52




Ima tema na avangardi ali verujem da vishe ova tema pripada ovde. Ako zelite da poslsuahte pochnite od poslednjeg ovog Hangman's Hymn pa ako vam se svidi na ovaj sledeci sto sma ostavio , pa onda sami istrazujte ovu odlichnu grupu. : )



Scorn Defeat

Infidel Art

Ghastly Funeral Theatre

Hail Horror Hail


Scenario IV: Dread Dreams

Imaginary Sonicscape

Gallows Gallery

Hangman's Hymn - Musikalische Exequien


Doduse, ghastly funeral theatre je EP. Al zanimljiva fora. Odlican bend, specifican.

Posted (edited)

Niko se nije potrudio da poslusha album :) , well your loss :P.


No, bend je izbacio album tribjut Venomu :




Vec su izbacili to jednom 95-e na kaseti, pa evo ponovo sada uradili sa boljim zvukom i izbacishe na disku.


Inache novi album trebao bi da izadje sredinom 2009-e.

Edited by Lunar
Posted (edited)
Aj daj link za to, mrzi me da trazim.


Btw, bend je super. Slusao sam poslednja 3 ali ovlas, moracu se malo vise pozabaviti.

E josh smao da poslushash Scenario IV: Dread Dreams koji je mnogo dobar album i Hail Horror Hail koji je isto dobar i to su njihovi albumi koji su najblizi blacku a ponovo eksperimentishu, i na konju si.


"Hail Horror Hail was listed in the British extreme music magazine Terrorizer as the ninth best release of 1997 and made it on their top 100 list of best albums of the nineties." neznam dal je ovo pohvala ali eto, da te mozda zainteresujem.


Sigh - A Tribute to Venom (2008) [EP]


[blackened Speed Metal]



-Black Metal


-Die Hard

-Countess Bathory

-Teacher's Pet

-Witching Hour


Playing time: 19:02

Filesize: 31 MB


Download link: http://kewlshare.com/dl/568acaa21fe7/S_-_ATTV.rar.html




slusao sam taj tribjut,nista specijalno.


a hangman's hymn je perfekcija,savrsenstvo,vrhunski kult album. :opusteno:


Mozda si poslushao onaj iz 1995-e, poshto je ovja EP bash bash nov.


Inache isto ljubiteljima klasichne muzike preporucujem Hangman's Hymn i Imaginary Sonicscape, jel ima onako dosta tih klasicharskih uplive i deonica. : )

Edited by Lunar
  • 1 month later...

Samo za mladog Aleksića - Mirai direktno iz studija


At the moment, we are recording the vocal parts. This time, a half of them are taken care of Dr. Mikannibal.


To get the best result, she sets several strict strange rules on her during the recording.


The first rule is: Get naked when you record the vocals.


As you can see in the above photo, she always takes off her clothes in the studio during the vocal recording sessions. Definitely this perplexes the recording engineer and other band members, but she claims that this is extremely important to her.


“It was one hot day that I took my clothes off during the recording session for the first time. I’ve stopped doing vocal recordings with my clothes on since then, as the first naked recording worked out really well for me.”


She claims that being naked is extremely important to her because “I don’t wanna sweat. Also, my lungs and throat need to be wide open, and I feel more energy.”


The second rule is: Drink cow’s blood during the recording.






She eats anything. Here are a few examples of “food” she has tried: Cockroach, moth chrysalis, bee larva, bull balls, and pig penis. No, this is not a typical shocking story made up for a band image, but she eats these things for real. And during the recording, cow’s blood is something she can’t miss.


We have no idea where she buys the blood, but it is always kept in her fridge. She says “blood is my energy drink,” but she should know that she could get food poisoning from that. We keep warning her, but she won’t listen.


The story of her strange rules will go on. The third one - Don’t masturbate before you record the vocals (which is much more understandable) - and others will be reported some time later in this blog.


Sigh’s new album, Scenes from Hell, will be out later this year on The End Records.


Get naked when you record the vocals.


Drink cow’s blood during the recording.


Don’t masturbate before you record the vocals


hahahahahahahahah XD

Posted (edited)
She eats anything. Here are a few examples of “food” she has tried: Cockroach, moth chrysalis, bee larva, bull balls, and pig penis.


Ovo je najjače :rockdevil:


Vrage, jes da je definicija i meni odbojna, ali bend je sasvim dobar.

Edited by Grobodan

Meni je definicija odlicna. A Sigh je :rockdevil:

Dobra riba, samo pukla malo od silne nauke i muzike. Cus, krv od krave i praseca kita. Aj te larve i nekako, pune su proteina.. Mozda gleda B. Grilsa

Posted (edited)

Čim svira u Sigh, ne može biti normalna nikako.

A Mirai je bio u Nekrofagiji, on je lud na kvadrat.


Nije baš za šumu... za to sam ti spremio Wolves in the throne room :pivopije:

Malo kulta - Gučevo :rockdevil:


Edited by Grobodan

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